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Everything posted by steve_b_wales

  1. I agree, but believe it or not, I've just come off the phone to the currency club (my wife found the number) so what the hell were on about, I don't know. I informed them what HSBC are refusing to do, but he didn't seem too concerned.
  2. Not too sure about the above banks, but I only leave enough money in my account to cover bills etc. My savings (?😀) ar elsewhere. I've just checked with my local Ramsdens, and to buy the Euros and Dollars (at todays rate) will cost me a 'massive' £1:69 more! I'm popping down to their shop at mid day tomorrow so see what the rate/s are, but will more than likely get the money there.
  3. UPDATE: This morning, I ordered 1100 Euro and 50 USD from The Currency Club, and paid them online. This afternoon, I received an email from HSBC with regard to 'fraudelent Activity' on my account. I contacted them (waiting 35 minutes to get connected) then a further 20 minutes talking to a 'foreign' person regarding the payment, which they have put a stop on until further clarification'. I understand the reason for questioning large transactions, and indeed, many years ago, HSBC saved me £800 when someone in S. Africa tried to buy diamonds using my debit card! Anyway, I answered numerous questions - security etc - and why I used The Currency Club. I explained that using them for this one transaction saved me £13:00 compared to the likes of the Post Office, Tesco etc. The person on the other end of the phone said that there was no email address or telephone number to contact them should things go wrong. He checked The Currency Club and agreed that they were legitimate, but as there wasn't an email address and/or telephone number, HSBC would have a problem recouping the money should things go wrong. I replied that having an email address and/or a telephone number doesn't make a company any more legitimate. Anyway, HSBC said that they were not going to release the payment to them and that I will get it refunded to my bank account, which they've done. I'm bloody annoyed that HSBC will not release MY money to a legitimate company, even after I stated on the telephone that I wish this payment to go ahead! In the new year, HSBC can go for a long walk as I will be cancelling my bank account and ISA's with them. I intend setting up with the co op bank!
  4. I've always used Open Office which is free.
  5. Get in touch with ActionfraudPolice. I did when I was scammed for £1000.
  6. The barrel is blocked 10mm from the end and is also blocked at the breech end and all the way through.
  7. I've 'inherited' the above pistol after the recent passing of my father (my mother hates any 'gun' in the house!) and it's a thing of beauty. I remember my father buying it approx 25 years ago (maybe more) and he paid quite a lot for it. It weighs in at 1386 grams /3.9 lb The model # is -121 A 3 cal 22lg. I'm not sure what to do with it to be honest. I'm sure it can't be sold because it's not 'orange' in colour.
  8. I've decided to purchase them from The Currency Club. They offered a better rate, which means that I save £13:00, and also get free delivery. I'm also getting $50 USD to pay the visa entry fee at Hurghada airport. Thanks to all who offered advice.
  9. 'Tax dodging cash payments'? That's a bit strong and I'm sure that the hotel (part of a large legitimate chain) wouldn't be happy to be accused of this. The 'cash payment' is only allowed to a few VIP guests like my wife and myself, and an official receipt is given to me after payment is made.
  10. Not lightweight, but I carry a set of cutters that the farmer's use to cut/twist wire. I use them if I come across an Ewe or Lamb trapped in the wire, and then notify the farmer afterwards.
  11. Thanks. I just checked them out and the total cost is £13:00 cheaper than anyone else.
  12. The 'large amount of cash' I take is kept very close to my person while at the UK airport, and as soon as I get to the hotel reception, it get's handed over. Most people have to pay a deposit for their vacation, but as returning guests (many times) we don't have to do this. I only need euro's to pay for our accomodation etc, we very rarely spend while there, as we are all inclusive and have no need to buy anything, apart from a few fridge magnets and keyrings which are very cheap anyway.
  13. After checking the price between an ammunition cabinet and a 3 gun 'gun' cabinet, there was very little difference, so that's what I bought. As mentioned, I fitted 4 shelves inside and can now keep all, if required. my ammunition.
  14. As well as a ammo' cabinet, I also bought a gun cabinet and added shelves inside. This allowed me to store most of the various calibre ammunition I have.
  15. Thanks. The Euro's usually are paid in cash to the hotel on my arrival. Should something happen and I can't go, then I don't lose anymore other than the flight/s that are already paid for. I will look into wise.com though. Thanks.
  16. I need to purchase 2100 Euro's, for payment of my holiday next March. I don't know if it's worth hanging on to see if the rate is better (probably won't be much either way) or order some/all now? Travel FX are offering the best deal at the moment but not sure if they are good to deal with.
  17. I worked the Xmas holidays for the same reason - for the staff who had young children to be with them. Double time for me on Xmas Eve (12hr shift)
  18. For the first time in 15 years (apart from when I had Covid December 2020) I'm actually not working on Xmas Day.(social care) I'm working a night shift on Xmas Eve and then back in on a night shift on 27th. I'm looking forward to having Xmas dinner with my wife, and to see some of my grandchildren on a Xmas day.
  19. Aye, the way the postal service is at the moment, the cases could end up qualifying for the Antiques Roadshow
  20. 100 once fired Federal cases. Deprimed/full length resized and wet tumbled. £25:00 inc pp
  21. UPDATE. Today, I received the £1000 from Barclaycard. The ************** who conned me, still insists it was all a mistake and that he has repaid the deposit to me via Barclaycard, despite them informing me that no such thing has happened. As mentioned, they will pursue him to recoup the money. I doubt they will get any joy as he is a limited company with £830 in his company funds. I've been very careful not to be abusive to him in any way, and have now stopped all contact with him.
  22. The above for sale. Excellent, clean condition from a smoke free home. I paid £9:99 for it Sell for £6:50 posted.
  23. I appreciate your help, and you are right, I would probably make it worse. I'll wait until my daughter can come down and check it for me.
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