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Posts posted by Mice!


    Who said having a pistol was "silly" ???


    A pistol has its uses, I have one and find it invaluable, at times, but this is the UK, not Europe or the USA.


    We have the Law to content with, and as much as I consider it daft in may respects we are where we are!

    I was being subtle, if folk are saying its like a coc k extension I'm saying silly, think ben the jockey has said it best, you can apply for a pistol then its up to the police.


    A .410 sounds like a good idea easy enough to carry in a slip.

  2. Not sure why folk are saying having a pistol is silly, I read a book from the library a while back on stalking and it said its common in Europe for stalkers to use a pistol for humane dispatch, also used by guys who track wounded dear saying a track could take two to three hours.

  3. Let's all plan on having a barbeque on Monday that way its certain to rain, shame its not a bank holiday or after some music festival they'd all still be stonned.


    As others have said windows up and ignore them, put a balaclava on if you don't fancy your picture being taken.

  4. Now then DM, do you or anyone else know why Gsp went walk about? I never looked into it but always found it strange.


    I hope Mr B walks through him and puts on a striking clinic, we all no George is no slouch but when someone's come back fight is a title fight I think it de values the belt.

  5. As others have said it sounds like there trying to punt you, which these days is very difficult so there trying to put you in a position where you walk. My sister had this a while ago, after her maternity leave was finishing they said her job wasn't there anymore but had another position for her, it was nothing like the same, lots of the usual but eventually she got them to make her redundant.


    Certainly don't walk away unless you can afford to, does the same grade job not get you working and being paid?


    Some other good advice above, not a fan of unions but in this instance they could be useful, also has this sort of thing happened with other people at your work??

  6. passed a house down our road this evening, they got Christmas lights on outside :sad1:

    Should be banned, imagine living across the road from them, 3 months of Xmas lights 😣😣😣

  7. Don't get the hype about banshee, I watched 5 or 6 episodes of the first series but just got fed up, did I miss something? Violence sex bit of humour but not enough story?


    True detective was really good, second series not so much.

  8. Has he not caught anything? Never had a fail when setting the new plastic mouse traps and they do bigger ones for rats unless slugs are taking the bait which I doubt inside. Tie all the traps to something as rats will wander off with the mouse traps.


    You can also get those sticky mat things you can put down if he knows where there coming and going.

  9. We'll its supposed to be autumn now, this week out walking the dog and we saw a baby moorhen could have only been a few weeks old, little ball of fluff in October?


    Another fella on here shot a grey squirrel this week, turned out to be a pregnant female!!


    So what's happening around your way that's odd for the time of year?



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