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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. 10 minutes ago, Scully said:

    Final word ( promise 😀 ) as something has just occurred to me! 

    Ironically ( and I’m feeling quite chuffed and vindicated about it if I’m honest! ) this entire travesty and its result has proved to be true, what my only reasons ( as stated often in this thread ) were for voting to leave.....namely that I believe the EU to be undemocratic and inherently corrupt! Sorted. 👍

    Bye. Play nice. 🙂

    That has only just occurred to you🤔🤔come on really, your joking right??

  2. 7 minutes ago, Rewulf said:

    No , they got 4 million in 2015, which made them the 3rd largest party by popular vote.

    By a cruel twist, it gave them 1 MP , who was a tory defector anyway.
    14 million would have put them into power.

    That makes more sense 🤐🤐

  3. 7 minutes ago, Raja Clavata said:

    It wouldn't surprise me if he's actually a Remainer at heart - completely unconvincing.

    Didn't Borris swing both ways? Whatever it takes to get what he wants, sure he did a speech for leave and remain.



    30 minutes ago, walshie said:

    Hopefully a lot of this capitulation can be rectified once we get a PM with testicles.

    Problem is she's got more than the rest of them it seems.

    Still can't believe she's going cap in hand to Corbyn, someone's just said on news night, Corbyns job isn't too help TM its to force a GE

  4. 34 minutes ago, Vince Green said:

    You can book a quiet carriage you know? Often its only a few extra pounds for first class and that can be a real game changer.

    Where are you? I think you are in the US? Amtrak is good these days

    went from Arbroath to Bolton once in first class after working night shift, their was a carriage missing really busy train heading for Edinburgh? And we asked nice, just go to first class sir 🤩🤩 very nice indeed.

  5. do you know any farmers with a gas gun?

    You say the neighbours aren't getting back in touch with you, block their car in and sit outside till they come out and see what they say?

    I would keep pestering the council Three emails a day till you get a response your happy with, especially as you've spotted rats about as well.

    Finally can you shoot from inside with the air rifle? fire a shot and have someone stood outside in a safe position to see how noisy it is, go with the carpet backstop, then shoot a couple see if they clear off.

    good luck

  6. Just back from the gym, from what I've seen on subtitles a 7hr cabinet meeting and they've come up with "we'll see what Jeremy thinks??? Really that's it??

    She might be trying to stick to her guns, but i think she's trying to get the sack, then she did her best??

  7. 5 minutes ago, Newbie to this said:

    How very selfish of her, just because she is comfortable financially, she feels fit to ruin our chances at making this country better for us all.


    Don't prod him, it'll be another two pages of i didn't say this or that followed by more talk of the ages of voters.

  8. 11 minutes ago, islandgun said:

    Its looking like another referendum to me,  her own party will push TM out, corbyn will demand a GE on the back of another vote, the cons will instigate a second referendum to stay in power.. .........possibly !

    TM has already said she'll leave which weakens her, how can the PM say I'll leave if i get what I want?


    Someone said last night a GE shouldn't be called over leaving the EU as its just one thing, a GE should be about more ie housing NHS education etc..

  9. 21 minutes ago, Raja Clavata said:

    Spot on about statistics and data; we're now at a point where people can and will argue against anything they do not agree with to the point of utter denial.

    Anyway I appreciate the insight you have provided, thanks for sharing.

    Raja, you've tried the age thing before, there might be a larger number of older voters compared with younger voters but its in no way exclusive, plenty of us on here in our 40s voted leave, a lot of younger voters in education may vote remain while the older voters remember what the EU was, a trading group not the ruling party.

  10. 2 hours ago, henry d said:

    Don't forget hotels and restaurant staff, cleaning and the fact that they usually have more than one job, as many local people here won't do those jobs, particularly farming

    Your probably right, mostly seasonal work where people come over and work damn hard. A lot of the fruit pickers around Arbroath were living in porta cabins on the farms back in 2002/3 and probably still do? So are they paying tax council tax and everything else the rest of us do, very doubtful indeed. This is why the locals won't do the hard work for low pay, overheads.

  11. Watching news night and Ann Widdicombe has just come out with a belter, She's totally pro brexit said worst prime minister since Antony Eden, worst leader of the opposition in the entire history of the labour party and the worst parliament since Oliver Cromwell and with that combination were engaged in the most important international negotiations for 50 years!!

    She's also saying people should get behind TM deal because its the best of a bad bunch at least putting us on the right line.

    Ken clarke was 3 votes from winning on being tied to customs union☹ 

    Come on Europe kick us out 😄 

  12. Just now, Vince Green said:

    Like anybody actually has the evidence to support that?

    Probably that many Europeans come over picking fruit every year but 100,000 jobs? Can't see it.

    Houses in my area of Lancashire are selling fast, not what you would expect if things were meant to be the disaster that remain said would happen.

  13. 1 hour ago, Zetter said:

    Trouble is with the .25 the pellet choice was limited and at 50 ft/lb+ you were getting towards rimfire territory. The great thing about .22 is the pellet choice is massive so there is more chance of finding one the barrel likes.

    Also there is more chance of finding a second hand .22 FAC air full stop . When I got my .25 it was the last one FX had in the UK at the time and the choice on anything else that was new involved  a 12 week + lead time. So I decided to play the safer numbers game and go for .22


    Makes a lot of sense.

  14. SNP just said majority of Scottish MPs voted for revoking A50, peoples vote wanted and stay in the customs union.

    the Scottish vote was 68 remain and 32 leave, but the final comment was  no deal would cost Scotland upto 100,000 jobs??

    So nothing much is going to happen anytime soon, as usual 

  15. 11 minutes ago, arm3000gt said:

    Nick Boles has quit the conservative party.

    Just had a google, he quit on Grantham on the 16th of March, guessing he's joined the rest waiting to be deselected? In the new party??

    started typing deselected and my phone wants to put dead leg 😂😂😂 

  16. 9 minutes ago, Zetter said:

    Rabbits and Squizzers mainly. I have .17 HMR and a .243 but need something for a few areas of permissions that arnt really suitable for those. I had an FAC bobcat in .25 a while ago and foolishly let it go so as I was renewing I thought I would take the opportunity to get another FAC air as I missed having one and it fills a niche between sub 12 ft/lb and the HMR


    I do recall you selling the bobcat, so why .22 and not .25 again? Bit less whack or did you just fancy something different?

  17. 4 hours ago, Zetter said:

    Cheers all for the advice and comments on experience.

    After having a look at prices and distances in the end I decided to scoot up Livens gun shop and bought the BSA R10 MK2 which was the personal gun of one of the guys in the shop. Huma reg fitted and the shroud has been shortened with a moderator added making it more handy than the usual monster shroud that came with. Hes even found the decent pellet for it with H+N Barracuda



    Looking forward to having a play with it this week. 



    You don't hand about do you!! Few chaps on the rapid forum are using.22 in FAC and achieving great results, but with longer barrels.

    as someone mentioned above a lot seems to be about getting the best out of the barrel, few folk have spoken about polishing barrels and re machining the crown, also doing the same on HW barrels vastly improving performances.

    Also read something about people buying old gold stars just for the barrels.

    let us know how you get on Zetter 👍 

  18. 3 minutes ago, oowee said:

    Tonight hopefully we get support for an alternative proposal. Small steps. 

    Alternative?? In or out, we voted out.

    I'm not expecting anything from parliament, they couldn't agree on whether it was dark out or not at midnight.

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