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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. 1 hour ago, old man said:

    Tin Hat firmly in place and a quite unpalatable topic? 

    Very sadly I am thinking it might be too late? 

    Perpetrators now see a whole society flawed and not working from the top downwards, deciding maybe they should just join in and reap the benefits?

    When we have MP's who pervert justice and are allowed to carry on, where does it end for society as a whole? Spiral on down.

    I know where your coming from old man, but I'm pretty confident that the majority of the people causing these problems ie stabbings, moped muggings, drug running aren't concerned about brexit or discuss politics. There just living very different lives to the likes of us.

  2. I was watching rugby clips on YouTube yesterday, watching the great Jonah Lomu and at the end of the highlights he was on something with Claire Balding and Steven Gerrard, he said violence was a way of life where he grew up, you quickly learned to protect yourself, but his uncle was beheaded his cousin killed and he himself was stabbed twice!! He said rugby saved him, it allowed an outlet for his frustrations.

    Much better to be hitting a tackle bag, punch bag or something similar, the people outside of the education system no doubt need the stick, tougher sentences, minimum two years for carrying, five for using and fifteen for murder, and serve those terms, good behaviour? Who cares you've broken the law do the time.

    For those still in the system lots of carrot, break the cycle something needs to be done to make people value their lives and others, people are dying over effectively nothing, such a waste.

  3. 5 hours ago, gary pierce said:

    hi im not sure what air rifle ro get for shooting squirrels as ive got an estate to shoot on it has to be quiet regards.

    As walker says the world is your oyster, plus as you've got your fac you can look at fac air rifles, subs for your .22lr.

    Second hand? new? As always it comes to budget.

  4. 2 hours ago, Rewulf said:

    Better yet ! Think about it this way , if the place was so good , why did you want to leave ?

    The kebab shop is the the better option, you leave the dingy pub/club before it all kicks off, get yourself some grub to soak the alcohol up, home safe and sound , ready to start the new day .
    You just know it makes sense 🤣

    They want to leave because they realised that they've been going the same place for ever, same faces same promises and they still wake up with a hangover, none of the promises  acted on so it's time too head somewhere new.

    The old place is falling apart, but over priced, full of old men trying to tell everyone what to do, taxi 🍺😋 

  5. 1 hour ago, chrisjpainter said:

    He is very very good at tackling. He's got amazing timing, but he is clever with it. if he takes a standing man, he drives up not forward, so there's no chance for the player to push back. but he doesn't lose control, so he never drops players illegally. Occasionally borderline offside, but the vast majority of those hits are superb. You're right, Farrell could learn a thing or two!

    I'm convinced on not being illegal, whilst i thought the video was brilliant and he has obviously wrestled or done Judo, some of the hits where he left folk sprawled on the deck I'm sure he was hitting them with his elbow or forearm, but very clever with it yes.

  6. 28 minutes ago, TIGHTCHOKE said:

    Good to see something sensible come out of Speaker John Bercows mouth for a change!



    How is it sensible? Its apparently from the 1600's its just him show boating as usual.

    I don't disagree that May shouldn't just keep trying to put the same deal through, even if the DUP have been bought off.

    Just heard something interesting about the elections coming up in Europe, if were still in when this happens we can cause all sorts of problems so I cant see 27 countries all saying yes to an extension.

    Ten days no deal come on 💪 

  7. Just read through this while I'm listening to my little lad coughing ☹ I was thinking about gluten as one of my judo instructors had a similar condition, he said going gluten free was a life changer for him, personally the idea of no cereal sounds horrendous.

    for those saying milk sets you off have you tried goats milk? It's dear and i only buy it reduced because its different but it could help?

    as for orange / apple juice we always water it down.

    night y'all.

  8. I think Owen needs to watch this, and the others who missed one on one tackles


    I dont watch club union and haven't got sky so haven't seen South Africa play in a while, there is no way a bigger player would get away with the way he tackles, but wow does he tackle above his weight, and he takes the kicker out properly.

    He'll be one to watch at the world cup.

  9. 44 minutes ago, Rewulf said:

    Having a multi nation EU army made up of a selection of forces that are not traditionally friendly toward the sanctioned /threatened country, solves this inadequacy in the EU armoury

    Can't see that one coming any time soon, imagine the stink that would be unleashed if a European " Army" struck at the UK!!

    9 minutes ago, Scully said:

    Wiuldnt it be funny if labour did in fact get  in!

