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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. 2 minutes ago, sako751sg said:

    Think we are where we should be really.

    Take away the second half against Wales and England,we have been bereft of ideas but a lot imo has been down to a bad injury list.Hogg was particulary missed as from fullback he is an important attacking dimension for us.

    Finn Russell when on song is a joy to watch and has willing chasers but we seem to lack the killer touch when we have plenty phases round about the vital line.


    Depth of squad, like you say those two second half's were outstanding, obviously a change of tactics that the team took on board.

    And it was 31-7 at half time so each half was a total reverse of scoring.

    The wife said" that was enjoyable" think she was watching a different game than me ☹ 

  2. 39 minutes ago, Bangbangman said:


    I was there with my Dad and son. Wales won 22:9


    Fantastic day, great memories that get a bit blurry for events after the game (my Dad took my son home before shenanigans got too disreputable!)









    The Irish were magnanimous (and sloshed) in defeat!



    Wish I was in Cardiff tonight! 


    My prediction of a close game was wrong, though penalties certainly played a roll!


    Da iawn, pob!

    must have been some atmosphere that day, i bet you've got that picture of the three of you framed.

  3. I've just set the game to record on plus 1, i put cbbc on for little lad and bang!!

    That was the Scotland that played Wales last week, they turned up at half time, never been so happy with a draw.

  4. 3 minutes ago, blackbird said:

    Really wont matter if you beat Scotland by 200pts England still come 2nd in the championship.

    Of course it Matters? I've just put the game back on Scotland are back in it, England probably switched off, i don't know.

    like i said but for a poor half we've played great rugby throughout which is great for the world cup.


  5. 29 minutes ago, henry d said:

    Bottle each of wine and gin, eight beers and we have a signal 🍷🍸🍻


    Belting, i was going to indulge but I'm half watching a very full river at the bottom of my garden hoping it stops raining.

    AWJ was class throughout, a game as big as that and he started looking after the mascot before hand.

    I've never seen Ireland play as bad, probably because of the pressure Wales put them under.

    I thought the early injury was going to help Ireland but if anything I think it gave Wales more options.


  6. 1 hour ago, Bangbangman said:

    Shame about the roof, though it's understandable Ireland want it open. Would have made for a better game closed. I'm sure Ireland will have taken notes during the second-half of the Wales/Scotland game and noted the strong Welsh defence but also the effectiveness of well-placed grub kicks and chips by the Scots to create opportunity.

    The game could go either way and I'm sure it will be close. Maintaining discipline will be crucial: the game could be won by a timely penalty (or drop goal, for that matter.) 


    Cymru am Byth!


    can't think if it was last last year or one before, Ireland v Wales the second half was just constant attack by Ireland and a master class in defence by Wales, not sure if a point was scored in the second half but it was a captivating game, and I've no idea who won, I'm expecting the same today.

  7. 1 hour ago, Dougy said:

    I just pay it. I can't get away with not paying, bigger issues to worry about than bloomin bills, like when will the weather improve so I can get out shooting. 


    Funny how we moan bout things we cant do owt about. Maybe im getting to old to bother about the little things in life. 

    I'm with Dougy on this, the bill arrived this week but I've no idea what it was last year anyway, the joys of direct debit.

    South ribble is pretty nice, you can see new roads going in, parks are nice council gyms are good enough for me.

    bring on the rugby 😃 

  8. Well I went today to fill up the feeders and check my camera, three feeders completely empty, nuts and maize, and 300+ pics of squirrels doing there thing at all times of the day, I'll be more precise once I've had a proper look on the computer.

    but i never saw any squirrels while i was there, 2pm ish windy but warm.

  9. 5 minutes ago, Aled said:

    Ok a few Brexit Jokes to lighten the mood....

    I voted remain not just for political reasons but my Mother on law lives in Spain and I want her to stay there.

    Why does Britain like tea so much because ...tealeaves

    What did Britain say to its trading partners....see EU later.

    Roy Hodgson has just been made Brexit Minister....he has a brilliant record of leaving Europe swiftly..

    A Brexit deal could take 10 years .....that's not fair, many of the people who voted for it could be dead by then.


    Happy Friday All.



    because tealeaves😅😅 

  10. 32 minutes ago, Raja Clavata said:

    Sounds more like Jeremy Kyle show

    😂😂 not that bad, just a socialist and someone in the real world.

    5 minutes ago, JohnfromUK said:

    Since Honda is Japanese owned, the Japanese might have something to say about that!

    I think people (or at least some of them) have come to realise that Jeremy Corbyn's 'ideas' are somewhat separated from what he could actually do - the difference being called 'the real world'

    If we had a lefty administration which was;

    • Nationalising private industry
    • Forcing a portion of shares into 'employee ownership' where a Government/Union appointed body held the voting rights (McDonnells plan)
    • Increasing taxation on businesses
    • Increasing cost to businesses
    • Increasing powers of trade unions
    • Creating higher borrowing leading to higher interest rates and higher inflation

    then worldwide 'money' will go elsewhere.  Put simply - the money will go where there is money to be made.  Always has, always will.

