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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. After some advice on trail cams please,


    I've given up on Aldi ever getting them in again so went on Amazon last night and had a search on here for information. I've read a few folk saying get the £60 ones off Amazon and they do get good reviews.


    Now two that I saw were an Earthree £55.99 should be £119.99

    And an Akaso £52.99 should be £179.99 both get good reviews.


    I would expect these to be better given the price they should be or are the higher prices just to get me to buy them?


    There were loads out there that's for sure max price £60-70 was what I was aiming for and its just going in the garden for now.


    Thanks for looking


  2. Pensions, I've got a frozen one and another running but only payed into each for about 4 years, I understand everyone says start early but my focus has always been on the mortgage hammer that then you can begin to relax a little.


    If the age stays at 68!! Most folk who don't drive a desk probably will be knackered, couple of old boys where I am who are 65 and still working, I'm not sure if this is because they do nothing outside of work or if there pension plans got shafted along the way somewhere, but how long will they last once they finish?


    But I don't believe that when I come to official retirement age, probably be mid 70s by then there will be a government pension scheme, its hard to imagine no matter who is in control not having changed everything again.


    The other thing folk forget is there are a lot of people who probably only just scrape by week to week so there never going to even think about putting money away into a pension.

  3. Poachers, my old dog once brought one back to the mother in law, she wasn't best pleased and it wasn't far from the public footpath, I mentioned this in the local pub, saying how she was reporting it to the wildlife officer. Did this to spread the word to the lazy sod who didn't burry or care who found bits of dead deer in the woods.

  4. There was a nature prog on BBC two Thursday night on goshawks, I've recorded it, sure to be on I player take a look.


    There out there but they like woodlands so often go un noticed, fantastic birds but yet to see a wild one not on the telly.

  5. At close range I really like bisley pest control, there quite heavy and you loose a bit of accuracy but sub 20mtrs wouldn't be a problem, plus they load well in the mag on my rapid, don't think you will have any squeaking after one of these hits home.


    I had a rat in the squirrel trap this morning, compared with how the squirrels react in the trap it was unbelievable it was attacking the barrel, bisley pest control at point blank.

  6. Just watched the first 26 mins, I was at Manchester with the misses for the Kang fight was a really good night up in the gods.

    Always forget just how brutal the Hendo knock out was till you see it again, ouch ouch ouch.


    I'll be watching the reply on Sunday 😊

  7. I never understand why quads don't have some sort of roll bar on them, I'm thinking along the lines of a forklift, your always told if the forklift tips hold on tight and keep all your limbs inside the cage, at least a roll bar should stop you getting pinned underneath?


    Dragons den?

  8. Just to join the head or chest debate, I shot a squirrel this afternoon from the bedroom window, he had been running around on the garage roof giving me the beady eye, came off ran round than went out of sight, reappeared face on and paused.


    Took the shot through the chest, fell down and I could see the pellet had gone through and come out the back. Distance was only approx 13.5 mtrs angle approx. 17.5 deg. Squirrel wasn't moving but I Put another shot in the head once it was down, I normally always do this when shooting from the house even though its not needed.


    I wouldn't have taken the body shot at 25mtrs plus but at sensible ranges I don't see a problem.


    .22 accupell 14.3 grains

  9. Hi kitchrat , when you say its illegal to sell game in Canada does that cover everything fur feather and fish? I would have expected that say deer would be sold or traded for other items.


    And let's say you shot loads of the snow geese, are you saying you have to pay yourself to have them processed into sausages?


    Thanks mice!

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