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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. 3 minutes ago, Wb123 said:

    The prices can get silly mind, for me and three colleagues the tickets for a trip booked by the company that wanted us elsewhere for a weekend were printed with ticket prices of a total of £2200. I suspect they could have sent us by helicopter for less. 


    you could have had a weekend in Majorca or similar?

    1 hour ago, Scully said:

    I love travelling by train. I know it can be a pain when they’re either full or late, but overall I really enjoy rail travel. 

    Yes great when it's for leisure, but a pain if you need to arrive on time.

  2. 1 hour ago, 12gauge82 said:

    To add, the original referendum to stay in what was then the customs Union had absaloutly no information of what it would turn into and it was sealed under the official secrets act, so if ever we didn't know what we voted for, it was the original common market and by many of the remainers reasoning, we should have left years ago as we didn't know what we voted for. 

    I watched something last week about the Tories and how Maggie Thatcher tried getting us out before being knifed in the back, and how ever since the Tories have been trying to get someone to lead the party whilst being tough on Europe, Seems were still waiting.

    3 hours ago, poontang said:

    Are you for real?

    It was made absolutely clear by both sides that leaving the EU meant leaving the customs union, single market, ECJ and all other EU institutions. 

    The leave campaign claimed this to be a good thing, and remain said it would be bad... but make no mistake EVERYBODY (who was paying attention) knew exactly what they were voting for. To say people didn't vote to leave the CU/SM/ECJ is pure unadulterated rubbish, as you well know!

    bang on, we wanted out of Europes control in all areas, then we deal with who we want how we want, without having to except ridiculous rules for the privilege.

    3 hours ago, Newbie to this said:

    I've had a look (admittedly not spent too much time) and couldn't find anything but the agenda. The minutes of the meeting I can't seem to source.

    Probably already decided between Germany and France, few phone calls and everyone told "this is what's happening"

  3. 8 minutes ago, Bazooka Joe said:

    The poison dwarf Bercow cannot allow another vote on this surely...?

    That's what i saw on the news today, more things being voted for Monday and TM may try again to get her vote through? Madness.

  4. 3 hours ago, Spr1985 said:

    I was travelling home from work Friday evening and took three hours to get from Chelsea to Canary Wharf area, all due to brexit demonstrations,

    roads blocked by police, roads blocked by trawlers on the back of an hgv, roads blocked by coaches from different European countries and double decors adorned with ******** to brexit slogans  protesters everywhere and more police and ambulance personnel than I’ve ever seen before riot vans helicopters dog units the works

    hopefully the politicians will pull their fingers out and get their jobs done sooner rather than later  

    Imagine if something serious had happened, the country has come to a stand still waiting on an exit

  5. 2 hours ago, JohnfromUK said:

    That's great news but he'll just go sit with the "new party" and vote how he pleases not as his constituents want.

    47 minutes ago, Retsdon said:

    Parliament does work. iIt hasn't worked over Brexit almost wholly because of the ineptitude of this government. May came to the House asking for it to basically sign a blank cheque, and so it's hardly surprising that Parliament, whose main job is to keep the Executive branch of government in check, (excuse the repetition) was not nor prepared to sign it. As for the Commons being unable to formulate a forward plan - well that's not their job either. Their real job is to act like a jury in a courtroom - examining the legislation that the executive branch puts in front of them and giving it a yea or a nay. Parliament is not designed to formulate legislation any more than a jury is designed to prosecute or defend on points of law. 

    But I'll agree, Parliament hasnt' done its job properly. If it had, May's government would have falllen to a no confidence vote in the middle of last year at the latest.

    Ochlocracy is the technical term.

    Sorry like a Jury? They are nothing like impartial their worse than children talking over each other and heckling during speeches. Something needs to change.

  6. 1 hour ago, JohnfromUK said:

    I totally agree that Parliament has let the electorate down wholesale.  But, looking at my own constituency, which voted to leave, our M.P. has consistently voted leave (and for the much hated May deal, though that is the only remaining official 'leave' channel).  Those whose M.P.s have let them down need to act at constituency level to ensure that those individuals (such as Soubery) are not selected to stand again.  But remember there are many of us whose M.P.s have towed the line and are as frustrated as many voters are.

    Bang on, its all well and good people saying I'm not voting again, our grandparents, parents friends didn't die in Europe and around the world for us to just think its not worth it, vote out the traitors out.

  7. So SNP won't back brexit, they want to revoke A50, labour apart from 5 won't back the deal saying they can't as they don't know who is in charge next, signing a blank cheque they say.

    DUP won't back anything which has an Irish back stop, fair enough.

    Has to be a GE, new party leader with a clear mandate, this could almost be billed the peoples vote.

    Game of thrones starts soon, less back stabbing and double dealing and better scenery 😁 

  8. 18 minutes ago, oowee said:

    Will the tories sign up for strong brexit or, just agreeing to leave. Tories have not to date been strong on leave across the party. Both parties were for leaving last time.

    Now the electorate shift has been described as moving towards remain, so maybe there are more votes to be had on that side of the coin. Either way a GE could end up with more of the same non decisive majority. Maybe the feeling is stronger with brexit than the old established party loyalties, if not for most then for a significant proportion of the electorate.

    Imagine one party comes out with customs union / common market 2 ie a soft brexit then it might attract most remainers  and most brexiteers despite the unpleasantness associated with that party as its the least worst option.

    I think the tories have to be strong on brexit, whoever takes over from TM has to be a leaver with no remain in their closet.

