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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. 48 minutes ago, bostonmick said:

    would post a link but in truth don't know how. 

    if your in a phone, go to the website or page you want, there will an address at the bottom press it to highlight it then click copy, when you come back on here you should have a paste option when your typing, have a go👍 

  2. 21 minutes ago, old'un said:

    Yep, but it might help a few song birds.

    Certainly does, there thriving around here now, the woods at the back of me used to be crawling with squirrels now your lucky if you see one!

    9 hours ago, scolopax said:

    A few squirrels released back into the wild where they already occur is going to make no difference whatsoever. Let them get on with it, good luck to them.   

    The horse has truly bolted regards grey squirrels in the UK.  If Reds are to be protected then the greys need to be culled on and near the Red squirrel range. Shooting a few in your back garden in Chorley or Chelmsford is not going to make on jot of difference to teh survival of Reds, and neither is the release of a handful of Greys, so long as it is away from current Red territory.


    There are reds within 12 miles of my house, that means the greys need hammering, it helps the local songbirds and means there are less greys breeding and spreading out, imagine how good it would be if one day i had reds in the local parks not greys!

  3. you won't go far wrong with shimano, but i wouldn't go spending big money, by that i mean more than a few hundred, not worth it unless you know what need and are doing lots of miles.

    look at second hand, big place near us buy a bike does second hand, trade ins. Few of the specialist shops nearby the wheels cost more than my bike!!

    car boots are worth a look, Some work places do bike to work scheme, and the offers Halfords do can be very good.

  4. 1 hour ago, team tractor said:

    We have water :) 

    never been without water for so long . 8 hours + 


    cheers lads /lasses and away we go 

    any other week it wouldn't have happened, you'd have been working and probably not noticed.

    good luck and have a great day.

  5. I made a small bird table with my lad, not a lot of room on it, blackbirds are fine on it but pigeon and magpies can't get in so they can't hammer the food, I'm quite happy if the pigeon clean up any mess, keeps four legged critters away, but i can shoot from my windows so rats or squirrels don't get much food.

    you could easily put mesh on the sides to further restrict access for lager birds, or make a cage out of mesh and hang your fat balls and suet inside, the species you don't want will soon clear off once the easy food is gone, this is how they feed the reds at Formby and the cages are always covered in magpies and crows waiting for food to be dropped.

    Also don't forget you shouldn't be seeing the birds as much now, they should be eating natural food, bugs etc.

  6. 4 minutes ago, team tractor said:

    Burst water main , roads to church all shut 😞 might be cancelled . No water for 4 hours so far either so can’t shower or anything 

    don't be soft man, it'll be reet, find a travel lodge if need be get two rooms and get showered there or family??

    watch the episode of friends where they get married in a ruined chapel, you'll laugh about this next week, i hope

  7. 1 hour ago, old'un said:

    You can apply to NE for a licence to release non-native species into the wild, but the information required would make it most unlikely you would get one for the release of grey squirrels.

    you got me thinking about releasing non-native species into the wild, I wonder if that applies to some game birds?

    its been going on for years, rescue centres rear youngsters then release them, the law is supposed to be changing so they can no longer be released but "folk" are saying they will just do it anyway.

  8. 4 hours ago, TIGHTCHOKE said:

    It would seem so!

    Which is why i said it?

    it was great listening to Soubry try and explain why they haven't put forward a candidate for the Peterborough bye election, we had found a really great fella, a proper independent, who labour bullied (bribed??) into withdrawing.

  9. 33 minutes ago, wobbly bob 2 said:

    I use flat heads in pistols at close ranges up to 10 metres, but I wouldn’t use them in an air rifle at 25 yd. 

    To be honest, your cards don’t look like good groups to me, hardly grouping at all really. You are right not to go hunting.  

    Bench rested at 25 yd I would expect my 100K to shoot a full mag of 14 pellets through a single hole, and I would be fixating on the size of that hole. Anything larger than 15 mm diameter would annoy me. With the right pellet I get 8 - 12 mm, and my scope is a bit limited. But getting the right pellet is the tricky bit.

