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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. 53 minutes ago, Lloyd90 said:

    Conservatives lost over 1300 seats now apparently 😯


    Just at local level though, i wonder if there getting the message yet, the public ain't happy!! Very low turn out and the major parties have had a slap.

  2. 4 minutes ago, Newbie to this said:

    Because that is for a seat in parliament and will give more of an idea how people may vote in a general election. And the Brexit party will be fielding a candidate.

    Thanks, makes sense now.

    So how are the candidates looking? Obviously the Brexit parties aims are clear, but what of the others?

  3. 29 minutes ago, mick miller said:
    1 hour ago, Newbie to this said:

    It will be interesting to see what happens at the Peterborough by-election.

    I sent this...
    Dear Mr. X,
    It is with regret that I voted for the X party yesterday. Ordinarily I would have voted Conservative, having done so all my adult life. However, the on-going issues between the appointed government minister, Mr. Gove, Natural England and the reluctance to engage with any of the bodies that represent either farming or shooting; traditional custodians of the countryside for decades, has left me with no other option.
    It appears, when it comes to so many issues not least this, that the Conservative party has rather lost it's way lately. We see a party that pardons terrorists yet prosecutes ex servicemen, a party that offered a referendum and then plainly refuses to deliver on the result, a party that now lends an ear to animal rights extremists rather than peer reviewed research and established methods.
    Until and unless this government delivers, in a timely manner, workable licences to cover all 16 species previously listed and now revoked, I will continue to support any other party at the ballot box.
    Yours sincerely,
    I wouldn't want anyone to cut and paste this, that would be terrible.

    While i know where your coming from, I'm sure there are plenty of counsellors and MPs who don't know or care about the general licence being revoked.

    1 hour ago, welsh1 said:

    Voting for the lib dems was simply a protest at labour and the tories, as the lib dems are seen as fairly harmless.

    seems about right.


    messed something up there? Newbie why?

  4. 10 minutes ago, Dougy said:

    We got  500,000 plus turn up to support the hunt,  in 1998 there was a devide then from a few thousand shooters who didn't feel it would have affected them. 

    I wonder what the number would be if there was march round to Packams??? 

    Or even the city again ???

    probably about the same i imagine, with little interest shown by the general public. Multiple demos across the country causing peaceful disturbance might do more good raising more awareness of how we the law abiding shooters are being discriminated against.

  5. 41 minutes ago, Scully said:

    wonder how the RSPB are getting on with their predator control, and if they have applied under different terms? 

    well they were all excited last year over 4 lapwings fledged, i think it was lapwings , thanks to habitat and predator control, no crops or livestock what so ever, so does this mean they can't control Crows??

  6. read a few times about people using pellet resizers, and i imagine the FT guys weigh and measure every pellet.

    Like Ditchy says i would measure with a micrometer if you want to be accurate, just be gentle.

    it does show though why your guns didn't like the H&N.

  7. 1 hour ago, adzyvilla said:

    most couldn't care either way what we do, there is just a very vocal minority out there causing trouble

    Your right, the problem these days is click click and you've added your name to a petition that someone linked you too. Doesn't matter that most folk couldn't care less, its so easy for people to make a fuss about things and cause trouble, that's why were in this current pile of err, smells and its brown.

  8. 1 minute ago, Scully said:

    Thinking logically about this, I'm starting to wonder how we can ( under the terms of the license ) lawfully decoy again if the same non lethal methods applying to crows apply to pigeons also. Decoying isn't by any stretch of the imagination 'scaring' ( quite the opposite in fact ) and all it takes for someone in a hide to 'scare', is to make their presence known by standing up and waving. There is no lawful right to shoot if 'scaring' works, which it does, albeit only while the person doing the scaring is present. 

    Shooting can no longer be a last resort if showing oneself will scare birds away. Am I missing something? 

    but that would suggest their trying to stop shooting by stealth, can't imagine they would do that🙄🙄

    don't think your missing anything, from a shooters point of view your shooting pigeon to keep them moving and reduce numbers, as they keep coming back despite you scaring them off.

    from the other side your just enjoying being out shooting??

  9. 39 minutes ago, HW682 said:

    BBC 6pm news now

    I've just seen it, is that the first thing that's been on the news? 

    Packham was his usual self, they don't want to stop people protecting their lively hoods, seems iffy to me, they know for a fact people shoot for sport, claimed people are vandalising the countryside .

    they showed rooks no pigeons and some pics of a pecked lamb.

    stopped typing for a phone call, 14 more msgs, apologies if this has already been said.

    And nothing from any shooting orgs on the news piece.

  10. 10 hours ago, Cumbrian said:

    It would be a very good idea if someone could persuade the BBC to put out a programme about the destructive effects of corvids and pigeons (and badgers) in a rational and balanced way. I know that such a person would be hard to find, though I do wonder what David Attenborough thinks or would think about Packham's unbalanced and questionably motivated crusade. Anyone got a line to him or someone who knows him?

