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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. I was chatting to a fella i coach with a couple of weeks ago, topic got onto shooting and squirrels as i know he works with a charity and i keep gentley tapping him for information. Anyway he ends saying I can have his old air rifle if i want, its just sitting in the garage doing nothing. For some reason I politely declined it, not even knowing what it was!!!

    well its been niggling at me wondering what it was i had turned down, he had said " its powerful with a telescopic sight" so i sent a message this week basically asking for the rifle, no shame.

    I'm now the owner of a bespoke venom tuned HW80, err no its a bsa meteor with a broken 4x20 Niko sight.

    It's a very nice little gun with no open sights unfortunately, I'll be looking on eBay for some, thinking being it can be used for plinking in the garden with the kids and trap dispatch so i don't have to worry about the kids and my Rapid, or nice scope.

    Now it has the most awful twang, i know it hasn't done anything for a long time, tried to quickly chrono it this afternoon but it was having none of it, kept getting a bad message, i only fired off three shots then it went away.

    Any ideas? It's going to need to be smoother if the kids are going to be having a go.



  2. 3 hours ago, Velocette said:

    And strangely,,,at the weekend the doctor at the heart of "jiffygate" , decides to speak to the press (

    did he not just bring out a book?

    2 hours ago, chrisjpainter said:

    Still, here's to three weeks of hard racing and some stunning scenery. I hope Yeats has a good Tour. I felt so bad for him after his Giro blowout!

    yes and yes, think he will aim for a stage or two cant see him threatening for the title after how his Giro finished.

  3. 16 minutes ago, getthegat said:

    Had mine done years ago. Felt a bit weird at the time, strangers poking about down there

    those were the days, having a stranger poking about down below, what i found quite funny was the nurse trying to distract me with small talk, as if i didn't know what was going on.

  4. 3 hours ago, Gordon R said:

    Got to be honest, when Bradley Wiggins (who didn't fail any drug test) was under the spotlight - Froome said there were questions to be asked. He then fails a drug test and declares his innocence, but doesn't think there are questions to be asked. Now he has been cleared, will he apologise to Bradley Wiggins? I think not.

    He might well be a world class racer, but his status as a human being is low in my opinion.

    I think its fair to say they dont like each other, think its down to froome being held back by team orders the year Bradley won.

    personally can't wait i enjoy the whole event, found out today that the tour goes past my uncles place he has in France, gutted if only i had known. Probably wouldn't have done anything anyway ? 

  5. 4 hours ago, davewh100 said:

    i think you need a lock on the freezer door with the key in a good safe place we live and learn ?

    that's a very good idea, thank your lucky stars you noticed so quickly, just imagine the mess if it had been left for a week in this heat, yuck.

  6. they have been digging fire breaks, can't see them doing much because of the wind up there.

    i thought it had gone up again the other night, coming home and the setting sun was lighting up the smoke that was rolling down the hill, looked amazing.

    helicopter crews have also reported seeing other people trying to light more fires!!!!

  7. You have to kind of agree with everything above, they didn't finish the game off, let Columbia come back at them. The ref should have sent at least one player off when Kane was trying to take his penalty, but ultimately the lads did well holding there nerve to win the penalty shootout ? ? 

  8. 4 minutes ago, Dougy said:

    I'm out of practice so may need a few warm up shots, smallest I've got now is 17 Remington. 

    Quick and painless 

    . For me anyway. 

    you would stroke the wood, then gently squeeze................ The trigger, and pop ? 

    I was there an hour, pretty sure its a big deal for women, my misses was miffed that they kept asking if i felt ok and gave me a brew.

  9. 2 hours ago, Harnser said:

    Get the wife to go to her GP . They can insert an implant in the arm that takes a couple of minutes and is safer than a vasectomy .


    my misses had the implant for years but there can be complications long term.

    I had the snip in January, at my local doctors surgery on the NHS, i would describe it as uncomfortable, that's all. It was done under a local anaesthetic and i had the night off work, took it easy for that week.

    can't understand how the NHS would stop this, might just be your area?

  10. 1 hour ago, Dougy said:

    You must have all seen George Best dribble the length of the pitch, being tackled by just about all of the opposition, he falls a few times gets up carry's on through through the rest of the players and scores. You have NO chance of seeing that type of player this century. 

    Maybe Messi, he rides an awful lot of tackles which makes him the player he is.

  11. where i glass collected every couple of months the bar manager had me come in and shovel the coal from one end of the old old worm screw fed boiler as it was badly designed, i used to be covered in coal dust and my mum always said I looked like i had eye liner on and looked lovely.

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