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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. The folk who want the drag hunting banned are not happy as the folk hunting the drag are still enjoying themselves, and they could quite easily start back hunting properly.


    And its because most of us couldn't afford to run? A couple of horses and all that's involved so jealousy and class envy.

  2. Our plum tree normally gets a lot of attention from the wasps on any old or dropped fruit, but no problems this year. Likewise with flies not been as many about.


    Had plenty of butterflies and got lots of spiders about now.

  3. It was never spoken about when I was at school doing history it was always Germans Germans, I read an article some time ago that when Japan occupied part of China they were actively made to be mean to the local population, and by mean I'm meaning torture rape etc so it's no wonder they don't like each other.


    Also read bits and pieces about Burma and other conflicts around Thailand which make you cringe, the fact they dropped two nukes on them before they surrendered says how bad it could be if it was all to kick off.

  4. We bought some containers big enough to hold three chicken carcasses, not whole ones so we could bring it inside but keep it out the way, found that stuff didn't fully thaw in the fridge, if at all.


    What do other folk do feeding raw over winter?? Any clever ideas I haven't thought about.


    That is the other reason for feeding biscuits in the morning its quick and mess free obviously so if I don't have something thawed which has happened I can give him biscuit again without worry, with maybe a tin of sardines.

  5. Ultra stu put some info on a while back about power and what the power is at a given range, I wouldn't worry about your rifle being 10.5 so long as it stays at that and its accurate, you won't need to worry about pellet weights and being over power.

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