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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. 8 minutes ago, stevo said:

    If the program is as bad as we all fear , I think the game shooting fraternity will have some explaining to do , and I rekon there could be some very dim views taken by the rest of the shooting folk towards them , and rightly so if they have knowingly bought the rest of us shooters and our field sports into disrepute . 

    Totally agree, I've said in other similar threads that game shooting needs to sort its self out before someone else does it for them. It's still big business in a lot of rural areas but change is better than having rules imposed on you.

  2. if you've no alarm clock how are you ever going to arrive anywhere on time? Difference being your only going to set it when you want to, and if its raining maybe not get up.

    enjoy your retirement, keep busy though or you'll go strange like my father in law.

  3. 5 hours ago, Bazooka Joe said:

    Just had to, spent the last half hour reading it...:)

    For the members who'll be wonder what the 704 thread is about.

    704yd hare v-maxed

    thanks Joe, only read the first page.

    can't comment because I've no experience of shooting at these ranges, not even from my arm chair ? but it is annoying having a mate who can naturally just shoot great.

    watching life below zero this week and the lass took three shots at a sheep, free standing shooting up hill, looked a good distance and she didn't get within two feet I would say, if she had of hit it which could have been anywhere I imagine it would have either limped away or rolled down the scree and rocks and nothing would have been left of it.

  4. 3 hours ago, Brixsmaid said:

    I really want to know the mileage as my wives Fitbit tells you distance, calories and so on, but a bit suspect of the accuracy, it tells you how many flights of stairs you’ve climb even when she hasn’t been on stairs?all I want is the miles travelled!!

    Then strap it to your dog and say look how busy I've been :whistling:

  5. I posted about this last week, Jeremy Clarkson wrote about it in Saturdays Sun, won't be long till the moor is useless.

    Clarkson strikes again, apparently Bradford council have decided to ban grouse shooting on Ilkley Moor, he goes on to say he bought a farm which was nothing but grass, but as he likes a bit of shooting he planted maize, sorghum and mustard to keep his pheasants happy until he shoots and eats them, but also mentions the benefits to other birds he doesn't shoot.
    goes on to say Ilkley Moor when grouse shooting is banned it'll be all set up for ramblers, gorse will take over and cost millions of tax payers money to keep things in check.
    Clarkson could just be the sort of personality to take on the likes of Chris Packham on social media, and he would likely enjoy it to boot.

  6. IMG-20160911-WA0019_450x800.jpg.59c598d652a432e4709b73ae4b6d63e6.jpg

    this was the highlight of my 40th flying experience, she apparently didn't like windy conditions but it was still in the morning so they had fed the other falcon, my word did it get some hight.

    never even considered a falcon, couple of flights then your done against say a Harris where you can wander hedgerows or such like half the day, then I watched her fly wow

  7. Nice one Mel, chap puts up a pic for us to enjoy and gets to fly his bird somewhere cracking.

    The Harris is definitely what I would get if I had the time for a bird, I know some folk say there too easy to train but how is that a bad thing? Still yet to see one catch but amazing to watch them do what they do.

  8. I had a pair of the wellies last year and the both split, tried some on today but didn't get any they just seemed a little cheap, I was going to get some and keep the receipt this time but didn't bother.

  9. 12 hours ago, Longbower said:

    Never missed one yet, as it did the same again less than fifteen minutes later , but i had changed position ,

    and got him as he just started climbing. Making 11 since Jan 1st.

    Love it, i wondered what the reply would be.

    On ‎24‎/‎01‎/‎2018 at 07:51, DC177 said:

    Interesting cos I shoot many from only 15 yards and I am not in a ghillie suit. They only get wise if someone trains them by missing.

    The other thing to remember is you shoot one, how many are watching? At some point there going to figure out something is not right.

  10. well I got out again yesterday on "the gouses" land, had a couple of hours watching pigeons fly past me having a look in corners and such places. It was pretty wet out so didn't see any rabbits, loads of pigeons about, spotted a fox. So there I am sat under a big willow by an oak hoping some pigeons come along, when almost in touching distance two squirrels appear, run past me and dive into the ivy!! But now I know their there!

    And got a phone call from fisheruk today saying he's had a call about a red squirrel not too far away, game on.

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