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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. BUT, before another referendum could take place i think another GE would take place with both the major parties hoping to gain a political advantage without the need to suck up to others ie DUP.

    Now given people keep talking about strategic voting but most of the MPs have shown they won't do what their asked to do anyway how are people supposed to vote?

    Labour remain?

    Tory Leave ( possibly) with a deal, maybe?

    Another? With a bunch of rejects from other parties???? 

    It's going to get messy fast.

  2. 2 hours ago, Raja Clavata said:

    Genuine question relating to the behaviour of MPs in relation to Brexit; one of the inferences mentioned here on several occasions is that of self interest in us remaining in the EU but it's not obvious to me how that would be so. How would MPs, individually and collectively, benefit from us remaining in the EU as opposed to us leaving?

    The individuals I see in the media that want to remain are MPs celebrity types, seem to be people on big wages, probably big pensions fancy portfolios i imagine.

    Somehow they stand to loose financially.

    Then its people who are married to a foreigner maybe Spanish or German? This i understand.

    Then there are British folk who don't want to be ruled by/from Europe.

    I am still surprised the original vote wasn't a bigger split for leave, maybe the next three or four votes will be different 😣 🤔

  3. 1 hour ago, henry d said:

    Doesn`t really matter, they are banned as of yesterday afternoon.

    How many legally held handguns have been used to kill people since the ban here? I don`t have a scooby but it is probably zero.

    That's what i was going to say, several thousand legally held hand guns were removed from the public vastly reducing the risk after Dunblane and before that were semi automatic rifles banned after Hungerford? I was very young.

  4. How is this for different, just been sent a job from an agency, very good money flights and accommodation included in...........................................

    Poland!! Quite often get jobs in Norway but Poland is new 🤣🤣 mustn't be anyone there to run the machines.

  5. Well i had a strange morning, warm no wind and three empty feeders!! Actually saw a squirrel on the ground which just kind of wandered off into a rhododendron bush, now for the weird bit, i then shot a dead squirrel? I was topping up the feeders looked round and saw a squirrel still on the ground, shot it but no blood certainly had only been dead a short while, nothing had touched it?? Very strange.

  6. WP_20190322_11_48_13_Pro.jpg.e02c5ae394a0a1c85703c1c221e3a0a5.jpg

    53 minutes ago, ditchman said:

    speaking to my grandaughter last week....she thinks im an idoit ..(in a nice sort of way).......we were talking about what i did as a young boy.....and the conversation got around to toys we had...........

    i said "we used to make our own toys"....she larfed in disblief.........so 15 mins later ...i had made her a "cotton reel tank"....then i made her a matchbox gun.....she was in awe.....anyway that was a week ago...phoned her mum last night....and i asked her if her daughter was messing about on skyp with here mates ...and she said no.....she was still messing about with the cotton reel tank  

    well there's a surprise........

    sounds great Ditchy, see if you can find a copy of this book, you probably don't need it but its very good, and there's a girl version

  7. 51 minutes ago, Scully said:

    But this isn't an American issue! There would be no point banning firearms in a nation which is awash with them. Bans only effect the law abiding. 

    Ok one last try, I'm not concerned with America I'm just using it as an example, the fact the American has just "found" 9 rifles wrapped in a blanket the way we might find a pair of gloves or knife we put down shows the place is a mess, only one person i know but well.

    The point I'm trying to making is certain guns were banned in our country after shootings and thankfully there have been very few other shootings, now New Zealand have banned semi automatic guns and I'm saying well done.

    I agree with what rewulf says its the nutter that's the problem not the gun, but if the nutter can get hold of an automatic weapon or five he's a lot more dangerous than with a couple of pistols or shotguns.

    Apparently while the sicko was live streaming what he was doing someone tried to take him down, incredibly brave and might have happened while he was fumbling trying to reload.