    God no 😓 

  10. You know there on to you when your seeing deer more often than squirrels.

    out in the woods for 7 this morning, a few squirrels showing early on the camera although most are in the afternoons, One of the other chaps was out yesterday but the weather didn't play ball, but it meant i new there was food in the feeders.

    Sat in a hide being patient when you can hear a lid on another feeder going bang isn't easy, but thought no I'll stay put, then along came a sodding couple out for a stroll through the reserve, arrrrrr!!

    Decided to have a wander after 15 mins, actually saw a couple of squirrels but too close to a footpath, came back and saw a couple of deer near one of the feeders perfectly relaxed until a gas gun went off, but they just slipped away no panic or rush.


    Spotted one squirrel actually moving about followed it and dropped it but couldn't find it in the rhododendrons' funny thing was it seemed quite relaxed, they normally vanish and I'm sure it had seen me.  

  11. 6 minutes ago, JohnfromUK said:

    I see Blair has been scheming behind the scenes again;

    "Tony Blair has been accused of “unacceptable” behaviour after it emerged he has been briefing Emmanuel Macron on how to force Britain to stay in the EU.

    The former Labour prime minister believes that if the EU stands its ground over the Brexit deal, Parliament will cave in and accept a customs union - which would keep Britain yoked to Brussels - or a second referendum that could cancel Brexit altogether.

    Sources in Paris confirmed to The Telegraph that Mr Blair had been speaking to the French President about Brexit."

    If its proven to be true they should take his pension off him, a former Prime minister acting against his country!! 

    Be even better if we could send a James Bond type to deal with him.

  12. Just watched the highlights or low lights of the England game, still can't believe the Scottish #2 out ran two England backs for that charge down and first try.

    Then England's defence?? They missed so many one on one tackles in the second half and seemed to be backing up away from the attacking players?

    That challenge by Owen? Can't understand why he does it, you either tackle the man or have your arms up for the charge down.

    And from the highlights Scotland had it won, Russell rushed in leaving a gap, Should have put the winger in the stands never mind touch.

    Still going to watch the full second half again though.

    5 hours ago, ratchers said:

    Did England and Scotland just swap shirts at half time??

    What a game!

    Think you might be right 😄 

  13. 2 hours ago, 12gauge82 said:

    I agree with this, the DUP have been clear from day one that they wouldn't accept being treated differently to the rest of the UK, its the EU, Theresa May and other remoaner MPs who have caused the issue and they alone hold the blame for the situation the country is now in. 

    DUP are only about ten votes aren't they? Don't blame them at all for not wanting the border and getting everything they can out of May while they can,  you can be sure that once there not needed they'll be forgotten about.

  14. I've got out of engineering a couple of times after redundancy but always gone back to it, i found your working longer hours for less money but i didn't re train, i was just driving so as to keep the money coming in.

    Have you looked at contracting in your profession? Often good money to be made if your happy doing short term contracting.

    I'd imagine starting something completely new at 49  is risky although a fella i know left the police and re trained driving HGVs, full police pension obviously helps.

  15. 2 minutes ago, fitzy said:

    Starting to question Farrell as captain. Played extemely poorly against Wales. Yesterday lost the game for England giving away 2 soft intercepted tries which brought Scotland back into the game. Finally his familiar late shoulder tackle and narrowing avoiding the sin bin. England need to learn to play for 80 minutes, not 40. 

    Must admit I think he was just looking to take the player out, the more they looked at it the more i thought he's going off.

  16. 2 hours ago, eddoakley said:

    Had a little chuckle at this one.

    My head hurts. 

    What a day of rugby.

    Wales just keep beating what's in front of them. We haven't played any spectacular rugby in this campaign but have just done what's required.

    Ireland were never in the game yesterday. Admittedly they didn't play well but that's mainly down to the way Wales pressured them, they just didn't have a plan b.

    AWJ superb again, what a leader and ambassador for the game!

    Tough day again for Italy wh9 deserved a win, especially for Parrise who has been one of the great talents and warriors and sadly for him has not been in a team that can come anywhere close to his ability to gain him the wins and titles that he has deserved. He would walk into any team in the world.

    Scotland! Wow. Deserved the win and would have been the greatest comeback ever. Not sure what's happening in that changing room at half time but twice they have been a different side in the second half.

    What a day!



    I said to my misses the second half will be stupid, no game plan as Scotland simply aren't competing so the the game plan will go to pot and everyone thinks they can score off every play, when i put the game back on it was 31-19 i think, couldn't believe what I was seeing.

    Glad you had a great day though Edd, even happier your hung over😆 

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