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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. Watching the wright stuff? Channel 5 this morning and they had a guy on the phone and were asking him why is it that any escaped animal seems to get shot and not recaptured, the guys job was capturing animals, he said the only person who did their job correctly with the escaped lynx was the fella who shot it, on £800 a day they said!!

  2. Good info there thanks, I wouldn't have expected the pellets to still have that much energy at 50yards I was expecting maybe half that.

    I can well believe the drop off for the .22 at long range, probably why I always think folk saying there shooting at 45 &50 yards are talking nonsense.

    I did read something the other day saying that in fac air the .177 is actually more stable because the smaller pellet is affected less by cross winds etc due to its smaller size, so I can see why you like it esp in fac.

    thanks again might borrow my mates .177 just to see how it shoots?

  3. its not what you want to hear but when the time comes do you know what's going to happen? I've had to take two dogs this year to be put to sleep and it happens really quick, I'm saying this so you know to say a good goodbye and give the dog a really good love before the vets does there bit as before you know it its done, sad I know but probably better to be warned.

    good luck.


  4. Had a morning out yesterday with fisheruk, he managed one I didn't get a shot, a great place and possibly spotted a red but it was in the top of a pine and couldn't be sure. A bit like hawkfanz says we have to be out early doors before the dog walkers but what fisheruk has been doing has to be working, because reds are being spotted and given the habitat there are a lot less greys about than you would find in a similar place.

  5. as for what rifle, well my misses can shoot my rapid ok if she's resting on something, but the reach/ fit isn't quite right for her so I would say a junior model might be easier for her. Needs to put her hands on something and see how they feel.

    what about one of the Crossman guns rat catcher or the likes using the throw away air cartridges, small pretty cheap, lots you can change on them, folk have said elsewhere just don't get the plastic breech.

  6. From what I recall your around 70 ish? I wouldn't bother getting a bottle and set up if you have somewhere close enough by to top up your rifle, I've managed for probably 15 years or more but I just take the buddy bottle somewhere, my local gunshop Bamfords charged me £2 for two bottles last week!! Just be careful what else you buy ? 

  7. Wot sort of energy would you expect a .177 to be holding at 45 yards stu? I just be worried about a slight movement of me or the quarry at that range and so the risk of injuring something jumps up, fac obviously different.

    I was playing about the other day shooting paper at about 40mt mainly because something seemed wrong with my trigger and that's where the target was, its .22 so lots slower couple of shots were fine but also a couple probably an inch off target, so could have been a clean miss or something wounded.

  8. Well I know folk like saying you can take 40 and 45 yard shots with a.177, well I've been reading a lot of old air rifle mags in work from the 90's and most folk are still saying 35yards is your maximum range for an air rifle, the whole idea of 12ftb air rifles being you have to get close enough to use them.

    might be I'm not as good a shot as others but 35yards would be my max and would still want something to lean on and little wind, 40 and 45 yards especially with a .22 on a twitchy movable target, not for me.

  9. We'll I'm happy to say my daughter who is 6 has been coming home every day from school this week telling me why we wear poppies, the soldiers played football on Christmas day and lots of other buts and pieces which have lead to lots if other questions, we went to a monument yesterday and the remembrance parade today un Leyland which I'm happy to say had a great turn out.

    very apt as well walshie.

  10. 7 hours ago, shaun4860 said:

    I'm using an iPad or iPhone, I can just use the pictures I have taken by clicking "click to choose files" then it asks me if I want to either take a photo/video or choose one from my library or cloud storage,

    what method do you use?




    hey Shaun, on my windows phone I do the click to choose files, but first I have to resize the photo first to suit the limit.


    ignore me, hadn't noticed the limit is now 2.93mb so yes click and go great, my bad.

  11. Greetings hidenseek , your not allowed to say anything disrespectful about AA, other than that its lots of fun.

    walker, found another pen in work, Staedtler stick 430 M its a touch bigger so I think it will work a treat for me.

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