  8. 15 minutes ago, Scully said:

    It's worth pointing out ( as I mentioned earlier ) that in a country which has the 'right to bear arms', where it makes sense to be armed, all the above shootings took place in designated 'gun free' zones. In other words, the shooter knew that even if someone in those venues had a permit to carry for self defence, being law abiding people, they would have left their personal firearm at home and be unarmed.  Like the shootings in NZ, it doesn't take a great amount of courage to confront unarmed people when you yourself are armed. 

    The point i was trying to make scully was about people saying the bans we've had on guns might not have had any effect, NZ have had this shooting and decided to ban the weapons used, hopefully making this kind of thing much harder to do again.

    The states have banned nothing despite repeated shootings, i know which I'm in favour of.

  9. 3 hours ago, bluesj said:

    No point looking at US numbers and trying to compare the with other countries.

    you number say 1216 killed I think the total is nearer 30,000 a year most being suicide.

    but they also have figures to say over 3.5 million attacks on people are stopped each year because the intended victim had a gun on them.

    you haven't looked at the information i posted, its about mass shootings, which says the gun man kills at least 4 victims.


  10. 2 hours ago, simonm said:

    As I understand it the statistics regarding "high school shootings" are rather misunderstood, as they include shootings near or on high school property out of school hours?

    Really misunderstood?


    I had a very quick look, there are more than 150 people on the 4 examples above that died, should New Zealand wait for a few more shootings before they do something?


    so 152 " mass shootings" in the usa where guns are much more available, i would say our gun laws are pretty good.

    152*8 =1216 people killed any changes to gun laws??

  11. 53 minutes ago, Whitebridges said:

    A very good post Mice. What we are talking about here is the difference between success and failure. You can make it but if you can't finish it to a high standard, don't bother making it in the first place!   

    part of the reason i fancy a pro sport, they look great and I've only ever read good things about them, yet to fondle one though 😉 

  12. 10 minutes ago, NoBodyImportant said:

    Not at all.  Not one person I know has been murdered.  Our gun laws are not what the media makes it out to be.  To buy a gun you have to pass a background check.  Even at gun shows. The loophole doesn’t exist.  Plus if you outlaw them the only the outlaws will own them.  Example- 750k bumpstocks have been manufactured.  Not counting the homemade ones.  3 have been turned in since the ban.  Our gun deaths are centralized in a few urban, ethnic areas.  

    I don't know anyone that's been murdered thankfully, but mass shootings in the states seems fairly common and not one type of gun has been banned.

    you have what a hundred or so guns because of an over bearing government??? Really?? In this country I'm pretty sure you'd be getting those guns taken off you. 

  13. 5 minutes ago, Ultrastu said:

    The Problem with that view is that your looking at it from a uk perspective .

    Ive been to the wilds of newzealand and met farmers who dont see poeple for weeks there are only 3.5 million people in a country nearly twice the size of the uk .

    Ferel sheep cause a massive amount of agricultural damage. 1 shot with a bolt action gun and the rest (hundreds ) are gone .your then gonna take another 12 hours on your quad bike trying to find them for a second shot .

    In that time there has probably been 5 born so the population exlpodes .

    A semi auto can potentially drop 5 or six goats before they get away. 

    This might just slow the population growth down a bit .

    A semi auto is the only tool for effective pest control in nz.

    But then not everybody understands and knee jerk reactions are a very bad idea .

    They are capitalising on a very unfortunate incident to push thier anti gun agenda .its wrong. 

    From what I've read Stu this fella had just legally bought this gun, so maybe their checks aren't good enough to begin with? There might be something in place for the hill farmers to apply for what they need who knows, but they banned semi automatics in Australia after a shooting and there doing the same in New Zealand.

    You average Joe has no need for an automatic rifle.

  14. 1 minute ago, NoBodyImportant said:

    You know America really doesn’t have the problem that the media portrays.  I have never known anyone that was murdered.  We are a vast country with a huge population so it just seems like it.  The media hears about a shooting and they play it over and over.  Besides guns aren’t dangerous.  They are tools.  

