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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. 16 minutes ago, Sciurus said:

    can’t attach the last two photos, it tells me I can only upload 2.73mb. Can anyone tell me how to get round this?

    just go back on and upload more pics, you can shrink them but this is the other way of going about it.

    52 minutes ago, Sciurus said:

    I was on my way to the wood, when I got a phone call that the Trail camera had just reported in that a grey had been caught and would I block the red escape hatch until the volunteer for the wood arrives

    did you not just deal with the squirrel when you arrived? Certainly seems well organised if you've got trail cams sending you pictures so you know when you have caught a squirrel, and 50 pics of birds ? 

  2. 1 hour ago, timmytree said:

    They played for the best in the next round, that meant losing. 

    I feel sorry for the people who payed to watch it, a dismal exhibition of a team that didn't want to win. Thats the result of the world cup system.

    saw maybe 5 mins of the game, haven't heard anyone say they expected England to want to win, already qualified and this is so called the easier route? Let's see what happens when we run out against Columbia. 

    did they play a weakand team?

  3. 2 hours ago, Walker570 said:

    Why can't these same traps be used?      OK mine get visited at least twice a day which you should and have to do, but that also includes any other trap in my view

    people say that being trapped causes stress and i can understand that, so the idea of reds being able to escape makes sense, i set my trap light so it gets rats as well but i can check it as often as I like being in the garden.


    2 hours ago, Sciurus said:

    hope to go back tomorrow and a) get the intruding grey and b) take a photo of the Becks trap on an iPad. I haven’t used a Becks trap but understand it is tripped by the weight of the heavier grey and that there is also a small exit hole just in case a red is caught. Unfortunately this means some adolescent greys can escape. It’s not perfect but better than nothing except abit of selective shooting (providing the reds let me!)

    let's hope the grey is either in the trap waiting or shows you a nice broadside.

  4. 57 minutes ago, fatchap said:

    Never been bitten by one, and hope never to either, nasty little nippers.

    Shame as they are quite a stunning insect, here's one that landed in my garden the other day.....


    Brilliant, i got maybe 7 midge bites while asleep last night, fingers forearms neck, nothing while I was in the woods typical, sss going on before bed tonight.

  5. 9 minutes ago, ditchman said:

    i was thinking that a good old burn out...will revitilise the moor.....obviously not the areas where people live or earn their living..............or am i being a bit too optimistic ?

    Not the way this us burning there's nothing left to grow back, the fire fighters said the actual peat is on fire

    on channel 5 yesterday? The wright stuff there was an Australian on the panel saying it was a regular occurrence for mass bush fires wiping out whole villages.


  6. 11 hours ago, ditchman said:

    now tell me...how does a poor 2nd hand tinker inspire you lot ...in my previous life i rekon i used to go around villages on a bike that could sharpen knives and mend pots an' pans..

    And no doubt getting up to no good while folk were looking the other way.

    9 hours ago, ditchman said:

    i have just finished working in da shed................i feel 120% better now since i have been diagnosed with celiac's desease..........and have started 5 days ago my 100% gluten free diet...i have my health back and looking forward to catching up on all my little jobs....i havnt worked in the shed at 9.30 at night for 6 or 7 years


    so i will post the pics up of the conversion from a Mk2 to a Mk3 tomorrow morning...(or thye first bit anyway...come out quite nice).....

    you wouldn't think a piece of toast could make such a difference would you ? 

  7. 49 minutes ago, Sciurus said:

    * (A trap designed to catch greys only).

    your not getting away with just that, any pictures or other info on this trap?

    hopefully one of the other chaps will get a couple over the weekend now the feeders are topped up, on the Brightside the fella didn't freak out.

  8. We'll up out and in the woods this morning by 6am, as I'm walking in i can hear a right commotion, then out of the bushes flies a tawny owl with a young blackbird in its talons with the parent blackbird going nuts chasing it.

    round the corner no one about rifle out and sneak up on the bird tables, nothing obvious then from out of nowhere a runner with his dog!! Five past 6, morning, morning.

    i wait a few minutes and above me i see movement two young squirrels, there spooked i should of just kept still but i lifted the rifle and boom, they were off i lost sight off them after a few hundred yards, they weren't stopping for anything.

    Gun away change position, heard a commotion again so i backed up and was maybe two metres from a male blackbird which was going nuts, when right from the side of me a tawny owl i hadn't seen bursts out of the rhododendron.

    i stayed another hour getting buzzed by the midges, only really my eyes they could get to but its very off putting, and why do they try to get in your ears?

    nothing to be seen other than young birds doing there thing, all the feeders were empty of nuts, seems the squirrels don't like the heat any more than me.

  9. On ‎20‎/‎06‎/‎2018 at 15:17, old'un said:

    Do you mean these? I love’um, taste a bit like liquorice/aniseed, how much do you want for them?



    Are they still available? These were always my Grandad's favourite, which might be why there my favourite ?? 

  10. 2 hours ago, Ttfjlc said:

    Please tell me I'm not the only one with a dirty mind who smiled at the topic title?! 

    your not alone, i was expecting some cheeky comments, apparently you can get different flavours and everything ?

  11. 21 minutes ago, Newbie to this said:

    That's because a huge chunk of the population are sheep, especially the younger generation. Someone starts a trend and everyone jumps on board, I'll give you a couple of examples

    The floor is lava

    Silly Salmon

    Sheep trying to become rich famous through social media, couldn't have a unique thought if they tried.

    but thats how you get on in life, post carp videos and pout at the camera?? Muppets.

  12. Back to the land, series 2 episode 2

    Just caught the end of this, stalking on the BBC being shown in a good light, didn't see anything shot but talking about shooting and the meat going into the food chain, who would have thought it.

  13. 3 hours ago, JDog said:

    The native White Clawed Crayfish are in the Driffield Beck. Taking even one could cost you a lot of money in fines. Signal Crayfish are the ones pictured previously and they are the invaders. It is however too late to stop their spread.

    It may be too late to stop them spreading but that's no reason not to try, and if there tasty as well then that's a bonus.

  14. It's awful no other way to put it, it won't make it easier but i wouldn't leave it to long. My old boy was put to sleep in the back off my car, which was nicer than being in the vets i thought, didn't realise you need to sign a few forms and payment on the day. We had a walk in the morning then went to the end of the morning session at the vets. While i was a blubbering mess, the kids on the other hand were fine.

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