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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. Cheers gents I'll take a look at the links when I'm home, need to look at how much is worth putting away, at the moment spare cash goes into savings and isa, which pays nothing as we know.

  2. So given that there are folk on here talking about pensions who sound like they know what there talking about, how much would you pay into a pension at 40years old, I have a company pension, a small frozen one and like others don't expect there to be a government pension by the time I retire??

  3. If I was in my twenties in the current climate I would sell everything I had pack a case and begger off to France or Spain or even oz and I wouldn't darken the door of uk ever again....

    Had this thought a few times, I've a good friend in Seattle a cousin in Oz and know a few other folk who have taken the leap, almost makes me wish I was an only child so we could do a runner abroad but think it takes massive courage to wave goodbye to all your family and go as far as Oz or usa.

  4. That's the thing when your in your twenty's or thirties who thinks about retirement, its a good idea to put money away obviously but with kids bills and wanting to have fun I imagine its way down the list of priorities for most people.

  5. Obviously don't know your situation but I would put up a bird feeder near the scrape your talking about then put several live catch or other traps nearby, peanut butter mars ,bar fat ball anything handy should do the trick.


    This way any rats should hopefully get caught quickly on entering your property

  6. We got a beko after they had trouble because it was cheaper due to the bad name affecting sales??


    Didn't realise until all this happened that a fridge now contains flammable liquids.

  7. I asked my partner 3 years ago but then spent the money on a car for her.

    I'll be honest and say it scares us both as after 5 almost 6 years we are best mates and trying for our second baby ( my 4th) and we don't want to jinx it.

    I couldn't be without her.

    Her dad won't come anyway as he says I've brain washed her :/

    She was 18 and I was 30 when we met

    On the bright side you don't have to live with him, if your both happy other peoples problems are just that.

  8. You've got me thinking now, I'll have to have a look later but with 27 years till I hit retirement age which will probably be 70 plus years by then think it will just make me frown 😣

  9. On radio tonight all, think they said 69 high rise in Lancashire have been checked for safety and think they said 14 maybe have flammable cladding on them!!


    Sounds like easy terror targets to me, I hope they start ripping the stuff down and quickly.

  10. Something on the news this afternoon other buildings have been tested and some are also flammable, TM said information has been passed on to the fire service

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