    You are being funny aren't you? I realise your from America but how many high school shootings does it take to be too many? Yes you have a massive population and the country is huge but the gun laws are nuts.

    And all tools are dangerous in the wrong hands.

  15. 27 minutes ago, DUNKS said:

    Sorry folk but I entirely agree with the NZ PM. I see no reason why a civilian would want to own a military style auto or semi auto.

    If you really need to own and shoot these weapons, Join the armed forces! . I am no tree hugger my immediate family. "Not aunts uncles and grand parents" have over a hundred years military service, firing any thing from naval guns chucking great lumps of steel many miles to jets with bombs and cannon. Also I have a fine collection of sporting guns. Military style weapons are designed for doing one thing and one thing only. They have no place in civilian life.


    This is my opinion after 82 years of seeing life on this planet and I am entitled to it.

    I can understand why some folk would want to own them, the thrill of shooting lots of bullets .

    But i see no reason for Joe public to own semi automatic military rifles, it was an obvious reaction to the terrible shooting.

  16. 9 hours ago, ditchman said:

    its a good design.......it shoots very straight.......handles nicely..........BSA had it excactly right in every detail..............but their manufacturing .....well the owner of BSA and the shop floor manager and the foreman.........should have been sacked............if they had done it right...used sharp tools...good milling cutters..lined the barrel up..put the correct ammout of shims in.....and then all the bits to go in a rack to be handled and de-burred....finished correctly before blueing..............oh and the blueing is soooo thin...they must have thrown it in for 5 mins...................

    then QA'ed....assembled...........they would have had a right cracker....like the webley Mk3...........

    wouldn't surprise me if the guys on the machines were supposed to debur the parts, the guys on the bench having been got rid of in a cost cutting exercise? Or semi skilled folk assembling with no care for the finished product.

    its amazing how often people on machines will carry using cutters and tools that are goosed, especially if there are big tolerances, and what your describing certainly sounds like poor production, lack of pride in your work, really really annoys me. 


  17. I've just got in and missed the speech on ITV news plus 1, what i caught on the radio made no sense, do MPs want her deal? No deal? Or do they not want to leave?? What the **** !! It's not about them not wanting to leave their supposed too be carrying out the voters wishes?? 

    Sharpen those knives!!

  18. 1 hour ago, bruno22rf said:

    Dont think it's keepered - he invited me to beat next year if I wanted and he described the pheasant shoot as just a few good days out for a laugh - land is amazing - it almost comes back to where I live !!! and has 3 woods one of which is 40 acres.

    The explanation is your dipped in it😆 now get yourself some squirrel feeders made up, ya don't ask ya don't get.


  19. 18 minutes ago, Dekers said:

    Exactly....to many MP's actually want to stay!

    The MPs are probably happy with Brussels making all the decisions, that way there not responsible for anything, they just keep taking the bread and the ****

  20. 7 minutes ago, Rewulf said:

    For who , them or us ?

    We hold onto our £39 bn, the other £15 bn odd subs we wont be paying in the transition period, also VAT and duty taxes we get to keep.
    Are we ready for no deal ? No, but neither are they, and the budget black hole they seem to keep quiet about.
    Do you seriously believe they are OK with no deal ?
    If they had any sense they would be far more scared of it than we should be.
    I think they will want to put some kind of deal together quick time, its a game of bluff, and they are playing better than us, but we still have a hand, and nothing to lose, as we are all in.

    The EU HAVE forced us into a corner, the government can commit political suicide by revoking article 50, or go no deal.

    I have spoken to my 3 eyed cat, and she has come up with an 85.32 % chance of no deal happening :yahoo:

    is it the flop( Europe) or the river? The final card in poker? Not over till she sings, right now she's gargling getting ready.

    we're an island, time we were properly independent again.

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