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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. On ‎10‎/‎05‎/‎2019 at 15:34, walshie said:

    2500!!! For a puppy? Worst thing is mrs w has her heart set on one now, but £2.5k is better than a sex ban and the silent treatment for months I guess. 

    Edited May 10 by walshie

    Does seem a lot, but when you know the breeder and the line you at least know what your getting.

    Do you even remember how much your last pup was? Our GWP was £450 i think 16/17 years ago, there around a grand now. I would imagine there are fewer breeders of Ridgebacks so they can ask a higher price?

  2. It's never nice when the time comes, the fact your asking the question and his age probably means it is time, it's certainly not nice taking them on that last journey that's for sure.

    If it is time something that might make it easier, go in to the vets a few days before and pay for everything, I was in bits when i took my old boy, one thing that was nicer was the vet did everything in the boot of the estate, he didn't have to go into the vets, he sat up but didn't really know what was going on, quick injection and just lay back down, he was a big lad and it seemed nicer than carrying him back out to take the crem, I was just able to sit out there with him for a while, blubbering now!

    never easy, but you have to do what's right for your dog.

  3. It is satisfying catching the mice, i would rather they didn't come in, another two dead uns to dispose of, would probably be more but I've been away at work. Got home checked the traps and yes two dead mice.

    Going to buy some more traps, just to be on the safe side.

    12 hours ago, Longstrider said:

    Walker 570 highlights the main problem with using poisons around the home ... dead rats and mice rotting away in in-accessible places and stinking as they do

    Yeah I'm not keen on poison around the house or garden, trapping means you know you've got them 👍 

  4. 4 minutes ago, Ultrastu said:

    Would it be ok for the cyclist to be looking at his phone while riding ? 

    No word of a lie, driving to work this morning a lad/ young bloke riding his bike no hands whilst typing with both hands, ok it was quiet and early, he put one hand on his handle bars whilst two of us went past him, he obviously didn't see what happened to Chris Frome 😯 

  5. I'm on the fence on this one as I've heard different things, personally I think the cyclist should have stopped and then abused the living daylights out of the phone Zombie, if someone steps into the road and I'm driving I'm going to stop or swerve i hope.

    I've had people step into the road when I'm cycling probably because people don't realise how quickly you can be going, I'll be shouting and breaking before I go for an air horn i don't have.

    As for the Judge?? He apparently applied the Law?? We all know that the law is an ### common sense should have said your both Muppets.

  6. 17 minutes ago, NoBodyImportant said:

    The biggest problem with marijuana is you can’t test to see if someone is driving under the influence.  The whole war on drugs is considered racist now.  

    The police over here do alcohol and drug tests now when they stop motorists if they feel the need, thought cannabis was one of the checks?

  7. 1 hour ago, islandgun said:

    in my view, the best way to deal with the problem is to decriminalise and make drugs available to those who want them...oh and collect the taxes

    Have you seen the film Layer cake? There is a scene with exactly what your saying, class A drugs on the shelf at the chemists.

    I don't think it will ever happen mainly because the government that did it would be slaughtered for giving in to drugs, while addicts wouldn't care where they get their fix.

    It would make sense to take drugs off the dealers, but I cant see it happening.

  8. None this morning, phew! I can cope with seeing them in the garden, i know I have bird food about so expect a few about, but 5 in a week seemed a bit much.

    1 hour ago, Longstrider said:

    27 mice so far and still going !


    I've just noticed my neighbour has a new cage trap affair with two traps in it so his chickens can't get at the traps, wondering now how many he's had🤔

  9. 1 hour ago, wisdom said:

    I have had considerable success with the self set metal ones in the past

    Little nipper traps never seemed to get many for me.What type are those in the picture?

    Not sure I've had them a while, you can adjust how sensitive they are, under the heads is a small bowl to put the bait, I'm also using peanut butter, they have to put there head in to get the bait!!

    I have caught them across the legs when there's been no bait for a while if the slugs have had it, they must be running past and snap!


  10. 39 minutes ago, Retsdon said:

    So how he sits or doesn't should be  a factor? No fan of Rory Stewart here, but hey...

    Would you want someone leading the country who didn't seem at ease in a controlled discussion environment, how would he cope under real pressure?

    It was in effect an interview and his actions and behaviour ruled him out.

  11. Is anyone else getting a lot of mice in their sheds or garages?

    I always have three traps down after having things chewed up in the past, you move a box and find your glove and hood have been neatly made into a ball by the little ****.

    Normally it's winter when they come in for obvious reasons, there is bird food outside, sunflower seeds and fat balls but why there coming in is a mystery, I've had 5 now this week.

    I say every year I'll keep track of how many I get but never do.


    One thing though, compared with the old little nipper traps we used to have these plastic ones are lethal.

  12. 13 minutes ago, das said:

    Scruffy sod, slumped in his chair, talking nuts, it was obvious he was going next.

    He got slated on the telly today, tie on then off, in his chair then out?? While the stools didn't look that comfy you would think he could manage to sit still for an hour??

    Didn't do himself any favours, but I'm sure it said on the radio he was calling for the others to get behind him so he can stop Borris? Cuckoo springs to mind.

  13. 11 minutes ago, oldypigeonpopper said:

    hello, i see the BBC has come under fire again with another speaker on this, he changed his question i believe ? been suspended at the school he worked and from the from local mosque,  

    It said on the news it was to do with things he has said about women and something else, missed it, he was checked before hand but reactivated a twitter account after the program.

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