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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. The Bolton Abbey estate and Bishopsdale near Aysgarth are where I do the bulk of my rabbiting,,It really is a fantastic place !

    We'll sir, you are lucky indeed. I imagine waiting on frosty ground in those surroundings for a rabbit to hit your nets is breath taking.

  2. That's made laugh, first thing you want to buy your misses is a sling for the baby, sounds like she doesn't keep still like yourself 😄😄


    I read a book a while back on eels, the fella was catching them smoking them and the elvers for sale. in the book he says his baby daughter was regularly asleep in the footwell of the van because of the times they had to go out to catch on the tides.


    Good luck


    After 3 (or might have been 4) pints of OP (and the wife drinking equal amounts - and still only weighs 7 1/2 stone. Life ain't fair, but I digress) we decided to get passport photo's taken....


    10 years of regret for both of us, with many (read, nearly all) passport control / border guards / Homeland Security officers thinking we are liabilities.


    Never again (not the OP. Just wait a few days for the passport photos).


    A pint of OP and a good ploughmans is food of the Gods.

    Very funny, the barmaid did say the OP wasn't a session beer, I had actually asked for XB but been misheard, it went very nicely with my sea food grill.

  4. Could a reason for a lack of birds of prey ie eagles be a lack of prey? Things such as hare drives obviously make areas that are shot less appealing to an eagle that needs to find food.

    Plus the general disturbance on the moor of shooting partys beaters and people working on the estate compared with other areas where folk follow a footpath?

  5. Think it was Bolton abbey syndicate that was shooting, it was there main car park where I saw the shooters anyway.


    We drove past the Devonshire arms, it was packed in the car park, folk might well have been walking but looked a nice spot for sure.

    I was born in Yorkshire. 😁


    Bolton abbey is great isn't it and only an hour and a bit away for us. Can I suggest next time you visit gods own county that you try Hawes and or grassington. The former have a very good Dickensian market near Xmas, your kids will love it 😁

    I new there was a funny smell to what you were typing 🤣🤣

  6. North Yorks will be where we end up, Wensleydale, Leyburn.


    Might be quicker than we think if Brexit doesn't suit the farming business, we'll sell the farm and buy up there.

    Can I put my name down for future reference squirrel shooting 😉

  7. Haven't had a squirrel in my garden for over a week now, I find shooting and trapping, which has just been catching rats lately gets me a lull before others come and find the bird food.


    I don't think we'll ever completely get rid of greys but knocking them back has got to help, I'm hoping for a lot more song birds come spring as there are plenty of squirrels that won't be breeding and eating eggs around my garden, every little but has got to help.

  8. I had a couple of OP, and tried a couple of others, the OP was very nice indeed.


    Walking around the next day wondering why everywhere smells if Horlicks? Walk round the corner and see the signs and smoke/steam? Coming from the brewery.

  9. It pains me to say it as a Lancashire lad, but we've just had two glorious days in Yorkshire,

    the first day was drive to forbidden corner, think we spent 3½ four hours there, about a two hour drive despite my navigator sending me wrong. If you've got kids aged 3plus I can't recommend the place enough, daughter is 6 lad 3, and they loved it as did we, never seen anything like it.


    We drove to Masham where we stayed at the kings head, large family room, great beer and food, good breakfast and a bit of an explore around town before setting off for Bolton abbey, more great scenery on windy roads, dead rabbits everywhere and plenty of very healthy pheasants, the highlight of this hours journey being spotting a Red kite, a first for me unfortunately the daughter missed it despite me pulling over and jumping out the car.


    Bolton abbey, the stepping stones and the surrounding woods with the activities which are there and pumpkin trail were great fun, kids couldn't manage the stones in the river on their own but everything else, stone skimming and fella catching small grayling under the bridge was great, plenty of space and amazing views given the time of year.


    Bumped into a group of shooters back at the car park who had been on the grouse and he said that after thinking they would be rained off they started about 11 and shot straight through for a hundred brace.


    So it seems Yorkshire is booming and I've no doubt we'll be back, happy children, happy wife, happy life


    😊 Mice!

  10. Well I read two and a half msgs some of the articles seemed really really dated, can't think why, others could have been written this week, half the reason I've kept them certainly interesting, things like pellet prices I went in gun shop last week and couldn't believe your looking at £12 for a tin of accupell I last payed £6-50 probably 15 years ago when I bought ten tins but they were about £2 a tin back in 91.

  11. I remember the midwife asking us if we new what we were having, they were so happy it was a surprise, it makes picking names lots of fun as well, funnily enough we went girl boy and each time we had picked a name we were happy with for girl then boy but wasn't sure about opposite name, turned out it didn't matter once the wife had checked the brand new baby suited the name 😄


    As for sleep , good look some do some don't.

  12. I'm just waiting on a webley Axsor turning up at my local rfd, don't need it but it looked nice and you can't get them anymore other than second hand, something will come up just depends on how long you want to wait??

  13. Multi every time, so easy just loading up a magazine, cannot imagine shooting single shot, too much fiddle and faff if you need a follow up shot or have the chance of a quick second, especially if your ratting.


    As for rifle? Who knows, second hand plenty of choice just depends if you want to add the cost of rfd in otherwise wait for something local you can try out.

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