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  1. Not the reason, but here's a fun fact.. In 2018 US Congress banned supplying arms to the neo nazi Ukrainian militias. You know, those ones they say don't exist ? https://thehill.com/policy/defense/380483-congress-bans-arms-to-controversial-ukrainian-militia-linked-to-neo-nazis/ Guess what ? The Biden administration repealed it.
  2. Personally Id be more worried about our own economy, as we seem to have a government intent on destroying it. Trump has been in office 2 months, hes already 'saved' $40 billion a year in corrupt USAID payments, saved at least $60 billion a year for Ukraine, and quite possibly 'earned' $500 billion in a mineral deal, the list goes on.... Again, hes done what hes said he was going to do, so if I was a US citizen, Id be pretty pleased with that first 2 months.
  3. Exactly. Imagine that, a politician doing what he promised his voters ? Virtually unheard of I suppose Starlin promised 'change', he forgot to mention it wouldnt be for the better....
  4. The US has plenty of minerals, or the means to buy them from elsewhere, this is about putting back money into US coffers to offset the cost of their aid. Zelenskys sorry letter discounts him winning that bluff. The fact is, he met with the democrats before the White house meeting, the word is they told him not to accept Trumps deal, Trump and Vance would have known this, and prepared accordingly. Well, it is now. Ask yourself this, a few weeks after the invasion, there was the possibility of a truce, a way to bring peace back. A phone call from Biden, and Boris flies to the rescue to promise Zelensky whatever he needed to continue fighting, to keep people dying. Why ? Macron suggested a one month ceasefire yesterday, to stop the killing while the peace efforts continue, most EU countries, the UK and Ukraine, rejected it. Why ? When Biden was in power, he never once tried, in any way shape or form to negotiate ANY peaceful solution to the conflict. Why ? Nothing that Trump has done in the 2 months hes been in power, to end this killing, COULDNT have been done by Biden. In fact Biden could have stopped the invasion before it even started, IF he had wanted to. Instead, he basically told Russia they could invade, and the US/NATO wouldnt get involved. Why ? So tell me, who is the warmonger, and who is the peacemaker ?
  5. Its amazing what a threat to withdraw US assistance can do.
  6. Well clearly there is, otherwise it wouldnt have happened ! Someone or some country or organisation thought it entirely justified, we can put it all down to one person if you like and blame Putins dreams of 'resurging the USSR or the Russian empire, or any of the other old tosh that did the rounds, along with him being a mad man (remember that one) ? But at the end of the day, he isnt some god like creature that can bend a whole nation to his will. The other aspect is all the failed peace plans, one totally scuppered by Boris, Minsk 1 and 2 ect, even now Zelensky doesnt want it to stop, even though Ukraine loses territory every day ? Why ? Is it all about Putin/Russia, or are there elements on the other side that want it to continue ? Find the answers to these questions, and you find the answers to how it started.
  7. Theres always limited choice, makes you wonder how that works ? What we get is the choice of the lesser of two evils, in effect, it was senile old Biden, cackling hyena nutjob Kamala, or Trump. Time will tell, but so far, the US seems to have picked correctly.
  8. Mr DeNiro also promised Trump starting WW3 in 2016, and guess what ? We had to wait till Biden got in for that to nearly happen. So yes, the eyes do see.... Words on the other hand, are cheap.
