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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. Nice shooting there Devon, you'll probably get a lull at some point shooting those kind if numbers then find they start moving in from the pheasant shoot unless they stay with the feeders. Enjoy.


  2. 8 hours ago, MFC said:

    Very late in the day I know but I now have 2 tickets for today’s game spare. If anyone wanted to meet me at stadium today they are free. Will only give to people who are  wanting to watch game though, not given them away to someone who is going to go off and flog them.

    If any takers message me and I will give you my number. We will be in a few pubs in Twickenham from about 11.30. 



    Three cheers for that fella, not been to Twickenham yet but I will at some point, probably my 50th, hope you've had a great day

  3. 4 hours ago, grrclark said:

    My house is at about 750ft, but go down the hill even just 150ft or so and it is clear, just the odd wee patch in the grass.

    are you a kestrel, couldn't resist ? 

    hail here this morning some sleet yesterday and really cold last night

  4. Thanks again all, wouldn't have considered a second hand scope without being able to see it first, I had my eye on a simmons wtc 3.5*10*50 always liked the look of them and reading on line there well thought of despite there age, bought one off Sussex countryman off of here, got extra pics off him and he answered my questions. Think it arrived this morning while we were out!!! Come on post man come back.

  5. Cheers chaps, its a great place to be out and now the public are spotting reds, hopefully our pressure on the greys and feeding through the winter will get the reds through to spring and breeding, be great to see lots of baby reds running around.

    The female I shot yesterday in my garden weighed 1lb 11 ounces, pregnant female and were almost in December, just shows how much pressure the greys must put on the reds.

  6. I've always said to the misses don't ever try and separate two dogs fighting, when people go leaning in trying to grab there dog I cringe, lots of noise kick push with your foot, but not your hands so much damage can be done by a single bite, I'm sure someone said they carry cif or something similar in case of there dog being attacked.

  7. We'll I finally broke my duck this morning. Started out same as usual stealthy approach wasted given the noise made by the pigeons leaving the woods, heard the owl but didn't see it.

    so in position sat waiting between two feeders when I hear a snap, look behind me and an old fella walking towards me, I wave he says grey squirrels, I nod and off he goes, not great, but it didn't turn into what are you doing.

    I move over a bit and start tapping on my new squirrel call, I can see movement up in the tree tops and they are moving towards me! Keep this up when something to my left catches my eye, two squirrels chasing each other down a tree towards me, wait till there out of sight a move around slightly another couple of taps and up pops a grey side on ears twitching, bang, down he goes other has vanished.

    time was getting on now but still tapping on the squirrel call and they were moving from up high towards me to see what was going on, just didn't come far enough away from the footpath, good sign for next time though.WP_20171124_08_59_10_Pro.jpg.445fea57eeb9886a97169c5ffd978cb4.jpg

  8. I think its probably down to PCPs you can shoot groups you can cover with a 5p piece but probably not with a 4*40 bit more mag needed to get good grouping beyond 20 mts

    shot my squirrel this morning on 10*, it was huge ? 

  9. On ‎22‎/‎11‎/‎2017 at 23:40, bruno22rf said:

    Both my scopes are 3-9 x 50's but the vast majority of the time they're set at 5x - cannot remember the last time I altered them.

    Not the magic 4*40 then :lol:

    only saying this because folk seem to say this only I've never found them much use other than plinking and lamping rats, 

  10. fair enough, just most folk are only happy knowing they have 60 shots, although the 15 is likely to be more than enough, I imagine its makes the rifle much lighter.

    but given the limited quarry you can shoot would you not be better off sticking around 11 or 12ftb as we are in the UK giving you more shots

  11. can't comment on the individuals involved I only know what I've read on the links and I didn't watch the video, anyone watched the dog whisperer? His pit bull is the best behaved easy going dog your likely to see, if the beagle has run up to the other two dogs when they were on the lead then been attacked by two much larger dogs doubt there is much could be done, however if it turns out the fella new the dogs were aggressive then they should obviously have been muzzled. 

    I cant imagine the dogs being known to be aggressive simply because of the pictures of the dogs with the kids.

    we'll see though as things come out.

  12. If you click the circle or star by the thread breastman it takes you to where you've read before, few folk said this, or click on the right of the thread say 20mins and it takes you to the last post, and you'll get a msg because I quoted you. 

    21 minutes ago, Breastman said:

    The only thing that annoys me is if there are a lot of threads to read (I only come here every now and again and in the old format there could be 10-30 pages to get through!), rather than been set in pages of say 20 threads, there's just one page that goes on and on and on. And if you click a tread to read it takes you right back to the top of the list/page


    I was typing already sorry 

  13. 24 minutes ago, Smokersmith said:

    Buying houses is like getting married ... you should aim to do it as few times as possible !!

    Nah have to disagree with that one, on our forth house now, with a couple of rentals in-between. Each house has been a bit different a bit bigger, England Scotland and back to England, might have been nice to just do it once but then we wouldn't be where we are now.

    only one wife though ? 

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