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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. I saw this on the news last night, if i heard right the Gov, said the BBC had to cover the cost of free for over 75s. So the BBC said they would have to raise the cost for everyone else so did a survey, I think it was 52% said charge everyone rather than give the over 75s free TV licence.

    As if the BBC won't make enough money to begin with given how much money their given to start with??

  2. On ‎10‎/‎05‎/‎2019 at 08:10, Scully said:

    There used to be a time when I saw loads of flat hedgehogs on the road, but can’t remember when I last saw one. Badgers on the other hand; I see quite a few of those shunted into the roadside after being whacked by a vehicle. There’s two within less than a mile of my home, council usually collect them.  

    seen two dead hogs last week on the A590, between Dalton and Barrow, never seen a dead badger down that way there always past Ulverston, i doubt its a coincidence.

  3. 36 minutes ago, mrpip said:

    Left school April 1976, went from school gates to pit gates, worked underground tunnelling till 1998, then 2 years postal worker, labourer, worked in a freezer got sack after a week (that's another story) Got a job early 2001 with a major oil company title lubrication technician ,, (oiler and greaser) finished last Friday 3 weeks holiday then I am officially retired. Shot for 40 odd years.

    Enjoy the retirement, sounds like you've earned it 👍 

  4. 5 hours ago, Dave at kelton said:

    Some bloody good football and commitment. None of the rolling around of the men’s game either. Love it.



    I caught the last 15 mins, looked a good game, seemed like they wanted to play, unlike the blokes who want to be on a beach.

    Also saw highlights yesterday of Under 20s Rugby, that was very good watching.

  5. 3 hours ago, kennett said:

    Assistant gallops manager, looking after 2500ac of racehorse training grounds, forestry manager currently overseeing two woodland thinning projects to provide 800t of timber a year to power three chip fuelled heating systems. Heath medic providing basic trauma care to sometimes seriously injured work riders. Estate tree work, welding and equipment servicing....oh and part time keeper. Sounds quite a lot written down like that!

    First thing I thought was squirrel shooting 😄

    Just gone back to contracting, happy and healthy 👍 

  6. 17 hours ago, Sciurus said:

    Well spotted - , just checking you are all awake!👍

    Theres 3 of us in the village, all of us starting to catch larger numbers, but nothing like last June (but there is still time), they are nearly all adults. You do wonder a) why are they easier to catch in June and b) where have they been hiding for last 6 months? Since we all trap all the year round.

    Anyway, 2 more trapped today

    Total 983

    Diet or dating 😉 would be my guess!

    hope you've had enough rain now!!

  7. I know I'll get flak for this but, why would two girls go upstairs on a night bus?? I know they should be able to but if you know it's a bad area??

    I've done the ale trail between Manchester and Leeds a couple of times, real party atmosphere with loads of people on and off trains, I was surprised to see police and other officials on the trains, but haven't seen any trouble before.

  8. 7 minutes ago, strimmer_13 said:

    Pretty hard, took one out of a cage trap I baited for foxes years ago. Saw him in there, and the only thing I had back at the yard was my leather bike gloves. Anyway cut a long story short, his beak shredded my finger, his talons made short work of the rest of my gloves. They wernt cheap thin leather either. Straight through, but only lightly punctured my hand in a dozen places. Off he flew, with nice clean talons. 

    Ungrateful ****** 


    shouldn't laugh 😣😣 

    24 minutes ago, marsh man said:

    It's a case of being in the right place at the right time , although people who are interested in the countryside seem to have a extra eye in there head when these things happen .

    your right, its small fury things with me, rabbits and squirrels, it always amazes me how a little bit of movement in a tree or hedge line has my attention when I'm sure i wasn't looking for anything.

  9. I get that crows are tough but when you see buzzards being mobbed i always wonder why they don't just grab hold, I'd have thought if they can manage a squirrel then why not a crow?

    Never held a buzzard so no idea how hard they grip.

  10. 12 hours ago, marsh man said:

    Been watching some of the old boys recounting how they felt 75 years today when they reached the landing beach in Normandy , one was saying how rough the crossing was and he was seasick all the way over , then the landing craft got stuck in 7 / 8ft of water , some made it and some didn't as his mate got drowned with the weight of all the gear he was carrying , and another got blown up in one of the wagons that went over a mine , he managed to get to some form of shelter and was saying when he looked round the water had turned Red with blood and body parts lying everywhere , he thought it must be the nearest place to hell .

    Have you seen "Saving private Ryan" realise it's only a film but what you've said was the opening scene. I remember they showed it to veterans who were stunned by how realistic it was, hell indeed.

  11. 22 hours ago, pickerup said:

    Tried firing it, the air came out of the breech no joy,  removed barrel  (dead easy)  inserted a piece of green  cane one of those they use to hold the plants up  a good fit  hammered it  in still no movement  sprayed gun oil down the barrel I will leave it over night  to work its way down and try again in the morning.

               thank you all for help.

                                                         atb  regards  john  p/u

    p/s  one thing about  pigeon watch, members  will always  try and help one another with there problems.

               once again thank you.


    was the cane just breaking up? have you not got any cleaning rods? I would have thought you could tap them out, maybe use a .177 rod with a bit of tape so you don't damage anything.

  12. 10 hours ago, hedge said:

    The older I get, the more I appreciate what these people did. Totally amazing. As a child I glorified war (1980's war films etc). Now I feel so indebted to these `few`.

    The Last Post gets me every time.....

    My heartfelt thanks to everyone involved in such a terrible tragedy.

    Probably sums me up nicely.

    seen bits and pieces, watched the pipes being played this morning, set some stuff to record.

    I hope they continue to remember these events, especially as each passing year we will loose more of these brave individuals.

  13. Just now, welsh1 said:

    Distilled spirits do NOT contain gluten. The process of distillation removes the protein from the grain, so all you’re left with in your glass is alcohol, water and a few congeners that contribute flavour (unless it’s a liqueur then add sugar and flavourings to that list. And botanicals if it’s gin).

    It's gonna get Messy!! Someone call Sarah😎 🥃🥃🥃🥃

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