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    Scotland via Sussex, Cornwall, Somerset then Sussex again!
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    Any shooting related subject. Shotgun, centrefire, airgun, sporting, stalking and pest control.
    Glad to help anyone into the sport and pass on what other helpful folk taught me.
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  1. LeadWasp


    It isn't irrational to look at the guy's record and decide he's a rotten apple. As for hatred your filter is highly selective. You admit you don't know him and you certainly don't know me. Yet he is unassailable to you even in the face of clear evidence to the contrary and I am supposedly full of hate for pointing out his appalling behaviour. There's a lot of projection going on. What is bizarre is challenging the unchallengeable. The man said what he said and clearly on video. To say that is an inaccurate fallacy gleaned from unworthy news sources is just gaslighting - and this is what you have sought to do from the outset with ad hominem remarks.
  2. LeadWasp


    So because I don't agree with you I therefore have to have hatred? As for irrational well... I'm not the one arguing that rain falls upwards. It is interesting that your very first response was to accuse someone of derangement simply for holding a different view. I've noticed in your replies to other threads that you have trouble with people disagreeing with you and start to make things personal. If I were you I would learn to live with people who hold other opinions. If were you I wouldn't post criticisms of others who simply disagree if you can't cope with a reply.
  3. LeadWasp


    So you're comfortable advocating for someone who recommends self harm - as long as no one actually listens. Firstly phenol isn't a bleaching agent but it is(was) a disinfectant. Secondly the combination of suggesting injection of a disinfectant and thus allowing a population to recall abhorrent historical crimes makes it a particularly stupid and ignorant thing to say.
  4. LeadWasp


    It is immaterial how many 'went ahead'. I mentioned no Nazi connection to Trump. I simply said that injecting disinfectant was an insensitive suggestion and explained the history. Surely you can see how this might be unpalatable to over 7 million Americans including some in his own immediate family. Brain farts, Trump speaks. Right back from the '80's or whenever Trump was considered the bad apple in the Big Apple. Later when he was on TV he was just an outrageous orange bully. Then he stood up and offered salvation to the disaffected masses. This puts him very much under the spotlight.
  5. LeadWasp


    Depends on your definition of "disinfectant". I wonder if a MAGA champ can really make subtle distictions? Antibiotics could be considered disinfectants as they clear infection from the body. Obfuscation There are also a number of chemicals which have disinfectant properties which are also used in medical settings, H2O2, colloidal silver & chlorine dioxide to name a few (which were all suggested at some point as possibly beneficial against Covid). None of these are injectable without consequence Reporting that Trump advocated injecting bleach without clarifying what he was actually referring to is just typically dishonest reporting by leftist media. Bleach - obsessed by bleach... yet unable to appraise what he actually said. You cannot escape the fact that he was examining the idea of injecting disinfectant, live, on TV.
  6. LeadWasp


    So he doesn't even know his own mind. Later clarified = realised he'd made an *** of himself again. "Lets clarify shall we what he actually said, or would you rather repeat ad nauseum what the lefty press said incorrectly ?" He actually said "by injection". As much as you may want to ring the press bias bell you can't escape what he said. He literally said 'by injection' in a live televised press conference. It might be said that "he never 'suggested' it, he said the science was interesting and should be looked at" yet even a child knows that injecting disinfectant is a really stupid idea. So why was he even pondering it when people were dying and looking for leadership. Whether proposal, question or otherwise here you have the great man himself parading as leader talking absolute nonsense in the middle of a crisis. He was, is and continues to be an absolute embarrassment to the US. The sad thing is so many have fallen under his spell pitifully believing that Trump stands for them. What is worse is that they can't even examine his actions and constantly reappraise whether Trump actually is out for Trump. So the double embarrassment is that in wanting solutions to their own complex life problems they seek salvation in a corrupt, hateful man. It's like a religion - blind faith or heresy.
  7. LeadWasp


    He suggested injecting - it was his own White House staffers ripping the **** out of him that started the drinking thing (remember this was first term...when his team still had adults present) "Can I get you a Latte or would you rather have a Clorox?". Injection - not a sensitive suggestion if you know your history, injection of a certain disinfectant - carbolic acid (phenol) -sickeningly was found to be a most efficient method of execution at Sonnestein then later Birkenau. Diana Rowden, Vera Leigh, Andrée Borrel and Sonya Olschanezky of SOE where murdered this way at Natzweiler. Some of them believed still alive as they were put into the ovens. It is interesting how the pro-Trump lobby always project onto others. Shameful how they cast their aspertions when Trump has spent his years in politics, without provocation or basis, being absolutely vile about people to his tribe - yet lacks the courage to carry that through when he meets the person in public. Coward.
  8. LeadWasp


    He isn't a leader - he has no leadership qualities. He can rouse a rabble, but is then curiously missing in action. He didn't secure the ceasefire. He wasn't the victim of lawfair (would you want him dating your daughter or handling your investment). There is no media bias - Trump gets away with things that would sink most politicians. He isn't respected, he's regarded as a useful idiot by authoritarian states. Courage? - he's a bully and therefore fundamentally a coward. Outraged when people won't kiss his ring. Some people will get the President they deserve...
  9. Capability gap - relying on equipment yet to enter service. (and also relying on the fleet auxiliary to do naval tasks when they've been on a pay freeze since 2010 and folk are understandably leaving)
  10. There's a very dangerous confusion about at the moment concerning the difference between tax avoidance and tax evasion. I first really became aware of it's insideousness with Comrade Corbyn, this idea that having money is bad and you must give more and more to the state. Tax evasion breaks the law. Tax avoidance is lawful and most sensible people practice it in some way or another. The car you choose, if your parents leave a property when they die (the law allows you to avoid paying tax below a certain amount), duty free is a big one etc. It's just a question of by how much. If it's now becoming thought of as a crime to some (when we all do it) then how much of a crime is acceptable...a little one or a Clarkson sized one? We need to be careful of being hypocrites. Tax avoidance is simply putting your money where the government hasn't thought to get it yet. After all it really isn't theirs is it! So how much money is too much to have? How much property is too much to have? Where is the line drawn? Careful because that tax bar might lower one day to cover us. As a last point you can't really think of 'family farms' like other businesses. Using a factory analogy you can't continue to make cars if you're forced to sell of a chunk of the production line to pay tax. Conventional businesses can cope with buy and sell and reinvestment/borrowing to cover a tax cost. Family groups on low profit margins will struggled to pay that tax without selling something - and the farm becomes less viable or just has to go. New individual farmers will struggle to buy into that land as new owners so large investors will step in. Then our food production and countryside goes under the cosh of big business. We will have limited food choices and no price control.
  11. On a more serious note, apart from the fact that they are dangerous because they know no better I'd feel really very sorry for the poor N Koreans. More victims in this pointless agression.
  12. It pays to be carefull with radio messages (the old 'send three and fourpence')...but for a burst of static the Russians would have found out that it was crack one off troops they were being offered 😇
  13. He may well mean the parcel courier bombs and the scent of Nina Ricci comrade Pushkin.
  14. Europe has a population of around 740 million and a GDP 8-10 times greater than Russia. If Europe can't step up then it does it deserve a happy ending?
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