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Everything posted by Martin&Oakley

  1. Up and out at silly o'clock this morning. Took the dog out for his first experience with me shooting near him, other then the one time I went to A1 shooting grounds. Long story short, he chased more then I shot. I wasn't looking to get him retrieving and pointing. Just get him used to the noises and smells. I was expecting to be a complete nightmare like he normally is over the park but he did me proud. What we bagged, 5 bunnies 1 magpie and 1 woodie. I did get a crow with the air rifle but it seemed to vanish when I went to find it. - See more at: http://s306.photobucket.com/user/pikeytwat/media/image_zps5795df99.jpg.html#sthash.O6gdkoPJ.dpuf And one with the boy - See more at: http://s306.photobucket.com/user/pikeytwat/media/image_zps1fbca195.jpg.html#sthash.1Q7ij1S5.dpuf Hmmm not sure why it linked them.
  2. Shooting empty beer cans with the wife in the garden with a beer. Now that's love. Quite surprised, she was hitting the fosters oval at 30yds. Also when hitting full cans (water) the entry and exit points where massive, water pressure? Using crappy jets.
  3. Well, out again at silly o'clock Saturday morning. Got to perm about 5am, last couple of visits have been bad for decoying and it doesn't help not having a magnet or floater. So I tend to have a wonder round the boundaries. Managed to bag a woddie straight away then it didnt get any better. Went to take a look at the farmers back field with the springer as its a bit close to his house and i dont think he would like the 12g going off before 6 that close. i then noticed his neighbour had started cutting the grass and was swamped with crows. The sky however v v v v Before anyone says 'ask him for perm' he keeps horses next to the wood these lot nest in!!!! Anyway.... Carried on walking and spotted these two (ones hiding) muntjac? very small about 20yds, watched them for 5 mins then moved them on as i needed to get in the orchard.
  4. Bit of a deviant putting lippy on he squirrel. Lol.
  5. One beer? We believe you. He's missing some salt, spring onion an lettuce.
  6. What ever you do don't buy/use army issue insect repellent. Not only does it not work it can melt some types of plastic!
  7. Too true, skank central. Not that I'm complaining.
  8. There should be a caption or the bottom photo, something along the lines of COOOOOLD.
  9. Looking to find a baikal choke ideally 1/2. My rfd doesn't have any in his magic choke box and the Internet is not finding anything.
  10. Bagged a couple of bunnies at roughly 25-30 yards with these, I had to aim a little higher then normal but that might be my gun. Oh and it was with a full choke.
  11. As mentioned on its own its pants (personal opinion). I managed to get mine cheap as well, I'm waiting on a mate to get me an army cam net. In the mean time I have some green netting that I drape over and add foliage to.
  12. im in the same boat, 8 month old gsp. he has started to really test me! i understand he is a hunting dog and as such will go and 'hunt' just about anything in the park/woods. its just frustrating that he wont stay close. i find when trying to get him on the slip lead i will crouch down with a treat and really be positive when calling him, when he goes for the treat i grab his collar and on goes the slip lead. as for local dog training classes, try and sit in on one first. wasted 60 quid with some nugget dog trainer. she tried to say he was a very hyper dog, well he would be when you've got another 6 dogs crammed into a small church hall!!!
  13. your skin is waterproof, quit whining. lol. im not an experienced decoyer by any stretch of the imagination. but could you go into to a wood let a shot off, scare the birds out and hopefully wait for them to come back in? or would this be deemed 'unsporting/not within general license guide lines'?
  14. Ok, slap on my wrist. Is there some thing prominent that will distinguish kits and leveretts apart?
  15. I knew it was a young one, just never heard leverett before. I'm expecting some critism about the young one. A the end of the day it's my call, be it right or wrong in other peoples eyes. I will leave it at that before a rant surfaces. On another note, is that squirrel quite big? Or average? Ad he took both barrels! Tough nut.
  16. Just googled it, I thought they were just called kits. That's the one I had to let run abit.
  17. Set off to farm about 0430 and set up for about 0520. Aim was to get some pigeon or crows, massive fail. Had a feeling nothing was going to play so went walk about. In the space of 45 mins I had dropped a squirrel and 2 rabbits, both a 1st for me. I then went to the far end of the perm, noticed a smallish rabbit about 200 yards away coming out of a hedge row. I was down wind and managed to flank round to my right to some higher ground. As I came round the blighter had gone to ground. Now a small rabbit and a chunk of mud seem to look very similar at 50, lol. Walked up to where I thought it went to ground only to spot it 2 meters in front of me. I now had a massive dilemma, I had already selected the top barrel with full choke with 30g 6. I made the decision to walk backwards and get some distance between us, the bunny thought otherwise and made a run for it! Let it run 5 meters then dropped it. Fur went all over the place, on inspection the entire internals where missing! Wasted. Despite the lack of birds, it was a good few hours.
  18. with virgin its a 10-1 ratio. so 10 down 1 up. we don't guarantee an upload speed. it seems new customers superhubs are getting the second upstream channel to allow the faster uploads. i think BT do faster upload speeds but charge a small fortune. i get 60mbps down and 3mbps up, obviously thats on a wired connection.
  19. Just been in the garden having a little play. my back stop is my summer house and i was firing from my nice warm, dry kitchen(to keep noise level down) Apologies there's no pics, its hammering it down and my piece of paper is now pulp. Range 25yds using wasp pellets. 5 shots: 1st was 2 inches from aiming point, high. 2nd bang on 3rd snatched and went wide 4th and 5th within 1 inch bar the snatched shot all shots where in a perfect vertical line. I'm going to bring it down 1 or 2 clicks and that should be me. really really happy, cant wait to get it out in the field along with the 12g. oh and i need to get the gym, break barrels are a beast lol.
  20. back in the day when we used muzzle mounted grenade launchers, the sight was a wedge of plastic. if you had that to close to your face you were guaranteed to bleed. or if you had jack training staff they would put you in front of a fire trench and get you to fire it.........in you go. good times.
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