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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. Ok so what did i miss? Rogue male always gets a mention on any reading threads so i got a copy for my hols, i won't spoil anything but i liked the start and end, but nothing in-between?? Is it an age thing, obviously its an old book but normally a book of this size would be a quick read but i was actually putting off finishing it?

    first blood is a similar story ish and a book I've read a few times, and will read again , rogue male though will be heading for the charity shop.

  2. we supply to airbus and were warned before the vote that airbus would look at taking there work out of the UK if the vote wasn't remain, if they could get the level of quality done cheaper in France then they would already have taken the work elsewhere.

  3. Another thought hamster, have you tried baiting the rats to a spot that suits you? You could get yourself a fishing catapult and load an area up with sweet corn or casters, might give you more chance of shots?

  4. 7 minutes ago, spandit said:

    Knew it wouldn't take long for my suitability at holding an FAC was questioned. Feel free to contact my FEO so you can tell him I took a photograph of a rabbit with a pub in the background.

    I didn't take the shot, as it happens, I stalked round and shot it from a different direction.

    Was hoping for more reasoned  discussion but then I should have known from this forum that the drama queens about the loudest

    Always going to get that, I'm just glad no one said yes why not.

  5. 15 hours ago, Sciurus said:

    We keep a very firm check on greys in the immediate area and trap and shoot all the year round. As a result, there are generally never very few about. Getting 10 to 15 greys in a month is a high score, 5 to 8 is more common. 

    I am back from a short holiday and suddenly we are catching/shooting large numbers of greys all around. I have had 22 in 10days, my colleague has 28. They are nearly all adult, very few juveniles. They are fairly easily trapped and we are getting them in woodland and houses with a lot of mature trees. We are not getting them in the suburban houses with bird feeders that have previously been are main catching spots.

    I have heard that colleagues covering other villages nearby are experiencing the same explosion of greys. Has anyone any idea why this is happenings? One idea is that we have had 6 weeks of very hot weather and a lot of the becks and rivers were drying up and possibly greys were now able to travel further distances from F.C. woods in search of food.

    in the meantime, we have now got every trap out, in the hope of getting as many as we can before the natural food appears.

    certainly seems a strange one to get such large numbers suddenly traveling into your areas. Do you think their coming from an area that isn't shot or trapped on? Is there a lot of forestry work going on which may have driven them out? 50 squirrels between just two of you seems a lot of squirrels on the move.

  6. 3 hours ago, sitsinhedges said:

    Nobody really cares I know, but I just wanted to say that since the format changed I hardly ever use this forum now. I used to be an avid poster but just find its current format user unfriendly so click on and usually go no further. I find the likes of AirgunBBS much more agreeable and easy to navigate. There, I've said it

    I'm sure if you were used to the old style it is strange, but it's lots easier now to post pictures, you have missed some great threads such as walkers knife auction and the making of it, with lots of pictures banter and stitches.

    I'm on a couple of other sites but find PW much easier to use and find things.

    Quite a few folk disappeared with the update, but some have come back.

  7. have a look on the bay for the pellet samples you can get, I can't see you having problems with chest shots looking at your accuracy. Those bisley mags will probably go in at the chest and out the back end some place. They might flip about but they are going to be dead.

    I was shown some pics a while ago of rats shot with a .17 hmr and they had big nasty holes in them despite the rats being small soft targets.

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