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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. Such a shame for the fella on the break away today, 250mtrs to go, plenty of publicity for him but so close, I was just surprised how well he took it in the interview afterwards.


    I only saw the last 14 or 15k so to me the race looked like one big sprint.

  2. I think there the same sport and life, my niece and nephew both do plenty outside of school, very different things but they do well in school and out.


    The kids I remember from school who didn't try at sports were probably also the less intelligent ones, not all mind.


    It's true mainstream school sports might not fit everyone but it should be promoted I think, even this mile a day they are doing now run walk or both is a good step.


    My mates lads go to a school primary, where sport is just not pushed at all and it does there heads in, two young lads who play football every chance they get, I think without sport at school I would have been a mess that's for sure need to burn some energy not just sit in a classroom all day.

  3. The reason the high street is dying is for one simple reason, they are open when most of us are at work. Its very simple, me and my wife both work as do the majority of people in Britain and i have no other choice but to go to the supermarket as its the only shop that is open after 5 oclock when i finish. The old british high street relied on women (mainly) being stay at home housewives who would go shopping during the day why the man was at work, which of course is no longer the case.


    Its not rocket science, they just have to move with the times. In France, Spain and Italy towns all seem to manage without the massive supermarkets and thats because the small shops are all open in the evenings.

    That's a good point, never really thought along those lines as I always work shifts. I quite often wander round our local high street but never really buy anything much, go in on market days and pretty much the same.

  4. Personally I think competition is a must, its all well and good wanting everyone to join in and have fun but there comes a point where you have to step up.


    My kids are only very young so I just expect them to try but even so when your daughter is skipping along at sports day not bothered at all but busts a gut to beat you or mum its deep breath time.


    I like the American idea of sports, look at where you can go in America if your good and really try, pretty much a free ticket it seems if your good enough, this country seems to have decided its not nice to try and win. Yes you loose but you get up and go again otherwise you had better get used to just accepting whatever life throws at you.


    And well done Lloyd 👏👏👏👏👏👏

  5. This will be in a twelve seater RiB. They can expect to cover up to 100 miles in the 4 hour trip. Can't bloody wait!


    We'll normally you have a nice boat ride abroad with the current, this wasn't that, kids and folk throwing up everywhere as the boat bounced over waves to get you close.


    Me and the misses loved it, they are really special up close so hope you see some.

  6. Mud sticks, even if they are fake it will put shooting in a bad light for the cat lovers and anti shooting bunch, that's all that matters.


    Shooting orgs would have to spend big money proving there fake but even if it was proven the likes of the mirror won't do a big article on how it was a set up to discredit grouse shooting.


    So job done mud sticks

  7. Saw humpbacks when in the Dominican republic, they were impressive the boat trip wasn't for the faint hearted tho, bouncing all over in the race to be the first two boats nearest the whales.

  8. Id have thought two very popular people shooting would be a good thing, like Phillip Scofield but they probably don't shout about it because the don't want hassle off Joe public.


    Likes of basc should be doing all they can to get these folk in the limelight showing shooting in a good light, a couple of tweets off them or the loose women lot shooting would reach far more people than the usual preaching to the converted.

  9. I completley agree JDog, finding alternative outlets is tricky though.

    It is illegal for many butchers to take feathered birds onto the premises and supplying prepared birds needs a licence.

    I didn't know that, never thought about it.

    Sam the butchers in Eccleshall take pigeon. 100 at a time i belive !

    Sadly not rabbit though. No seems to want them ! Going to give the next large planned bag of bunnys away to a zoo just so they arent waisted on a pest control job am doing.

    Sounds like a good way to go, hope you get a family pass out of it.

  10. My names Mice and I'm also an addict.


    Was out yesterday so just watched the highlights, ouch hope Richie P is ok that was a really bad crash, as said the views Countryside fans make it a really good spectical and you can just never be sure what is going to happen.


    Only the first week two more two go!!

  11. Hi, I bought a cordless battery one from Aldi about £40 maybe less as my corded Bosch died, it had a hard life.


    It's really light and easy to use, wife thinks its great because she can just grab it, three year warranty quality itsnt Bosch standard but neither is the price.

  12. Old neighbours of ours had a static in north wales some place, got a boat and there kids used to spend all summer and every other weekend there, fishing off the boat then if the dolphins turned up throwing back anything they caught, very jealous.


    Best thing tho kids said once when were they going to go on a proper holiday, caravan almost every week didn't count apparently.

  13. If the rspca were going after neglect cases puppy farms and cruelty like they should be doing, I doubt anyone would have an issue with them.


    But the political stance they take constantly going after hunts wasting money, refusing to re home dogs where they will work that's what gets up peoples noses

  14. Id be wary of them offering you a fee for the lot, might be a couple Of rare ones in amongst them, certainly looks like an interesting find, the sort of thing the somehow find on cash in the attic or the like 👍

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