    What to do with your old pellets?  Sell them cheap to someone with a Kalibrgun, which seem to shoot any old pellet no fuss more accurately than an HW100. And yes, I am looking.

    bit harsh really, the opp has clearly said he's trying out a pellet with a new (second hand) gun.

    Everyone starts somewhere.


  10. On ‎03‎/‎05‎/‎2019 at 16:36, strimmer_13 said:

    Many moons ago I worked in a sawmills, and i had a roller of ink in which I coded different grades of wood. Anyway one guy there who couldn't take a joke, (there's always one somewhere you work, a right miserable sod) was getting interviewed for a radio advert, so made himself up right smart. Little did he know, I'd coated his ear defenders in the black ink a hour before hand and left to dry. As he sweated away it melted the dried ink and gave him some lovely black rings either side. He did the interview, much to everyone's amusement, and went about the whole day like it. Needless to say we had a verbal warning from the boss, even tho he was ******* himself as well. He had red ears for days where he had been scrubbing it off at home. We all got caught out in the end. 

    Sounds like engineers blue! That stuff gets everywhere, handles, safety glasses, ear defenders and if it gets on your fingers and you haven't noticed it doesn't take long before your covered in it!!

  11. looks like they'll be good for rats out to your 30yard shooting then they loose it, but once you find the pellet your barrel likes they'll probably be forgotten about.

    think I'm down to two tins of accupel now, after buying ten tins of the same batch years ago, i do use bisley pest control occasionally and don't shoot much.

    your local gun shop might well have more tins under the counter or in there stock room, if not just buy what you need somewhere else.

    enjoy, and be sure to keep posting the pics showing how your pellet testing goes 👍👍 

  12. 34 minutes ago, Ttfjlc said:

    Thanks for that I'll buy a tin of those to try as well, have you now had to go back to testing again? Might sound a bit daft but how do you try and get pellets from the same 'good' batch? 

    One way is find the pellet you like, then have a phone around or ask your local dealer if they stock them and how many tins they have of the batch you want, buy a tin go home and shoot, hopefully all good then go back and buy all you can.

  13. 30 minutes ago, team tractor said:

    My cousins partner goes to a few. A local Tamworth lad apparently has just been knocked out

    Dave Gilbert, hadn't seen him play before, he'd never been to the final table, but played some brilliant snooker.

    I'd imagine like most things you join a club or membership and get your tickets before general sale.

    little things like JV talking about the old lady watching 95 years young add to the viewing.

    grew up watching with me dad, and still enjoy it now.

  14. a picture might help, short of digging it out and replacing the bad area which you say you don't want to do, maybe rotovate the area then add a load of manure and rotovate again, it should improve the soil.

    but i would dig out the dodgey area and replace.

  15. 11 hours ago, team tractor said:

    Well after almost 8 years with my partner I’m making her mrs TT this coming weekend . Excited is an understatement and the hog roast after should be fantastic. 

    Take it easy then this week mate, be great if  you weren't injured for the wedding 😅😅 

  16. 50 minutes ago, 12gauge82 said:

    People aren't that stupid, if they force a deal through to avoid EU elections and Farage runs a general election, I can see a land slide occurring. 

    Never in my life have I been so disappointed with all the main political parties in my life, I will never vote for Conservatives again unless there is huge and lasting change in the way politics is done. 

    We would end up with a party that doesn't want to be in charge but would take us out of Europe, fair enough 

  17. 7 hours ago, Savhmr said:

    May has painted herself well and truly into a corner with no-where to go except to try and bluster her way through which I aree, she'll probably do to avoid losing face.  She can't afford to make a deal with Labour though to get consensus on her deal which effectively ties us to a customs union

    realise this is more brexit but I'm sure i heard on the radio today about the Cons doing deals with Labour to get brexit through???

  18. 4 hours ago, 12gauge82 said:

    As many of us on here predicted early on, if the Cons fail to deliver brexit, they're finished as a party. 

    I and nearly everyone I know will be voting for the brexit party at the EU and general election if possible to do so, even people I know who voted remain as they're revolted at the slap in the face the Cons have given democracy. 

    All down to her disaster of a general election I think, threw away her majority and hasn't really managed very much since, these local election results should be a warning to the two main parties, but I'm sure they'll ignore them.

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