    I agree a GE might not settle things but something needs doing.

    Hemel Hempstead MP just made a lot of sense, they stood on a manifestos that was leave.

    As for a shift towards remain?? Can't say I've seen any.

  9. 26 minutes ago, oowee said:

    Rubbing his hands in despair knowing his party is split in two?

    I guess so because if you voted Brexit the Tories are doing a great job so you want more of that, or you voted remain and know the Tories will help you out with that. Or the GE was pretty undecisive last time and with lots of tactical voting the vote this time will be even less clear cut so we will have less clarity on the mandate. Maybe someone will stand on a remain ticket 🙂 

    A long extension gives a long time for a rethink. 

    I don't see a long extension because then we're involved with the European elections and they don't want us involved in that.

    I'm thinking TM resigns which will trigger the leadership doo dah, parliament doesn't seem able to agree on anything going forward concerned with brexit, So its GE time tories surely have to go strong on brexit hoping for a big majority while labour promise everything the money tree can offer.

    But all the working class areas oop North aren't going to blindly follow labour, they want out, and i think they'll vote for who delivers OUT

  10. 7 hours ago, sam triple said:

    All the usual stuff that they feed on from bird table seeds nuts , caught a few rats in them from around chicken coupe before mr fox bit off all their heads and left them ,had to kill rats in cages which maybe why they won’t go near them ,I don’t know !

    Won't be the rats I've done the same having caught squirrels and rats.

    I have my trap set on a board so it doesn't move about when the squirrel goes in, others have said cover the trap in black plastic as this puts birds off from going in.

  11. 16 minutes ago, Rewulf said:

    The ultimate threat to labour is on the table now.
    If labour dont back her deal (for the 3rd time ) a GE will be called.

    Corbyn , in a panic has now tabled a motion of no confidence in the prime minister 😂


  12. 7 hours ago, sam triple said:

    got a grey squirrel around us keeps trying to get into nesting box where blue tits are nesting with houses around me I cant use a shotgun so what air rifle do people recommend haven't got £100s to spend

    Cage trap might be an idea??

  13. 4 minutes ago, ditchman said:

    the speaker since something past 5 o'clock is taking points of order..................our estimed MP's are talking about "horns on goats"..."tags"  aannndd i poo you not "a reverse ferret"...............no wonder they cant get anything done they are all talking giberish........

    Is this real or strange Norfolk broads talk??

    If its true maybe they've been at the cheap booze all afternoon 🤡🤠🤭

  14. 59 minutes ago, Raja Clavata said:


    The only way to prove your point would be through a second public vote, I understand the objections to that and have empathy for them but I don't see many other ways of getting out of this mess. No deal Brexit ain't happening...

    out means out, clear as day courteous of Mr Cameron, ther will be no second vote

    1 hour ago, Mice! said:


  15. 38 minutes ago, hedge said:

    JRM this morning to the press:

    "The prime minister behaved very nobly yesterday and I think she does deserve support at this stage.

    "I don't like her deal. I make no bones about this. I don't think the deal's suddenly got better, simply that the alternative is now worse."

    Is that the best outcome of the whole Brexit process? It's not as sh!t as the alternatives so we'd better accept it? Over 2 years of highly paid `professionals` working on Brexit have got us in this  position. 

    And we let these people run the country?

    As for TM acting `nobly`?? ***. She' screwed the whole process. If she says she believes in something `passionately` one more time, I'll have to hurt someone. Blind faith is just that - directionless.

    Lets see what today/tomorrow brings us.

    I still don't know why a no deal Brexit is so bad. I'll happily be enlightened. 

    But JRM has apparently gone back the other way now not supporting the deal? While Boris has had a hair cut and does support the deal????

  16. 58 minutes ago, Westward said:

    As for the others I just don't know who they are or what qualifies them to be either 'experts' or 'celebrities'.

    You've never watched any of Steve Backshall's programs? The Deadly 60 or his adventuring come exploring programs? Your missing out.

  17. I watched some of it and quite enjoyed it, your selling it short really islandgun, they were looking for Blue Whales and explaining how the local er boat drivers? Have been trained not to chase whales when they surface, which is making things better for the whales.

    And as for the celebs doing the hosting, we might not like Packham but lots of others do, the celebs help sell the show and the camera shots were fantastic, that's something the beeb get right.

  18. 3 hours ago, TIGHTCHOKE said:

    Interesting to see Tim Martin of Weatherspoons struggling to get Sally Bundock to let him answer her questions about Brexit on the BBC News Business Briefing this morning.

    He accused her of being a remainer and asked her why she would not let him answer her own questions?

    He asked her why unemployment is at its lowest point and why the country should fear leaving the EU.

    Just the same old biased partisan BBC still projecting PROJECT FEAR!


    I have just emailed a complaint to the BBC, I have requested an answer, so we will see if they do indeed offer an answer or even less likely an apology!

    I was watching Peston last night and he's the same, always wants to chip in and talk over the answer being given.

    But the treasury MP last night was having none of if, she kept right on talking over him, she seemed to be making some sense as well but then i nodded off 😴😴


  19. 1 minute ago, JDog said:

    A friend who has an estate in Angus used to employ a full time rabbit catcher. His ten year average was 24,000 rabbits per year and at that level his employment was virtually self financing.

    Driving from Arbroath to the pictures in Dundee my misses would be a nervous wreck waiting for a rabbit or three to commit suicide under the car!!

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