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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. On ‎18‎/‎04‎/‎2019 at 09:45, louisvanhovell said:

    Wow that sounds cool! 

    Even my sub 12 Mk1 Innova .177 feels like a sniper. 

    3 pumps - plenty for making those beer cans fly into the air at 70 meters. 

    A fantastic gun. 

    The only awkward thing is pumping with a scope on: I've understood that the breech needs to be held whilst pumping. With a scope, it feels like I'm putting quite a lot of force on the scope. 

    No room for my hand under the scope. 

    How many pumps did you need for 18 ftlbs? 

    3 pumps hitting cans @ 70 meters?? Are you sure about that, must be a fair amount of hold over going on 

  2. 3 hours ago, washerboy said:

    I must be the only person in the world who thought it was mind numbingly boring. 

    Best thing was a bird of prey display 

    maybe? How your not impressed by an elephant in full armour or the tiger hunting scene, never mind the amounts of armour from various times and places i don't know.

    my kids and wife thought it was great, 120 mile trip and well worth it.

    14 hours ago, B725 said:

    I went a few year's ago and thought it was very good, Duxford air museum is a very good day out. 

    Thanks, we might get down that way at some point 

  3. Spent the day in Leeds today, lots of smoke on the drive over near the M62, which I'm guessing is from Illkey moor burning.

    The main reason for us going was the Melee and the Jousting. Because of how popular this was you had to be queuing for a seat a good half hour before the start time, but boy was it great fun to watch. The showmanship and horse handling was brilliant to watch.

    We rushed around different bits of the Museum, didn't do it justice so will have to go back again, certainly somewhere people should think about going for a look around if you have any interest in hunting, weapons, or warfare. Great displays you can get really close to.

    The Hall of Steel with the clever use of the mirrors was very good, an ingenious use of space.

    Great bank holiday 👍 

  4. It's like anything else really, useful for groups or clubs, but i don't want everyone knowing all my business.

    I get where TT is coming from, it would be foolish to not show your work.

    But i don't want to see every meal folk have.

  5. 45 minutes ago, SPARKIE said:

    caravans aint made to be lived in full time..... 6-8 weeks away a year average. when ones sighted they tend to get heavy use and it shows in the cushions/interior and fixed bed mattress.

    also people skip the services because there not going anywhere, risking gas leaks and carbon monoxide checks. various other stuff like the tyre's sat in same position or handbrake left on for great lengths of time isn't great for the break system.

    makes sense, thanks

  6. Don't see why not, my Facebook account isn't my real name, it is a real name though not something like highbird. My reasoning being i don't want family and folk i work with sending me rubbish all day or questioning why i do this or that.


  7. certainly been a lovely weekend weather wise, i was coming south on the M6 Friday, many many  others were crawling north past Blackpool heading for the lakes, hope they've arrived by now?

    @ditchman whilst on my way to the motorway a land rover went past me at 65mph, with both front windows open and maintained its speed up hill 😯 it was very unsettling 😅😅 

  8. 9 hours ago, Gordon R said:

    was winning the fight until he cheated and hit me on the chin.

    That made me laugh, i said to the kids the exact thing on Friday, he was on north west news promoting the fight, i said he was good did well at the Olympics getting a silver medal but keeps getting beat when people hit him on the chin, time to retire by the sounds of things before some younger boxer makes a real mess of him.

  9. I would follow peoples advice about using a dietitian or proper nutritionists, seems strange your doctor hasn't sorted this for you.

    On the mashed foods your eating have you not tried sweet potatoes? Much better for you than normal spuds, and squashes if you can find them this time of year?

  10. 2 hours ago, GingerCat said:

    I think every gun ever made and ever will be made can be improved to the taste of the individual user. 

    I think that on balance a  pcp provides precision far easier than a spring gun but it's not as satisfying when you know how much easier it is to shoot accurately over even a tuned Springer. 

    I had a peek on guntrader earlier and saw rapids are quite reasonable these days, particularly if fac. May have to get one.....


    2 hours ago, strimmer_13 said:

    Thinking exactly the same. Get a slot put on for fac air. I know where 1 is for £400 (fac). Always wanted a rapid. 

    Well worth joining the Rapid 7 forum if you fancy a rapid, more technical knowledge than i know what to do with and guys who can answer any questions you have, plus trusted sellers on the sales section.

    The FAC guns that the shops have are definitely cheaper, obviously harder to sell so sit around longer.

    Scratch that itch 😁 

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