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eric lee

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  • From
    East Yorks

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  1. Neither ring a bell if i spot one will let you know
  2. Over 1200 cartridges .22rf shotshell to 4 bore, ancient to modern sgc required collect only £550.00
  3. Have a want rather than a need got more loaders than bench space at the moment but no pw among them will offfer £250.00 for the 12g might be tempted to up that depending what the bits entail, located East Yorks so can collect thanks Mark 07808330462

    1. Jimscott


      Hi Mark,

      Its a while since I used it, so I've been deciphering all the tooling. I think it's currently set up for 23/4" shells. 

      It has an additional tooling for 21/2" and 3" shells, plus an additional tool head. You can install tooling for 2 different gauges on each tool head.

      I was including the extra tooling  and head for £300. That's a bargain. The extra tooling would cost more than 300 without the press.


    2. eric lee

      eric lee

      No worries hoped the bits might have been  unobtainable powder/wads if you have 10 bore components you should have no problem selling them,if you struggle to move the loader the offer stands if you have components 12/10g to move on i would be very interested, thanks Mark

  4. Grey steel 7 Gun Cabinet 1135mm x 450mm x 245mm £60.00 2 sets of keys. Green 6 Gun Cabinet 1112x350mmx235mm with 2 sets of keys, room for an ammo box above, comes with pine outer cabinet 1175x465mmx280mm £125.00, located Pocklington, East Yorkshire.
  5. 18GR will likely be enough using AA cases or at least would be using a Win209, do not know what difference the CCI primer might make, 21.5GR would be lively in a compression formed case.1 oz. Winchester AA HS Win 209 Winchester WAA12SL AS 18.1 gr 1200 9,200 PSI.
  6. Eley Lightning do crimp well as do Cheditte with the Bn2 spinner, watch Cx2000 primers in the Eley cases,tend to be a slack fit, primer pocket reconditioner or superglue are your friend!
  7. Been reloading 30 years never happened,applying wad pressure last night one cooked off in my hand! the primer is unmarked no clue as to what went wrong
  8. Unless anyone knows different ssb150 is sourced direct from Eley in commercial drums, then decanted for sale to joe public so there may be some mileage in trying ( proof test it) bear in mind just because the website says its ssb dont make it so, lots of powder look very similar.
  9. if they are from your own gun, they will almost certainly chamber ok without resizing, try feeding one or two empties into the chamber, eric lee
  10. Did know a guy with a shed full (a full barrel in reality) sadly he sold it to Claygame a couple of years ago only lasted a few days in there! should have got more while i had the chance!
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