    They said on the radio today that Cumbria wildlife trust ( i think?) are concerned about hedgehog numbers as sightings are down by a third, no surprise that there is always a dead badger on the A590, I've seen at least 3 lately so badger numbers are high whilst hogs are not, wonder why that is?

    BBC wouldn't be interested, although a couple of the farming shows that were on BBC 2 were quite good.

    No one considers the damage pigeon can do to a crop or the damage magpies do to nesting songbirds.

    Just thought about songbird survival website? Wonder if they have said anything??

  11. 6 hours ago, pigeon controller said:

    With the injuction preventing Pigeon Shooting will this mean that the rapter owners will not be able to feed  them pigeons in the future also the reptile owners. Over the past two years all my shot birds have gone down this route as the Human consuption market has just dried up for me. Bunny_Blaster  put me on a social media site specifically for steel shot birds and there is always demand in certain areas of the country. Once the current stock of shot birds have been eaten will they have to return to day old chicks etc which is a poor substitute for a pigeon. This is another area that will be affected  by Mr P.

    It's a good point, and more folk who could be putting pressure on NE to get things sorted.

  12. 18 hours ago, Cumbrian said:

    I agree.

    At the very, very least Packham is inconsistent.

    Some years ago he went to Malta to expose and protest against the slaughter of migrating song birds by so-called Maltese 'hunters', and all credit to him for doing that. However, since then I have seen him on the BBC (by chance, I am not a fan of 'Naturewatch' and its endless emphasis on cuddly badgers) dispassionately reporting on a jay that was filmed repeatedly attacking a nest of helpless young birds ( perhaps blue tits, but I forget the exact species, to be honest) and making off with one after the other until the nest was empty. The point is that he was entirely without emotion or empathy as he did this. I believe that this is one of the hall marks of people with autism. (No attempt of course to intervene and protect the nest.) Then on a second occasion he recounted how he had once seen a grass snake with five lumps in its stomach that revealed how it had killed and swallowed five fledglings of unknown species. Again, he did this quite coldly, as though he were reading out the shipping forecast.

    He has no obvious sympathy for wild life under threat from natural predators other than human beings. And that includes hedgehogs, which, as everybody except Packham knows, have been slaughtered by a badger population that has reached epidemic proportions..

    The thing with this though is the Jay and snake are perfectly natural things to happen, i wouldn't expect someone to get all upset reporting this it's their job, I've watched loads of lions leopards crocodiles etc etc over the years kill and eat their prey, its nature, no one watches and thinks poor wildebeests. 

    We all know there needs to be a balance and its why most shooting folk would happily shoot a crow or magpie.

    Trying to pick problems with Packham because of his condition will do us no good.

    The shooting orgs should be working every hour possible to combat what's going on, this could be the thin end of the wedge 

  13. 1 hour ago, oowee said:

    Yes please :good:

    I am a big supporter of BASC but when a whiff of anything like this, or doctors approvals, comes along they should be all over it like a rash. Not relying on fred and sally from the back office but getting specialists in to champion the cause, provide the resources and put them in house at NE if required to do the job with them. 

    you would think basc already had all the specialists they'd need given its what their there for??

  14. 10 minutes ago, silver fox 1 said:

     Yes you’re right that made me laugh, Hopefully commonsense will  prevail and Our shooting organisations will be able to sort this mess out,  it’s just annoying to sit here and watch Our shooting being eroded bit by bit.

    Wouldn't hold your breath on common sense, this is in effect just an attack on shooting, many people have for many years enjoyed popping a few pigeon, done a bit of roost shooting each year after the game season finished, who hasn't shot a woody because it was there?

    The antis didn't like that people enjoyed fox hunting, they tried it with course fishing and that failed badly now its back to shooting again. They couldn't care less about crop damage, they just don't want people to enjoy shooting live quarry.

  15. 15 minutes ago, ShootingEgg said:

    Exactly my thoughts. It is clear we have no impact on numbers, just looking at some of the reports in sporting photos shows that.. 

    Could almost say then why shoot at all? It has to help shooting pigeons when crops are vulnerable, we know this.

    As for crows and corvids, we know they need controlling especially around nesting time but the antis will never agree with this



  16. 4 minutes ago, yates74 said:

    Unlike my other pcp the hw110 has to be cocked so thanks for the info also bit of ptfe was used . Glad I didn’t go to gun shop with that one !

    Big thanks to all that have helped 😉

    Good stuff, seems to happen a lot on different guns, now go shoot some squirrels.

    And you have to put up a picture of your new purchase its the pigeon watch law, on your dining table or bed is normal 😉 

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