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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. could you not buy a couple of proper targets and make a few yourself, have some chain dangling with a disc the right size? Or make some spinners? Keep the costs down, sure your mate would be happy with that.

  2. We spent about 4hrs at the beach? Yesterday, greenodd on the way to barrow, glorious sunshine playing on the rocks and sand bare foot with the kids and hardly a soul about, the gorse is in full flower and smells amazing, this morning out for a walk found a mallard with fourteen chicks at the pond.

    just watched the channel fill up whilst mowing the lawn, now back to the beach on walney island.

    sunny Lancashire, its that warm we could be in Spain, enjoy.IMG-20180506-WA0001.jpg.670841de5b98dd06fa02d1b194d55d34.jpg

    quick picture by the misses yesterday 

    silly me Cumbria ? 

  3. 52 minutes ago, Yellow Bear said:

    Nothing wrong with cyclists when using cycle paths, however many of them don't they use the road. 

    If most of the cyclists afforded all other road users even half the courtesy and consideration they seem to expect from others as well as adhering to the rules of the road (as they seem to do in Holland) as they expect others to, there would be considerably fewer incidents.   

    Since my earlier post today on the subject I have heard that someone in the parish recently had to have their dog PTS due to injuries sustained when hit by a cyclist.  The dog was on a lead and the occurrence happened on a FOOT path between fields.  I also heard that said cyclist threatened to sue the owner for damage to his machine and himself, although I cannot confirm this.

    I'd think that if that happened  we would all be getting sued, for wrapping the bike around his head.

  4. You might want to stay away from Holland by the sounds of things, bikes and cycle lanes everywhere, imagine cars being stopped for bikes.

    cyclists should only ride two abreast and try to move out the way on narrow roads, but then given how bad some people drive these days i can't blame folk for cycling defensively, plus you've got to stay out the massive pot holes which will wreck your bike or put you under a car.

  5. This for me shouldn't be a ppv fight if it even is? It's the kind of fight your happy to watch in the pub but pay for it :no: 

    Must be the last swan song from Haye but if he wins well, surely he will make lots of noise about who he can beat and how much he wants AJ :unhappy:

  6. On ‎03‎/‎05‎/‎2018 at 22:18, GingerCat said:

    Pretty cool find. We have 2 types of bat in our garden. Big ones and little ones. None have ever stopped still long enough to get a good look. 

    This is my thinking, i love watching them when I'm out and always stop to watch them but I've no idea at all what I'm watching 

  7. 16 minutes ago, JDog said:

    To take the strain sit the trellis on a suitably sized cross member.

    This was my thinking, just run some 3*2 top and middle between fence posts line them up so there in line with your trellis, i doubt you'll notice them once everything is painted and things are growing 

  8. 1 hour ago, The Mighty Prawn said:

    I don't understand the sea

    your the mighty prawn and don't understand the sea? Tut tut, it's big salty can be warm or cold and you don't drink it ? 

  9. You do see some cheaper stuff on free adds but it doesn't mean they will be that close to you.

    Have you tried your local gunshop, they may have a few guns gathering dust taking up space, but if your wanting a gun and scope for that price i don't think your going to have too much choice.

    what about wabbit bosher?

  10. 16 hours ago, Walker570 said:

    Later, later Mice. 3hrs on the silage pit result, 5 pheasants, 25 pigeons, at least 20 chaffinches feeding way which normally act as decoys, but no corvids. I think I have done for the local magpies because the farmer isn't seeing any.  147 maggies off that farm yard in just over 12 months has got to have had an effect:good:

    Are you a secret Sunderland fan ?? 

  11. I think shooting and country sports are seen as out dated, why would you do it, apart from the odd rat i hadn't done anything for probably ten years or more maybe, i was busy with work judo and other things, the other week I drove a 140 mile round trip and managed one squirrel wife thinks I'm nuts, but i was in a great spot enjoyed being out and next time I will know where to look.

    keep getting yourself out, if you can free up some Saturdays come November December time try and get out beating, but look now, you'll soon be having a whale of a time with other like minded folk

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