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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. I play rugby, hence I thinking if I needed ten folk to cause trouble that's who I would call, and yes it paints a picture.

    As you say in your post me and my mates would very quickly be spoken to moved on maybe lifted? These sabs are constantly wasting police time at what expense? It wouldn't be tolerated if folk tried it at Wimbledon, protesting about ticket prices, but because its a muddy field out of the way it happens while everyone there is holding a camera hoping someone does something they can use.

    Had the lass not had good control of her horse she could have been badly injured  falling from up there.

  2. 5 minutes ago, bruno22rf said:

    IMHO 4x40 will take care of 99.9% of shooting situations.

    People seem to say this but other than close range rats I cant imagine folk not turning up the mag, I'm normally on 8 or 10 on a 6*24*44 only go to the silly end of the mag on paper

    I used to have a 8*56 and its certainly simpler point and shoot but I would stick with variable you can always just leave it on six say, you can't adjust if the options not there.

    what scopes are you using on the squirrels Bruno? I'm guessing not 4*40?


  3. 6 hours ago, grrclark said:

    I think this is an utterly ludicrous post, how on earth can you conflate the actions of SABS with people on scooters robbing people?

    There is also a world of difference of someone walking in to my house or garden wearing a mask versus those protesting in an open field. 

    Well you like to stick to your guns don't you, they are wearing masks so they can't be identified, to intimidate and because they are breaking the law, as I have said peaceful protest absolutely fine carry on your entitled to your opinion, they however are forcing there opinion on others in a dangerous way.

    If me and ten of my rugby mates all dress like the sabs in these videos then go charging round the high-street or local shopping centre harassing people what do think will happen? You can't enter a bank wearing a mask, people rob shops wearing masks law full protesters do not.

  4. 5 hours ago, grrclark said:

    Lord V, the mode of someone's dress cannot in anyway be a justifiable action for striking them with a weapon

    So if someone walked into your house or garden, somewhere they shouldn't be wearing a mask how are you going to react? Pop the kettle on? The likelihood is the hunt followers who are acting lawfully have been getting grief and impeded all day maybe week in week out, she advances telling them or him to do one, he grabs her reins, so she properly let's him have it, she doesn't strike him until he grabs the reins.

    the sabs are no different to the folk on scooters going round wearing masks robbing people. If they want to peacefully protest then crack on, stand where its safe jeer boo whatever, start grabbing at horses and you get what's coming.

  5. Realise that mate, think this is why I like smaller diy style shoots, hard work still but generally folk appreciate the smaller bag. Also realise some people just want to arrive and shoot, each to there own but if game shooting doesn't get its house in order then I doubt my lad or daughter will ever stand waiting for a pheasant to come over the trees.

  6. 2 hours ago, Scully said:

    If it weren’t for driven pheasant shooting there would be no tradition of shooting in this country, and I seriously doubt very few of us would have firearms.

    Think about it.

    I really like reading about shooting in the USA they may do driven shoots I'm not sure, but they seem to be more small scale, hunting rather than big bags.

    I realise that shooting in this country is big big business but picture this for worst case scenario, Labour get into power and decide that only toffs shoot pheasants, they won't care less about the jobs that are involved, if its proved that hundreds of birds are simply being shot for sport nothing else how long before they ban it? This for me is why there needs to be a very public effort to be using the birds shot on shoot days in the food chain, its insurance for the future of shooting.

    They tried to have a go at fishing then realised that was a mistake, millions of folk fish and most put the fish back, game shooting can't say that when there are 200 plus birds on the ground at who knows how many places around the country 4 & 5 days a week.

    here is another idea, these big shoots have already charged £30 a bird? If they process these and freeze them then donate to charity either in this country or abroad could this then be claimed back against there tax bill? It would certainly look better than what may be happening now and help safe guard shooting for future generations.

  7. Interesting read, I've been on small diy shoots where every single thing was taken and your stood there hoping for a duck, and I've been on large days 250, I think of this as large, and seen birds being hung and everyone guns beaters etc takes a brace.

    here is my idea, if the Estates can't sell their birds then they should advertise locally saying there will be birds available during the shooting season 50p a bird every Saturday dinner time, or Sunday say from such and such pub car park or the estate that way they aren't simply dumping birds, and they can't be accused of not trying to use the birds that have been shot, won't use up all the shot birds but better than what we have now, three hours maybe a week could just be different shoots doing it each week, can only be good PR.

    the problem with game these days is people don't know it and an oven ready chicken probably costs the same as that strange pheasant thing.

  8. the not leaving it to late really is sound advice, I'm sure with my old boy we could have waited but he was struggling to get up, quite a big lad and wasn't happy when you were helping him would grumble and try to get away which could mean him then falling over. As for food we had had him on biscuits and raw fed separately twice a day and he never missed a meal, on his final day he got breakfast as normal went for a walk just me and him, played around had a chat then the vets on the way home.

    I'm bleeding blubbering in work now, damn dogs.

  9. I re read it a few weeks ago and thought everyone seems to say that .25 is less affected by wind than the .177, but that article says different?? 

    it will niggle at you now so look forward to the results in a few weeks ?? 

  10. You should have said, read all the other posts where you have already written this, I've read in a few places now of folk saying there using fac .177 air. Now just to make it interesting i said I would put this up and forgot, December 1992 Airgun World.WP_20171120_16_31_16_Pro.jpg.2b5fbf4b42b2db201d233a0bb1ddf927.jpgWP_20171120_16_32_27_Pro.jpg.67dd50f922f5a083858c66475659c40e.jpg

    How is this for different thinking 

  11. I'm using up my data allowance keep opening and refreshing pages, it would be better if the top left just took you straight back to the full menu rather than how it is, I also find i click on the wrong thing quite often, like I've just been on pork chops profile, I didn't want to but there you go.

  12. 1 minute ago, scotslad said:

    Is there an area near where they park there cars? Try to put something really stinky there so dogs will roll in it then jump in the motors the'll soon stop going

    that sounds good, maybe get a rotten dead sheep and put up a sign saying someone's dog did this!!

  13. Your not actually going to snare, but would you let your dog run free if you were told there were snares in the field, this way your not telling people they can't let there dogs run loose, soon as you tell folk they can't do something they rebel, your giving them friendly advice to keep there dogs safe.

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