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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. Here is something, you come off say "off topic", top of the screen left side click for pigeon watch scroll down doh!! Have to go back up again to press home to get to other topics say guns & equipment, any reason for this?

    otherwise quite enjoying things pics are easy to upload now don't have to down size them, things are easy to read, so all good 

  2. Have to say not a fan of the huge build up, folk buying stuff for the sake of it, its obviously driven to get people spending there hard earned cash, or hammering the credit card, but it's one day feet up enjoy a good meal and relax if you can.

    we used to go the working men's me dad bro, best mate his dad and bro couple of pints game of snooker then home for Christmas lunch, if its such a gripe for one day then your doing it wrong.

    can't wait to see my kids faces, both got a new bike, well ones second hand but mint, and the wife got some big electric quad which will fit them both on it for £20, it will be manic but loads of fun, unless your my lawn!!

  3. yes my .22 is zeroed at 25, then I find not much in it really till you get out to 35, drops off fairly sharp then, think forty for me is 2 mill dots on my tasco, using accupells 14.3 grains

    at the risk of telling you how to suck eggs set your left right at about 10 mtrs save you a lot of time.

  4. 1 hour ago, das said:

    Read with interest. I'm getting to the line also but have no trouble cocking my HW98 and 77 a hundred or so times,

    but this pumping up of PCP,s seems a great idea for extra exercise.

    Might give it a try.

    If you have a google about the pumps you can actually buy them for exercise, won't be as high end as air rifle pumps but might as well top the rifle up while your pumping.

  5. 10 hours ago, Bigbob said:

    Last couple of years the daughters company had her pub open for meals at xmas , first year she gave her staff the day off , dad was meeter and greeter  keeping the fire going , son was serving food , mum doing the dishes and daughter and boyfriend cooking , it was great really humbling old folk saying they couldn't buy a meal at home for that amount and great company . folk seeing the pub open and coming in , some just for a coffee , some folk had booked a meal across the road and it was closed came to complain to us then paid for a meal , We got home at 4 pm ate our meal at 8 pm :yahoo:

    Next year she said dad it was so successful there's two sitting this year i had a wee moan but we buckled down and ate in the pub after we tidied up  yet again a very humbling experience folk coming in for a coffee and paying with a handful of coppers who i thought where homeless and wanting the heat and company but on that one day you dont judge 

    This year the company has cancelled xmas  in the pub so planning a quiet day in my own house surrounded by family after the animals are done and dogs walked its going to be great 

    Bigbob that sounds great, haven't of that happening before, you've all earned a restful Xmas this year.


    2 hours ago, team tractor said:

    Some grumpy ******* on here :/ 

    cheers up Pw :) it's almost Xmas .

    as longs as the kids are happy who cares. Toys, lights , decorations. It's Xmas :) 

    some folk aren't happy unless there un happy, its about kids and family and having time while everyone is off work to meet up and enjoy yourselves, failing that book a holiday and we'll see you in January 

  6. 14 hours ago, KB1 said:

    £800.00 per day isn't much if you only get to shoot one every blue moon:rolleyes:

    They made out he was there for a few days ready if needed, yes not steady income but still.

    it certainly doesn't bide well for re introducing does it if after a couple if days panic sets in and they shoot them, probably thinking its ok we'll stick them up in the highlands of Scotland somewhere out the way!!

  7. It wont make things any cheaper or faster unless you can get a deal from them, they'll still go at a snails pace, blame the fact that the vendor is in Australia.

    Shop around see what's on offer same as anything else.

    And well done hopefully you will be in before Xmas, but!!!

    I'm guessing you're renting at the minute? I've done this before having a month maybe 6 weeks cross over is not a bad thing, you avoid the stress of delays a weeks delay when your living elsewhere doesn't matter and you can get any messy jobs done it carpets changed while the house is empty, much easier. Also worth paying a professional company to come in and deep clean the entire place, rented property is never that clean once all the stuff is out.

    congratulations Lloyd welcome to the rat race.

  8. 15 hours ago, welshwarrior said:

    Have that lives at work comfortable warm dry like it except cartridge pockets are a little small it's as good as my musto s but costless 


    15 hours ago, Scully said:

    I have a Laksen which I was given some years ago. I think the former owner was embarrassed to wear it as it’s in camo’. 

    Fabulous jacket. It is goretex; very soft and quiet but it needs to be very very cold before it’s worn as it is a very very warm jacket. Can’t ever remember being wet inside though. 

    Cheers fellas I'll have to make the effort and find one to try on, I have a sportchief in cam, its great until it really poors down as the water seems to find its way in through the pockets , the wetlands version had better flaps on the pockets but I didn't get that one.

  9. 11 hours ago, daveboy said:

    Send him to live with my mother for 2 weeks while you go on holliday....

    She told me mine likes "sausages and cheese" when I picked him up.


    Brilliant, but I can top it my mother in law had our gwp a long while back while we were away, apparently she was walking three dogs and they took off after a sheep!! Ours followed the rest!! She thought it best not to tell us, I would have been glad had it just been sausages.

  10. Pretty sure our last Christmas was good, as others have said, friends family and food. 

    Normally have to do a few things I don't want to do as do we all, but grin and bare it, you'll be back in work quickly enough so make the most of it.

    I've worked Xmas days new years eves in the pub trade many moons ago, boxing day and bank hols engineering because the pay was too good to say no to, now its friends family and food, a bit of snow would be nice for the kids, on the downside it could be my mums last Christmas so we will all be making sure she is spoilt silly and enjoys it as much as possible.

    cheer up your only here once.

  11. Won't be long Walker you'll have claimed it for yourself, and at least its a proper calibre:whistling:

    now you can also try for yourself which is best .177 or .22 ( trying to underline and bold but it won't) 

    I was shooting rats today at about 12mtrs couldn't get any further away.22 bisley pest control and didn't have to aim off or anything, even though I'm zeroed at 25 using accupell on paper there a touch low but the rats didn't notice, think you'll enjoy the .22 its different, look forward to your reports.

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