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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. There seems to be an unhealthy habit in our society to find someone to blame.


    Reports say that the nextdoor neighbour saw the fridge on fire because the front door to the flat was open. Do I know if this is true or not.. NO.


    Was the cladding substandard, or up to spec.. I don't know.


    Where the Alarms malfunctioning /inaudible I don't know


    In truth nobody knows anything yet.


    As a nation we should stop looking for quick fix and find someone to blame, and let the authorities do there job without media and public pressure, so they can come to the right conclusion.


    What I know, is that I am sickened by the way the media has reported this tragedy, and have appeared to appoint themselves as Judge Jury and Executioner.


    IMO the PM did the right thing. A leader of a party should have the good cence to meet people who are greiving in private and not in front of the media.

    Very well said, if the PM had turned up she would only have been heckled, I thought meeting the fire fighters away from the cameras was the right thing to do. Corbyn turned up for some pics and said they would get to the bottom of it? It will be a witch hunt no doubt, let's hope it was an accident and didn't happen because of corners being cut.

  2. Run round while Floyd tags him for fun and hope he runs into a left hand, as said above don't think Mayweather has the power to stop Conor, but then don't think conor has the skills to stop Mayweather an accidental leg kick might make it very interesting 🙄

  3. Probably just the different tolerances on the die used to make the pellets, this is why you should try and buy in batches so your getting consistency.


    Also different barrels also like different sizes again due to the tolerance on the barrel.

  4. Take the redundancy and run, even if you just go and do a similar job for someone else a change is as good as a rest.


    I've been at places where people haven't taken a pay out thinking it'll be ok, it rairly is it just goes down hill.

    Weather you go self employed contract or cards in can't imagine a spark being out of work.

  5. Just watched a reporter on the BBC shoving the sound boom in someone's face repeatedly asking the same question till the women started to cry


    Not good at all no compassion at all

  6. I was reading last week how the lads won't get bonus's for playing in the world cup and other things that they should get maybe? I only scanned the article.


    I'll bet none of them care, a world cup medal, bragging rights forever how thrilled would you be.


    And the good old BBC cut off the coverage of the presentation to show triathlon in Leeds??? But it's on the red button Muppets.

  7. We'll done you, should have said start with a door your going to use the least that way if its not as good as you would like its not the end of the world.


    Sure someone said on a different thread chippys on site get an hour to do a door!!


    I'd get the sack that's for sure.

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