    Under a decent Brexit, we will (if we want to) be able to have a 'leaner, fitter, faster responding business environment' that encourages investment by low taxation, low regulation, flexible working practices and high productivity.  Then everyone can be better off.

    That is busier than usual on a Friday.  They all bxxxxr off for a long weekend to their expenses funded second homes in the country for the weekend.

    yes to everything, can you imagine how fast companies would pull the plug if JC got in and said, were nationalising Honda to save the jobs!

    as for Corbyns  promises of free everything for everyone? Hope his magic money trees are coming on.

  11. Watching Jeremy vine program and two of the panel are quite interesting given how different they are, one thinks that Honda should be nationalized! A general election called which JC would romp if he promises all the same things again?? The other lady just laughed at her, lots of people will want to invest here then she said!!

    there also talking about brexit and showed the house of commons, maybe 20 people in there sat around doing squat.

  12. 3 minutes ago, motty said:

    Didn't mean to quote you. I don't know what has happened...

    I have had to stop reading and contributing to this thread, because I am so angry with the current state of affairs. I simply can't stand smug idiots such as oowee.

    Ha ha, I don't see oowee as being smug he just has a different opinion, has to stuck to it throughout and works in a different area to many of us, services I'm guessing from what he's said before.


  13. 9 minutes ago, oowee said:

    Niche high value products yes we are a leader but it's not a large part of the economy and they are often produced in a collaboration at a EU / Global level. The low cost economies are knocking at the door of these niche high value products and over time will be making more and more of the components. They work for lower salaries and have lower standards of living. We will have to compete with more knowledge more skill or lower our costs. 

    Yes there niche, but where else are these high labour costs? Higher than poorer countries yes but you can't get your boiler fixed or car by sending it where its cheaper, a spark will be local same as a builder, all these jobs will carry on as before.

    looking at the car manufacturing jobs that are going i imagine there high labour cost jobs, but these jobs are going because of changes that are nothing to do with brexit, entire lines making mini and nissans that aren't selling.

  14. 25 minutes ago, theboycalledleaf said:

    I was made redundant in the most abrupt way. No warning, no notice, whisked into a meeting room and given an envelope and escorted from the premises.

    My wife and I are lucky in that we have some money saved and have a little time before I have to commit to another job.

    Has anyone else been in the same situation? Did you see it as a second chance? Did you follow your dreams and herd alpacas, make cheese, become a rent boy or act on the west end stage?

    Any stories to inspire would be appreciated.

    From what you say the first thing to be sure of is have you got everything your entitled too? I've been made redundant 3 times and walked a few more knowing things aren't worth staying for.

    When its been redundancy there has been notice, everyone has known its coming, unions involved and you have been given a copy of what your going to get paid.

    You need to be sure you haven't been shafted in anyway.

    After that i normally started another job straight away, knowing its coming I'll have been for interviews and said I'm available once I've been paid off, sounds odd but i look at it as being paid for starting a new job. Unless your lucky we only work to pay bills, enjoy your new job.

  15. 13 minutes ago, oowee said:

    the UK is not very competitive due to high labour costs and standards. The UK as part of the EU is able to say to more competitive countries you must meet our standards and pay tariffs to sell to us. These standards and tariffs protect our standard of living. On its own the UK is less able to demand such standards and prices as we are a smaller market place on our own than as part of the EU.

    You are joking surely? Were not competitive due to high labour costs?? Some industries will command high wages, that's what you pay for highly skilled work such as aerospace, we are good at what we do which is why we manufacture the high cost parts, if they could be made cheaply in India then they would be.

    As for standards ours are probably higher than anybody else in Europe, we lead the way, why should we except poor work? Look at how much cheap stuff comes in from the middle east, fine if its a torch or telly if it breaks you bin it a buy another. If its a plane or formula one car its a lot more serious. Yes these are specialist industries. A lot of more normal day to day businesses will simple carry on as normal.

    you mention that services is our most profitable industry, that won't change, if we're already doing it and good at it its not going to stop.

    Yes the EU is a big customer but there still going to want to buy from us, why wouldn't they?


  16. On ‎13‎/‎03‎/‎2019 at 18:09, eddoakley said:

    could be the game of the tournament.

    I may even go to see it.....

    A welsh man backing his team before the game has finished 👏👏👏 hope you have a good day ( not a great day) 😘 

  17. 44 minutes ago, Walker570 said:

    Another 48hr period on the cameras and still nothing.  It's getting frustrating.  Having withdrawl symptoms...going cold turkey:lol:

    you must have some "proper" rats or ferals knocking about, I'm not surprised there missing given the wind and rain lately.

    Or there all chasing the ladies?

  18. 27 minutes ago, oowee said:

    I don't think it will be catastrophic. I think we will be worse off than we would otherwise be and the future is about integration not isolation.

    If we are to avoid a no deal, there will have to be some meeting of minds to square the circle.  

    I still dont think we'll be worse off, thinking in business terms if a section or branch of a company is failing do you keep pumping money in so the whole company suffers or cut the failing section loose?

    Europe is failing and we are not, i hope things are different afterwards if this mess ever gets sorted out.

    Still can't see how we will be worse off.

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