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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. 5 hours ago, Green hornet said:

    Thanks for the reply’s guys I ended up changing the slot for a 22 instead of a 25.I’ve Also purchased a pcp theoben  rapid fac running at 39ftlbs.I’m very pleased with it so far just needs a service as it hasn’t had one Since new.

    I used to have a sub 12 version many years ago and that was a very good airgun that I regretted selling.

    Love it, i want a break barrel FAC so ive bought a RAPID ? welcome to the gang, the rapid 7 forum is really good for all things rapid.


  2. 7 hours ago, panoma1 said:

    Over many years UK Industry has failed to finance training for employees, failed to finance modernisation, failed to provide investment in machinery, failed to finance/keep up with technology, em

    That's not entirely true, a lot of companies have some real state of the art machines its just there has been a gap in apprenticeships, and a lot of the young lads have no idea or interest, not out there time and there already saying how much they don't like engineering.

  3. 3 hours ago, oowee said:

    Most firms are small and don't have the resources or are unable to take the risk of long term training. Large firms can buy in. The government (of all pursuasions) should have a long term skills strategy, but it doesn't. 

    I did a kaizan project with Japanese lean manufacturing experts coming to the UK to teach companies process skills. They stayed for two years teaching uk guys. When they left, instead of the UK guys staying in manufacturing as intended, they went to work for accountancy firms to earn more. Their employers just did not value engineering highly enough. 

    A strong education base would make brexit a breeze. 

    If the firms are small then there is no need for a uni to Tailor a degree to suit a limited number of candidates, i work in manufacturing, currently aerospace and over the years plenty of firms have folded and the work has gone abroad.

    If these firms need a specific skill then as others have said its an apprenticeship that's needed, but by the sounds of it they want ready made programmers without any investment in training. This is obviously what the poles are targeting, its the same with engineering and cnc they know there is a skills shortage in this country and jobs are waiting.

    we need to train up our own youngsters as we once did for the industrial needs.

  4. I've got all three so two is next.

    31 minutes ago, Yellow Bear said:

    The Third is probably the best but you get a lot more from it if you have read 1 and 2 although it is complete in itself.

    Jonny Wilkinson and Barry McGuigan are good autobiographys so long as you like rugby union and boxing, and American sniper if you haven't read it.

  5. 1 hour ago, Yellow Bear said:

    Tim Severin's nordic trilogy - Oddin's child, Sworn Brother, and King's Man.

    I've read the first, it took a long time to get going his style of writing is certainly not to rush but I'm looking forward to starting the second.

  6. 2 hours ago, DC177 said:

    Or Pine Martens?

    Another observation: sqizzers vanish if there are lots of magpies around. Anyone else notice this?

    I think the one i shot on the 12th came in because of the magpies??

    Had another squirrel yesterday, it wasn't on the feeders, they are still getting used, this one was in in birch tree not far from a feeder and thankfully i clocked it going up, not sure if had seen me but it just seemed to sit against the trunk happily. Took maybe ten minutes with an occasional tap on the caller before i could get a shot because of the twigs, another satisfying thud as she hit the ground, got a lovely bite on my arm from keeping still while something crawled up my sleeve? 

    i had already seen a young tawny owl buzzard and kestrel, the magpies were about but quiet today, and not long after the shot another tawny owl flew out of an oak and I'm 90% certain it was carrying a squirrel.


    can you see me.

  7. On ‎20‎/‎07‎/‎2018 at 09:04, BritishShooting said:

    Met the lad last night, he

    not going to lie, i stopped reading a lot of what i see as waffle, glad it all looks rosey, hope the day goes well.

