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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. Thanks all for the comments, I would have thought there would be a bag limit set at most wildfowling clubs or is just common sense used because you obviously need to carry back what you have shot?


    As for not selling geese, would a bag limit like they use in the states not be a good idea, so Joe can sell 5 or 10 geese a week, or would it simply be abused?

  2. Figured it was a general question, it'll be moved if need be?


    I've read old wildfowling books and folk definitely talk about selling ducks, I take it then if your shooting geese then you will be shooting for yourself and the freezer?

  3. Evening all,


    Talking to a mate tonight and he's been asked to shoot some greylags, long story short he's going to turn it down as he said he would only be able to use or give away 3 or 4 at a push and you can't sell wildfowl, so doesn't want to shoot them just for the sake of it.


    I thought this was odd, so can you sell wildfowl he thinks not I couldn't see why not?


    Over to you guys, I said I would post the question.


    Thanks Mice!

  4. Just a small aside on the immigration thing. My personal view is we should be more like Australia and New Zealand, if you havent got a job to go to, skills in relevant sectors that have staffing shortages or the finances to support yourself without working then you best have a good reason to be coming here. Thats not to turn away genuine people in need but to try and weed out the ingenue types. However without migrant workers who is going to do the **** jobs? There was a program on channel 4 a few years back where they tried to get 5 people off the dole into work. They got them jobs at Greenvale packing potatoes, sweeping up etc. Not one of them made it past Wednesday because it was too much like hard work having to get up early and put on a uniform. It was easier for them to stay at home and sign on and the system allowed that.

    The system is so flawed that as part of a character building, personal development weekend for the kids my parents foster they were shown by social services how to go and sign on and claim benefits. Not how to get through a job interview but how to get the most for doing nothing. The system couldnt cope when the one lad at 16 decided he was going to do his NVQ3 which involved him getting a job, living away and looking after himself and earning money I wish Id been earning at 16! We had senior managers wringing their hands because its not normal for these kids to go on and try to make something of their lives. The next one wants to be a chef in the RAF and theyre actively discouraging him because well 16 is very young and have you considered chef college?. This is a kid that cant walk, talk and breathe at the same time without being told what to do. Without that strict routine he will spiral out of control and become a scrounger.

    The benefits system is set up to fund people that dont want to work and it just so happens that suits a lot of people including a proportion of immigrants.

    You've nailed a few cracking points for me there ben, can't imagine us ever getting a system like down under this country is just to soft these days, also I think given how remote au's and NZ are that's going to put off folk just trying to arrive like they do here, if only we had a border!!!


    As for folk kids being shown how to sign on that's just plain wrong, show them how to apply for a bloody job not how to sit around.


    As for folk getting benefits who could work but choose not to and there are plenty like the ones in the prog you mention I think they should be made to do community service in hi viz simple things like litter picking in parks and around town, you don't do your allotted hours you get your pay docked, some might even decide its better getting a job??


    And finally your parents should be proud if there foster kids want a job then they've done a proper job and given those kids a chance to buck the system and have a real go at life.


    Spelling mistake oops

  5. Lincoln vogue 30" 12bore game gun


    ok...now that I have shot the Lincoln an honest review.....






    ......i absolutely love it. Still cant fault it, fits like a glove handles very well, shoots (for me) way better than the 687. Shot a driven partridge day today and hit first partridge first barrell with 1/2 and it folded and landed at my feet (pretty much) what a confidence boost...imo this is one seriously good gun for naff all money. Three other guns asked to look at it and what it was, I said handle it, look at it then I will tell you. All three liked it and when I told them it was a 1k Lincoln they couldn't believe it. I say again this is one seriously good gun.

    How has no one asked, how was your day on the partridges then? Did you feel very grand? More important did you enjoy it and have a good craic??

  6. Very well said john from UK, next folk will want you to give out individual addresses of the folk claiming!!


    If I had been off sick for say 6 weeks when I was self employed or back when I had just bought a house I would also have been up creak with no paddle.


    I'm sure everyone on here knows or has known someone who has been claiming without needing to but taking the easy route, at the same time the system does help others who can't work through long term illness or disability but the system is poor and takes an age to work properly because its under such strain.

  7. I know that feeling mate ive been on half wages since july , ive felt for a bit i should be back at work on a phased return works doctor wont here of it , And now they want me to see a shrink i really think im getting depression being off that long anyway they have been taking my holidays to top up my pay but im going to be out of holidays next month so the Hr department letter gave me a government site to get my pay made up and said you might need to go to citizens advice get a free app with a lawyer and get the form filled in , So i phoned the 0800 number to be told unless i have a SSP1 form from my work its a waste of time , so last tuesday phones the Hr department im still waiting a return call i think if it was there wages i would of had the call back .I think there waiting till i have my meeting later on in the week and hit me with everything . What they dont know is my sister in law runs one of the biggest Hr dep in Scotland and i can run everything past her i think that might get dropped into the meeting .

    Bob you might from the sound of things be better taking your sister to the meeting with you, chances are things will get lost in translation, check when your sister can go with you and ask to rearrange the meeting to suit it could well put the frightners ip them??

  8. Might not help Timmy but you can probably get your insulation for free, if you haven't had the work done yet then get in touch and cancel it, free up some cash while you need it.


    There are still grants available for insulating your home, you don't have to be on benefits to qualify.


    Good luck.

  9. I watched thief takers on BBC last week, it was showing one bloke had his motorbike stolen twice and got it back thanks to a tracker, and another fella had all his tree surgeon tools robbed but got them back thanks to a tracker in his big shredder.


    Looked a good idea for all you fellas out there who need there tools to earn your living.

  10. Went a walking yesterday and so many spiders about the dog looked like he had silly string on him, I had to change direction a few times as I didn't want to mess up the huge webs.


    And that purple beastie looks amazing, I can just imagine the sister in-law screaming!!

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