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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. Fickle creatures these squirrels, i was out this morning after work, 645 am same spot as Fisheruk and never saw a single squirrel. 

    lovely morning as it had rained most of the night, magpies were at it again feeders all still being heavily used, the forest floor was like Christmas island only baby toads not crabs.

    Midges did me again down my back, in my face veil and hands ( fingerless gloves)

  2. 45 minutes ago, ditchman said:

    do you know i still wonder at all the differnt shapes a breast can be....i rekon i need to keep busy so i can work my way through them all....i couldnt choose a favourite they all have good points.......

    I hadn't noticed, i must pay more attention ????? 

  3. 7 hours ago, panoma1 said:

    This is a side issue, I think the majority of people voted to leave the EU not because they were persuaded by the pro or anti propaganda......but despite it!


    1 hour ago, Rewulf said:

    Whilst a general election cannot be ruled out, it isnt really going to solve anything.
    Any party that puts either a reversal of Brexit or another referendum in its manifesto, is risking the wrath of all the people who voted to leave.
    It would be most surprising if such a party could win a majority.

    Another referendum is just making a mockery of referendums and democracy in general.
    Do we just keep having referendums till the EU gets what it wants?

    I know you are not advocating either, but the MPs squabbling over the way we leave, are clearly not thinking this through properly.

    We voted to leave by majority, both sides said the vote would carry through the wishes of the majority, it didnt stipulate how big a majority, or whether the 'deal' was favoured by parliament, it stated we would leave.

    Now if the people running the show then turn around and say, we cant do it like that, or we arent technically leaving, like they ALL promised we would, then people are going to get pretty annoyed about it.
    And the electorate is going to wonder whether its worth voting for mainstream political parties, who it would seem, cannot or will not keep their promises.
    Remember what happened to the Lib Dems who promised in their manifesto to not up tuition fees ?
    Wiped out.
    All those 17.4 million people, could propel a proper Eurosceptic party to power, leaving Labour and the conservatives in the wasteland, maybe not in London, but nearly everywhere else.
    Never happen ? 
    Thats what the Italians thought.


    And yes again

  4. 2 hours ago, shalfordninja33 said:

    Dutch corner looks amazing. I'd love to pitch up there with a Union Jack one year!

    It would be fun watching them drag you away ?

    I'm spoiling nothing, i just watched the end of the race when i got up, can't wait for the highlights later.

    3 hours ago, Penelope said:

    Looking forward to the highlights tonight, finally going up hill.


  5. 6 hours ago, vmaxphil said:

    Spot on I think Richie port might agree with you

    Was he even on the cobbles when he went down? Looked like just bad luck?

    I think the cobbles are just there to knobble, makes interesting viewing but given how hard and Long the tour is I don't think anybody would miss them.

  6. There was a good article in Saturdays express about Margaret Thatcher, saying how she was knifed in the back by Tories wanting closer ties with Europe, she wanted to pull out after the initial trade deals were signed when Brussels wanted more power and countries were loosing there sovereignty , but had no party backing.

    That's the thing now, if May jumps, or gets the push is there enough of the Tory party who want out of Europe to get it done without more in fighting??

  7. Cav is getting older and younger guys are coming through the ranks, plus he has all the weight if those 5 wins he needs slowing him down.

    I'll be watching todays highlights later, but yes the cobbles yesterday looked very nasty.

  8. 1 hour ago, Hamster said:

    My local RFD has today advised me that having spoken directly to FX the cost to convert the existing rifle would be £520 which includes a new barrel, shroud, magazine and various other parts ?  this is right at the upper limit of being worthwhile especially as he also offered me first dibs on a px FAC .25 Daystate AirRanger for £500 (complete with a scope), even hinted it may come for less than that ! 

    Don't know what to do as I really like the configuration and weight of the Wildcat and the fact that it has a sidelever loading system as opposed to the Daystate which has a bolt and is of course heavier overall, the length seems OK without a silencer but likely to be a good few inches more than the Wildcat once a half decent one is fitted. Has anyone got any experience of the FAC AirRanger, what are they like accuracy wise ? 

