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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. I like the look of your rat bank, brilliant back stop and never a dull moment I imagine.

    I do like pest control but haven't tried them over 20 meters, are you shooting sub 12?

    Some nice groups which ever pellet you go with, have you tried bisley superfield? Lighter than the others your using but still a good hollow point.

    Have you got anything you could shoot to see what kind of holes the different pellets give? I do like the idea of the barracudas but think they will be too heavy and I would loose accuracy at sub 12.

  2. 4 hours ago, CharlieT said:

    If you take France as an example, the supermarkets have less dominance than here. I believe around 34% of food retailers in France are independent, whereas in the UK its 1.8%.

    Tesco for example, have a 28% of UK food sales.

    So yes, our farm gate prices are highly controlled by supermarket buyers. They know to the penny how much production costs are and manipulate the market to pay as little as possible.

    Plus and it's a big plus, farming is valued by the French government, it's a big employer and a large contributor to the French economy.

    That certainly makes sense, from the Little I've seen on countries like France and Italy they enjoy their cooking as much as the food so are probably happier paying more for local produce, this country now seems to be more about squeezing out every single penny, profit profit profit.

  3. Some strange squirrel behavior today. We were away last week and apparently there were some high winds while we were gone. I have a small covered bird table with a suet block on it, found this way the rats can't get at it, it was on its side with the block gone. Everything back as it should be and this morning I'm watching the birds before I go to bed. Lovely pair of green finches and various others when I spot a squirrel in the garden!!! Haven't seen one in months in my garden. It's probably 50 meters away, window open gun out just in case, it ambled up the garden without a care in the world going in and out of bushes and shrubs, stopped to look and sniff where the bird table had fallen then came so close to the house you would think we had been hand feeding it.

    he then sort of hops back to the edge of the patio and picks a strawberry without a care in the world, pop! Young male who obviously enjoyed himself while we were away.

  4. love watching spiders do there thing, think my kids were the only ones made up on holiday because they spotted a cockroach on the street, something that looked like a giant shield bug and a souped up woodlouse, they were both sat cross legged on the stairs watching it climb the wall, don't know where they get it from?  and two small gecko ? 

  5. 5 minutes ago, Rewulf said:

    You dont get much of a pram for 200 sobs mate, they were that 17 years ago when I had mine.

    She was looking at the BMW and Ferrari ones in Mothercare for a grand.
    I went white apparently, and needed to go outside for air ?

    won't work for the first one, shiny and new but get the charity shops and car boots local free adds bargains a plenty.

    TT your getting loads of sympathy ?? 

  6. 5 hours ago, Benthejockey said:

    I’m not convinced she’s not just pretending so I keep making her breakfast in bed before I go to work ? but then she started talking about the price of prams yesterday and I nearly had a heart attack! Apparently saying couldn’t we just acquire a shopping trolley wasn’t the right thing to say ?

    go for the double, tell her you don't need a cot you can just use the draws in the bed room 

  7. 3 hours ago, bruno22rf said:

    Walker570....considerable swelling eh? now that's given me an idea . Mice....any pictures of the Dog wearing wellies and trousers?


    power of the internet, can't see the trousers for the wellies, been a long night ? 

  8. A woman I used to chat to walking the dog got bitten a few years ago and was layed up for about two weeks due to a couple of bites, I'd never realised that their bite was so bad. She always walked the dog in trousers and wellies after that regardless of the weather.

  9. I would have thought a pump was the easiest and cheapest way to go, i cant imagine you pumping up more than once on a session. It won't be rolling around and how often are you going to shoot 120 shots a session? If that's the case on a regular session i would look at another rifle maybe or take two with you?

  10. 12 minutes ago, bruno22rf said:

    Be interesting to know how many of us have ever double loaded a PCP - I'll start - 20 + years using only PCP's for hunting = zero. Keep your eye on the ball.

    My old fella did on my Rapid, i haven't done it though, had her at least twenty years, i have pulled the trigger but not cocked the rifle.

  11. On ‎15‎/‎06‎/‎2018 at 10:36, Dekers said:

    Some interesting comments, I use whatever is required on Squirrels and totally agree they tend to be really tough, and can take a lot of injury.

    Historical experience has also taught me NEVER to pick one up until you are absolutely sure its dead.

    like when i got complacent a while ago, I had shot a squirrel out of a tree and put another pellet into its chest at point blank, moved on to try and get another, couple of minutes later i came back, squirrel in same place, bent down to pick him up and nearly soiled my pants when it moved as my hand touched it, tough critters indeed.

  12. 18 hours ago, fatchap said:

     I Maybe some truth to it, my next neighbour works for parcelforce, and they have told all their drivers that putting a england flag of any kind on or in their van will result in a disciplinary.

    He says they claim its for health and safety reasons......:hmm:

    Something I dont have to worry about as Ireland never qualify anyway.

    Rugby union World Cup they will.

  13. 14 hours ago, DC177 said:

    Bang on the cross hairs. I have been practicing with the Scorpion this week and pushing out to 70 yards (Sub-12 but Ratworks tuned). My usual  10gn heavies are zerod at 40 but with 8gn the zero moves to 50! This squizzer appeared at 50 yards so I took it prone off the bipod. This time going for the heart as the last one needed 2 to the head. 

    We'll at least it wasn't a fluke then, might have to have a proper look at .177 one day, but there so small and fiddly.

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