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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. I'm not disagreeing with any of it, I'm saying what was on the TV today. And I thought it was very positive.


    I've no idea on numbers though which is why I put a question mark, the article last week in the mirror and mail before that were saying only 140,000 reds left compared with 2.5 million greys?


    Ha ha I was already typing scotslad 🤗

  2. Yes the "mum" said there were only 15,000 reds left? And that just one grey squirrel carrying pox was enough to wipe out a group of reds.


    She also said to the vegan should we just allow our indigenous species to become extinct rather than control the greys.


    The fella said as far as he is concerned shooting then eating a wild animal was far more ethical than eating say mass produced chicken.


    Obviously the woman from Peta wanted everything left to live in piece which means red go into extinction.

  3. hello, sorry to disappoint i thought it was a load of TOSH

    Care to expand? For my thinking anything on mainstream TV which doesn't show shooting to be evil and done only by loonies and toffs is a good thing.

  4. They have just been talking about shooting and eating squirrels on ITVs this morning program, they had a fella and his mum on talking about how he has always fished then shot and always brought home pigeons rabbits and squirrels and his mum cooked them.


    Also a vegan from peta on who managed to not rant and rave, but said they should be left in the trees and we all eat vegan.


    Being hosted by Ben Shephard and Amanda Holden, Ben tried the pate they brought in, and liked it, the fella and his mum came across very well and informed on reds and shooting in general.


    A survey said 21% would shoot 79% wouldn't which I think is pretty good.


    Then after the break more positive comments on eating squirrels with one against.


    Very good from ITV

  5. How many shots do you imagine that you will need? - most people find 60-70 plenty, if not more than, enough - be interesting to ask all forum members

    how many times they have run out of air? With the exception of "branching" Rooks or a heavy Ratting session (and ,by God, you're glad of a break shooting Rats) I doubt that it's even a concern to experienced shooters.

    I've got a large and small buddy bottle supposed to be 150 and 301 shots, just buying a webley Axsor which is going to give around 80 shots, can't imagine running out of air on a normal session, but because there is no gauge on the buddy bottles it is easy to forget over a few weeks or months where your upto.

  6. What don't you understand scully? As suburban shooter has said there not accepting any more comments on this, and I know for a fact that SS is heavily involved in grey squirrel control and in a very knowledgeable position to reply with accurate information.


    I went through the comments page giving thumbs up to the sensible posts and downs to the poor wrong ones.

  7. According to the Sunday people, 30,686 people voted for the ban and 30,985 voted against.


    Looking on the national trust website it says over 4 million members!!


    Philippa king of lacs said "this is a shot in the arm for animal cruelty" I've no idea?


    Still an awful lot of people didn't bother to vote.

  8. Another shot this morning, but I'm in bad books.


    I was supposed to be in the shower, it was blowing a hooly out but had a look outside and there is a squirrel on the suet log, rifle out, gone! Then its running about, then another one appears and they chase each other into next door.


    Then another pops up onto the peanuts after having a look about, its still, extended, back of the head facing me, pop!

    Didn't realise the misses was watching it while she did the pots thinking it was safe, she thought the wind had blown it off the feeder 🙄



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