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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. AVB, have a look for masters rugby league, there is a southern team that travel about.


    For those interested in concussion, watch collision? With will smith good film raising some thorny points.


    Don't forget the amount of fun you have growing up playing rugby or other team sports, while yes you can get injuries and there have been deaths, two that I know of this year at amateur rugby league, one a kid the other open age. You can get injured doing pretty much anything.


    Think back to being 17/18 playing on a Sunday then going for a few beers till 3pm, pubs shut so home for Sunday lunch then back out for 7 till they shut at ten, the open all day killed Sundays, happy days indeed.


    Silly me film is concussion.


    I'll get my handbag ready while you sleep!


    I will guess that the book might be about the Royal Gurkha Rifles, I was chatting to one yesterday.

    Ten points well done

  3. You read the Daily Star? :whistling:

    There's always one, yesterday whilst at work I glanced through the star and the sun, currently reading a book on the RGR, see if you can work it out whilst I'm asleep, should be easy while your so much more intelligent 😴😴

  4. Ok I read the article or farceickle. The only thing I don't like is people posing with very bloody dead animals, I don't think there is any need.


    As for the article itself we can all see it's a joke but will basc or officials from any red squirrel charity do a counter article? I'm guessing no they won't.


    Some very high powdered rifles there though 😅😅😅

  5. Let me put it another way, most of the folk getting grief for being super rich were probably born into it, or worked really hard or maybe invented something taking huge risks along the way so know what to do with all that cash, crack on enjoy its yours 👏👏👏👏


    Now think of the ordinary folk who have a lottery win, end up divorced still skint after spending the cash on who knows what.


    I'll stay as I am thanks, wouldn't turn down a small windfall, but start thinking millions and I think my head would pop

  6. Ha ha, rugby league scrums are pretty much just set pieces, try a few moves, get the ball moving with space to run.


    I packed down three times at union, two props had gone off injured I was playing lock, I couldn't understand why the second rows didn't just move up? I went in to get the game going............ And nearly passed out two back to back after knock ons, then another and never again.

  7. The other thing with kids playing rugby is there probably playing football as well, club and school games so if there not tackling properly ie crash tackles lots more opportunities for head clashes and you don't fold your opponent up like you do round the legs, bad technique will always lead to injured players.

  8. I think there have always been the same numbers of injuries its just that now a days with social media etc your just more aware of them.


    I have played mostly rugby league but union also, the difference between packing down in the front row between the two codes is unbelievable so the fact that junior union is uncontested is a very good thing.


    It could also be down to poor training or technique, if your in the wrong place and your mates cone in to finish the tackle chances are there going to stand on you.


    Still playing masters rugby league at 41 😊😊

  9. BMI is just a rough guide, Jonny Wilkinson was classed as obese when he was winning the world cup, its all down to build.


    The thing that is working for a lot of fellas I know is no booze on a school night, loads of dead calories in wine and beer, don't know how you would find it but loose women on ITV, they asked one of them how much wine they drank a week/month then brought out the equivalent number of mac d burgers in calories and asked would you eat these every week?


    You don't mention if your eating any fruit during the day, fruit with the water maybe add in a boiled egg for healthy snack and cut the booze back things will start to shift.


    Oh I have. I just haven't mastered how to control the direction of the leaves. I just end up moving the leaves from place to place.

    Have you never watched a gardener or the council, that's what they do just blow the leaves elsewhere.


    Tin hat on 💂

  11. Certainly not cheap but an hour through Warrington in grid lock or £2 I'll pay, same as the M6 toll its only every now and then we use it but its great.


    As for Warby bridge not Been over in years but I'm amazed its only 25p return.


    If you have to register then pay does that mean there are no booths then? I imagine a lot of folk are going to be getting fines.

  12. I quite enjoy raking the leaves on a sunny day or frosty one, then pretend your not looking while the kids trash your piles of leaves, bring it on, which reminds me I need a new rake!!

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