  9. I would add that DeNiro often pretends to be a 'bad' man, but in reality, hes just a gob, full of hatred. This is from the Telegraph, last may. In the year 2024, it may seem unlikely that anyone in America, or indeed on planet Earth, has yet to decide what they think of Donald Trump. Robert De Niro, however, evidently believes that such people exist – and that, to help these poor confused creatures finally make up their minds, what they desperately need is some expert political analysis from a Hollywood actor. Hence the extraordinary scenes on Tuesday, when the 80-year-old star of Goodfellas, Taxi Driver and The Irishman turned up outside the Manhattan courthouse where Trump is facing trial and, before a startled media, launched into an eye-poppingly frantic diatribe against the former president. If returned to office in November, Mr De Niro gibbered, Trump would declare himself “dictator for life” and very likely “destroy the world”. And so, faced with this terrifying existential threat to life on Earth, “the only way to preserve our freedoms and hold on to our humanity” is to “vote for Joe Biden”. I don’t think you need to be a fan of the 45th US president to find these claims ever so slightly hysterical. For one thing, Trump is about to turn 78. So “dictator for life” would be an ambitious goal. He’d be doing well to last the four years he’d been elected to serve. “I’m declaring myself dictator – at least till naptime.” Still, next to Joe Biden, I suppose Trump does look ominously young and fresh-faced. And, given Biden’s calamitous poll numbers, perhaps celebrity Democrats like Mr De Niro have concluded that the only way their man can still win is to convince the public that Trump is Hitler, Stalin and Voldemort rolled into one. Unfortunately for them, however, this type of shrieking alarmism is only likely to backfire. As we in Britain saw during the EU referendum, voters are not necessarily persuaded by wealthy liberals’ warnings of imminent armageddon. Indeed, such an approach can drive voters in the opposite direction. It makes them suspect that they’re being taken for fools. And, in this particular case, they may well think: “Look, we all know Trump is crass, egotistical, and has more temper tantrums than a toddler on Red Bull. But ‘destroy the world’? Like a baddie from James Bond? Give us a break. The Dems must be totally out of ideas. If that’s all they’ve got, maybe they deserve to lose.” I did say at the start that voters will already have made up their minds about Trump, one way or another. But if anything is likely to make them think again, it’s being treated like gullible children. So if, come November, the US public refuses to believe that Trump is plotting to bring back slavery, nuke the moon and strangle every kitten in America, I hope Mr De Niro won’t be too astonished.
  10. Just to play devils advocate here, Britains colonial escapades around the same time of the genocides against first nations people make for some very grim reading. Our recent 'adventures ' in Afghan and Iraq are also a worthy mention for body count alone. Would it interest you to know that Ukraine killed 3500 of its own civilian citizens in Donbas BEFORE this war even started, mostly by artillery strikes on residential areas ? We could say that Ukraine had no right to do this ? The UK/US went into Afghan and Iraq and killed or injured 100s of 1000s of civilians, did we have a right ? I usually get called out for whataboutery at this point, but when diplomacy fails, war follows, and people die. This has been the case for 5000 years, and isnt about to stop anytime soon. The simple fact is, when WE do it, its liberation, when THEY do it, its illegal and wrong.
  11. Its a hard thing to get out of, we all have a belief system that may modify over time, but its very hard to change its core values. Its like finding 'God' - Your belief before was that he/she didnt exist. Or like losing your faith in God - Everything you believed was a lie/impossible. We were bought up to hate the USSR/Russia, and why not, we were taught to believe that given half a chance they would kill every last one of us in nuclear fire, before their tanks rolled over the wasteland and enslaved what was left of us. The thing is, they were taught exactly the same thing about us, but we never considered that, as it conflicts with our belief system that they were always the aggressor. All of this could have been avoided, but there was just too much money to be made in 'defence' We need to break out of this mentality. Russia invaded Ukraine because it believed it had to. The west invested in defending Ukraine because we were told if we didnt, they wouldnt stop there. The only winners here, are corporations that fuel this mindset.
  12. Who would best know these figures, CNN, or Trump and his advisors who have just stripped down all the corruption and money wasting/laundering in the federal budget ? Trillions unaccounted for in the Pentagon. Billions in intel and surveillance that the US cant even admit to, because it makes them fully complicit in attacks of Russia and its forces. The clear laundering of billions from USAID. The Biden families clear ties to Ukraine. Why do you think Biden handed out so many pardons to people who havent even been investigated yet 😆 You need to take a step back, lose the bias, and look at things with a more critical eye. He was that cunning that he waited until Ukraine was ready to repel his invasion ! When he could have moved in very easily in 2014/15, when there were no javelins or Nlaws to decimate his tanks, no stingers to down his helos, and no battlefield intel provided by western air and satellites. We will have to agree to disagree on this, but we agree on far more things than not. But Ill say this, I have no time for Russia or Putin, you couldnt pay me to live there, but we have been lead to believe that Ukraine is some kind of shining light of democracy and gentleness, facing down an evil empire. Its not, its just as bad as Russia, it used to have nukes pointed at your country, and fingers hovering over those buttons eagerly awaiting the order to kill millions in the blink of an eye, Ukrainian fingers. And our fingers were doing the same..... We have been born and bred to hate the Russian enemy, conditioned into believing they are an evil race intent on world domination, but the reality is, they are just like us, with rubbish leadership, and a desire to just live our lives in peace the best we can. Governments NEED an enemy for us to hate, the enemies face and skin colour changes over time, but by and large they are usually not the enemy we are lead to believe they are. Make your own mind up why they do this, why they create the need, I have my own theories, but all I can say is, theres a lot of people getting very rich off the back of this hatred.
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