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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. good train station loads of off campus accommodation for future but I guess everywhere with a uni has, not sure where your from but you can visit then carry on into the lakes. Hope he enjoys it, good judo club as well ? 

  2. have a google mate for Euxton sand quarry, right by the M6 junction 28. we had all this a few years ago, went to all the meetings voiced our concerns. The wind was blowing and we were weeing into it.

    we actually moved before it started properly but not because of the quarrying as to what effects on health or house prices there has been I'm not sure.

    They apparently know where the sand is from previous works in this case the M6

  3. Not long now, two days of pheasant/ game shooting left, hope you've all had a great season, then hopefully the biggest mass cull of grey squirrels for many a year. Give the woods and hedgerows near you a real good going over before the song birds get busy nesting, doing some good conservation work at the same time as enjoying some informal shooting with your mates, let's see who of all the game and pigeon shots does the best.

    It will also come in handy if the panorama program is as bad as people are thinking for the shooting orgs to be able to say there is more goes on than just driven shooting, but it doesn't get reported.

    ? Mice!

  4. 5 minutes ago, firdom said:

    If the council do green waste bins that is the best way ours is i think nearly £50.00 a year had a shredder to much hassle 

    You get a lot more stuff in the bin when you've shredded it, we used to completely fill two bins cutting conifer hedges.

  5. we got an ex display Bosch shredder a good lot of years ago fantastic bit of kit paid £25 best bargain ever because it had no box!! Wife loves it, she can make anything disappear, and it has had some proper stick no pun intended, never done a thing other than turn it on and off.

  6. Been there done it mate and I would say digs, my drive would have been 1.5 hrs each way, but I just did my hours over 4 days with an early dart Thursday. You only do these things for the money or getting to work at a company with a good reputation that will benefit your cv.

    As others have said you can come home if you want to but better having an hour in the gym something to eat and sleep, or work nights even better if your working away, keeps you out the pubs.

  7. Just now, JohnfromUK said:

    If a garage isn't a bit of a mess, you aren't using it correctly.

    Your not wrong!! I'm having to reduce the size of it though because were planning on extending the house but typically the bit that has to go is where the gas and electrics are, more expenses yeah ? and the roof leaks, gonna be busy.

  8. On ‎25‎/‎01‎/‎2018 at 09:21, ferguson_tom said:

    Old kitchen units work well and keep everything tidy. You can often find someone giving away kitchens for free as long as you remove them yourself. Keeps everything nice and tidy and offers loads of storage.

    I did this, got an old kitchen off free cycle the old boy even helped me move it with his pick up, my garage is still a mess though.? 

  9. well I'm finally off the mark for the year in the woods, spent the morning getting wet, thinking I should have stayed in bed, head back to the visitors centre having seen nothing and there is a big fat squirrel on the bird table, I got the nod rifle out, door creaked and up into the pine it goes, just not very far looking straight at me, mistake. Big female that won't be breeding this year.

    few rats about again so stayed for an hour seeing three and shooting two whilst watching the birds after having a brew. Slightly worrying when the rsts are nearly as big as the squirrels.


  10. there is a an AA 410 on the sales section looks nice, then your in the gang:whistling:

    Ikea nooooooooooo, I refuse to go, what sort of place has only one way in and out and you can't get your trolley to the car!!! But there building a new one near us, wife can't wait ?  

  11. 2 hours ago, bruno22rf said:

    Seems rude not to mention the AAS200 . You might like to see the Airgungearshow review?

    AA ??? airarms anonymous.

    16 hours ago, Ultrastu said:

    Sorry. Been a while getting to this thread .I've just moved house today. :good:

    always fun moving house, hope it went well.

  12. 7 hours ago, bruno22rf said:

    So good news everyone....after contacting Fullers they gave me details of a local ( 8 miles away) stockist and off I popped only to be told that they have never stocked the stuff, rang Fullers back and they have not only spent a considerable amount of time contacting local outlets ( and found one that actually has the stuff) but they are sending me a not quite a few bottles as an apology - 14 was mentioned :yahoo:.

    We'll aren't you a lucky ### never tried or even heard of porter ales, but booths normally stock a good range of different varieties, wife doesn't like me going though because I buy what takes my fancy 

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