    I'm sure one of the FAC threads that was running a while back had the air ranger in it? Not sure on calibre though.

    what are the chances you could sell the rifle on if you don't get on with it? Without loosing too much money??

  9. I didn't see anything other than the one i shot last week but the feeders are getting hammered, then fisher UK went out today shot 2 but saw 5 or 6 and the feeders were nearly empty again in 3 days.

    other folk are saying the same as you though Longbower that the squirrels are going back onto natural foods and not bothering with the feeders.


  10. 10 minutes ago, Gordon R said:

    France were the standout team with some world class players - Mbappe being the best.  We did well to end up 4th out of 32, considering we were lumbered with Ali, Henderson, Lingard, Dier and Sterling. Why we didn't play Vardy is one of life's mysteries.

    Was vardy not supposed to be nursing a groin strain?? I could have imagined it.

  11. 57 minutes ago, oowee said:

    market borders these low labour rate economies are the places that we will have to compete against. This will also keep wages down.  At least we are trying to enforce regulations but as you say if employers are breaking the rules we still have some way to go.

    I'm talking about this country not abroad.

    And by doing as your told i mean "your working this weekend for time and a third" not do you want overtime, or doing things where i would say no chance its not safe.

    When i was in Arbroath there were loads of eastern Europeans, they came over strawberry picking every year, they had  every sort of job imaginable, dentists picking fruit because it payed more?? They did this earned there money then went home.

    happy shooting.

  12. 1 hour ago, oowee said:

    We had surplus funding from the EU in the earlier years. I personally agreed spending of over £50m in the Black Country, tackling unemployment and contaminated land. At the same time many workers went to work in Europe (particularly Germany, remember auf wiedersehen pet?) to improve their own bank balance.  As other countries infrastructure improves through EU payments the economic climate improves and the movement of labour evens out.

    As far as British workers going abroad is concerned its skilled workers working away from home earning good money.

    The workers coming our way are far from skilled, the best comment I've heard from a manager was calling foreign workers "2 for 1s" two of them for one of me plus they'll do as there told, work unbelievable hours and have no idea of H&S, it keeps wages down.

    But oowee at least you are sticking to your guns.

  13. interview on ITV now with magid magid Sheffield mayor about Donald Trumps visit, what a Muppet, he is wearing a t shirt which says Donald Trump is a waste man ??

    Another guy on trying to talk sense but i didn't see his name.

  14. I got out this morning, covered my arms neck face head in SSS, and was bitten within two minutes!!! 

    walking towards the woods i stopped because I could hear a wren giving its alarm call, I'm looking around and can hear a buzzing, i ignored it thinking just a bee, when i look around and at chest hight about a foot in front of me is a huge hornet!! At least that's what i think it was, i jumped back quick it hovered then went off into the trees, looked like the thing they chase on harry potter quidich?

    In the woods, gun out lots of noise, i can hear a tawny owl and what sounds like lots of magpies, stayed in one place for probably twenty minutes seeing nothing but a robin and midges, the feeder i had been watching was empty.

    carried on to the next feeders and the magpies are still making a proper racket, do magpies have crèches? There were probably twenty about in small groups all around a slightly open area, didn't see or smell a fox and the owl had gone quiet. I started giving my squirrel call a tap and the magpies were going nuts, a lot that looked like young birds were coming really close and didn't seem to see me at all, every time i called they seemed to be shouting me down.

    I carried this on for probably ten minutes wondering how many magpies i could have shot if i was somewhere else, got up to go and check the feeder when movement and noise stopped me, bushy tail!! A small squirrel had jumped from an oak onto a pine and landed on a bat box, then came around the tree and started barking, at me or the magpies I'm not sure, the magpies and squirrel kept up the noise at each other then the squirrel fell out the tree? with a satisfying thud. Another for the caller.

    small female must be this years only 13 ounces. 3 out of 4 feeders were empty again so something is eating the nuts, I've now got several bites, how do you not notice something biting you on the knuckles and fingers, don't scratch don't scratch.



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