  8. 12 minutes ago, chrisjpainter said:

    Only  if Thomas has got the engine to stick it out. He's never finished within 25 minutes of Froome in the TdF and his best placing is 15th. I don't think Froome's even tried to get into top gear yet this year and we know he's got all the tools in the bag to compete for three weeks against constant yellow jersey attacks. That is uncharted territory for Thomas. What I can't see happening is Thomas having to break off attacks to babysit  Froome because he's suddenly found climbing hills is tricky, as Wiggo did. Froome would have won the 2012 TdF had it not been for that. We'll see. In between now and the final time trial is Froome's real place of work. Brutal climbs, fast finishing descents and relentless attacks. 

    Good points. G keeps saying about its three weeks and i didn't know about the 25mins so its going to be an up hill race ? 

  9. 7 hours ago, Penelope said:

    Wow!!! Go G!!

    What a race.

    I still think team orders will win out and Sky will want Froome to win a record-equalling 5th Tour (3 on the bounce). Chrisjpainter - I agree, I sincerely hope this is not going only Geraint's opportunity to win the Tour. Team leader next year? Or would Froomy want a record 6?

    He had better not beat the record look what happened to Lance Armstrong, its not like Froome is popular to begin with, the French won't like that one bit.

    8 hours ago, Gordon R said:

    Less than happy about Froome's treatment. I am not a fan, but spitting and hitting him are pathetic.

    Yep they should be locked up 4 &5 hours on a bike so some Muppet can try to smack you!! Was it Renshaw that once knocked a "fan" out the way.

  10. 4 hours ago, chrisjpainter said:

    Yeah I'd love to see G win the GC, but he said yesterday he's still riding for Froome. I guess that's okay,  but he's in epic form, it'd be a shame to waste it. Admittedly we've not seen him show winning form over the whole three weeks yet, but this year is his best chance yet. If he does cede to Foome, I just hope this isn't the best chance he'll ever get. No one deserves a TdF win more than him.

    Has GT finished a tour de France yet? He always seems to get injured pushing it to the limit, hopefully this year he stays on the bike.

    And i liked his comment yesterday, can we go to Paris now ?? 

  11. 5 hours ago, Smokersmith said:

    Today reads like it was a bit epic also!!

    Wasn't it just, I watched the highlights tonight and wow ? got to love how happy GT was at the win, i would love to know what is being said on the radio, is he being aloud to race or doing it regardless?

    And how many of the top guys stayed in it till the end, anybody could have taken the win, shame for the ditch lad having gone so far but that's racing.

    Did you hear the commentator say that the local mayor had banned the sale of alcohol, but the last time the race was held there at col du thingy Bob they sold 90 barrels of beer at Dutch corner alone!!!

    Spectator got dumped to the ground by security and ban those ****** flares

  12. I've just watched the second half of the highlights again!!

    First off peter Sagan is a machine.

    I was enjoying the views and thinking so what's going to happen? Boom off they go, i still don't get how one person in front helps so much on the climbs, but it obviously does, GT looked like a fresh rider the way he went from 5k out.

    Can't see Sky not keeping the yellow now for the rest of the race?

    Shame for Cav, haven't watched anything from today yet but I'm sure he will give a great interview, and at least he finished  

  13. We'll that was an interesting read, can't say I'm surprised by the vegan bashings but i am at the stuff them attitude.

    my better half is a vegi and has been since she was ten, probably her mums cooking, every wedding we've been to she has been offered an alternative meal, she doesn't complain when we eat meat and cooks meat for me and the kids.

    her brother is just about the same but used to eat chicken now him and his misses have more or less gone vegan, on the grounds meat dairy is bad for you this is healthier, and i doubt there are many on here as fit as he is ( makes me sick ?) but again he never makes a comment on what i eat and is a proper sound lad, as might be your sisters fella.

    The vegan chap might not have been mentioned simply because it was early days in the relationship who knows?

    weddings always seem to bring out the worst in families, what you've described to eat sounds like heaven to me, but i certainly wouldn't go alienating your sister for the sake of a couple of meals.

    tell them, at the pub so neutral ground what the menu is, ask what they would like to eat for lunch then forget about it, there is enough to think and worry about with an upcoming wedding.

    And don't try to make a brew with rice milk ???

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