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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. 4 hours ago, islandgun said:

    Apologise to those that saw this but i find the whole thing bizarre 


    An interesting read, but shocking to boot, me and mrs mouce just said if you went up there you'd expect it to be special, enjoy the view and experience. I totally get why people want to go up there but given the mess and number of people all over the place I'm surprised folk still go. 

    3 hours ago, chrisjpainter said:

    Yeah it's getting to the point where there needs to be a complete review of high altitude climbing. People are dying because money talks louder than safety. Sherpas are forced to take ill prepared and poorly skilled climbers to the top or else risk losing money they desperately need. Meanwhile companies make a packet out of people, but can't risk bad reviews so force people to the top whether they're able to or not - and flog their sherpas into making it happen. and throughout this time the mountains get littered with rubbish and bodies, hence the rather glib 'rainbow valley'. It needs to stop.


    If I had my way, every mountain on the planet would be divided into levels. you could only qualify for the next level once you'd proved you had put the time in and had the experience on lower mountains, to stop people letting money endanger themselves and other people

    Imagine going up twice in a week! Great idea Chris and i like what Ben Fogel said about a lottery system to be able to go up the mountain but money talks.

  2. 52 minutes ago, Savhmr said:

    has cost us dear in terms of world standing and the UK economy.  It will take a decade or more to recover from this mess, and none of the other main parties have any right to gloat.  Not at all.  They're all equally culpable by failing in true opposition or integrity themselves.  The current Tories are New Labour.  New

    I agree were in a mess but is the economy in a mess? Compared with how labour left things things look good, un employment is down.

    If we weren't spending stupid money on HS2 brexit and foreign aid things would look great.

  3. The decision to charge Mr Wills has put him through the tortuous and unpleasant process of prosecution, as well as costing tens of thousands of pounds in legal and court costs. Giving Professor Harris any role in such a decision is clearly unacceptable, as is the CPS’s continued use of him as an ‘independent’ expert witness. I will be writing to the Attorney General to ask how this could be allowed to happen.

    I wonder where the " tens of thousands of pounds" are coming from? Be nice if they took it from lacs, but i doubt it.

  4. 14 hours ago, ditchman said:

    they cant even sort the General licence out ...what hope is there for Brexit..........

    General licence doesn't really matter compared to everything else going on though.

    So she's gone, what now??

    13 minutes ago, Smokersmith said:

    Well no-one can say that she fell at the first hurdle 'a la Cameron'.

    I wish her a long period of convalescence and recovery.

    I'll bet she has a good drink and lie in tomorrow, started well then called that GE, down hill from there.

  5. 1 hour ago, Wb123 said:

    Who will they come to heel for? No solution to the withdrawal has enough support to get through parliament, Westminster is too divided to agree on anything and the electorate is barely in a better position.


    Sooner or later it will have to come down to a general election, labour and the Lib Dem’s will run offering a second referendum, UKIP/brexit will split the conservative vote and I fear we will end up with a labour/libdem coalition with comrade Corbyn calling the shots. 


    I think our best hope is for May to hang on as long as possible and get us out in any form possible. 

    The worrying thing is you could be right.

    Comrade Corbyn has just sat back and watched while the cons fall apart, why would labour even consider helping May 🤪😬😱 

  6. I see it as a protest vote, don't think I've ever voted in the Euro's before, never been interested. Now its a chance to give the "two" main parties a fright and hope they pull their fingers out.

    Doubt it will make much difference but who knows??

  7. 4 hours ago, bruno22rf said:

    Rewulf - if the seller doesn't like the agreement then they are under no obligation to sell to me, most shooting men are honest in my experience. Why would I rip someone off? Have also posted Airguns with payment agreed once the buyer has inspected and approved that the gun is as I described - I also offer a money back promise if anything goes wrong in the first year - not worth ripping people off for a few hundred quid is it?

    Bruno, that's better than any gun shops offer on second hand 👏👏

    3 hours ago, rimfire4969 said:

    It is a sad fact of life that some people will rip you off for a tenner. 

    Unfortunately yes, thankfully not everyone.

  8. 17 hours ago, figgy said:

    Haven't you filled her crack in yet?

    The old saying of never cast a clout till may is out seems true.

    Lost half a dozen plants this year with frost.


    old ones are the best 😅😅

    And interesting knowing when people have had frost, thought we were well past it.

  9. On ‎11‎/‎05‎/‎2019 at 12:54, Uilleachan said:

    If sea eagles dined on lamb a pair would need 10 or 12 a day during the nesting season and if that was happening we'd know all about it. Then again if I lived on the isle of wight I'd start keeping the kids and pets in :rolleyes:

    Think i saw that picture somewhere else? Still made me think wow! That's a big bird.

    If they would need 10-12 lambs a day what are they actually eating??

    I've held a young bald eagle and thought she was big, but looks like a parrot compared with that sea eagle.

  10. On ‎12‎/‎05‎/‎2019 at 18:06, JDog said:

    When you eventually get your certificate (and a gun) send me a PM and I will see if I can get you a shot or two.

    Sometimes when I need another shooter I place an open advert on PW which usually goes something like...…….. 'must have own hair and teeth'. I see that you do not qualify under one of those conditions but I will make an exception this time in view of your heightened sense of excitement.


  11. 1 hour ago, wisdom said:

    Sunday morning in Lancashire 

    Not a lot but would have frightened them.

    really? Im working in Cumbria, up at crack of dawn and haven't seen any frost in the last month, would have thought Lancs was the same. 

  12. On ‎10‎/‎05‎/‎2019 at 21:10, Vince Green said:

    Yet we pay a huge subscription to be a member of a club with no benefits for us, roughly a million pounds a day in hard cash, and part of our subscription goes to French, Spanish and Italian farmers who are fraudulently, and cynically claiming huge subsidies they are not entitled to. A lot of the rest of our money goes not to promote growth or expansion but just to sustain corrupt and lazy practices. 

    Why can Germany and France flood us with their cars despite the fact we could buy cars cheaper from Japan, USA or Korea but are not allowed to without the EU  putting a 10.8% tariff on cars that WE buy. Nothing to do with them.  And we don't see the 10.8% that's yet another stealth tax by the EU

    Great post Vince! Bang on the money.

  13. 1 minute ago, oldypigeonpopper said:

    hello, thanks to reply, yes the Innova would have been better with a steel breech and fitting mounts to the plastic rail !!!!! the Webley is a clone and use same seal kit, i was looking at getting a pumper to keep in the motor in case some rats about, my air tank will need re testing soon and i do not shoot much with the PCP

    Any reason not to just get a springer?

    I always liked the look of the Sheridon pumps, had an Innova but had trouble with it.

  14. 48 minutes ago, bostonmick said:

    Well that's twenty minutes I will never see again. Just can't get it to work. Google packham tours its about the third or fourth one down sets out his prices and the carbon created to make him rich. 

    Sorry 😅 

    42 minutes ago, TIGHTCHOKE said:

    look like nice trips don't they.

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