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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. Made me smile this one, never had a sgc (yet) but shot at clay stands and beaters days with various borrowed guns over the years, and nearly always finish in top three of our group that's been shooting, second on a high bird challenge with clay flung off the top of a quarry other folk were really not happy.


    But that's the thing no pressure point pull bang easy?

    Did this once at a game fair first 8 shots on the money big smiles from me everyone speechless missed next 8 behind I was told, everyone ripping me a New one, oops 😄

  2. Sorry to hear your news digger, my mum had similar this week, she had a whipple opp last year removing half the stomach but check up says its back in her liver now, as others have said do what you need to and try to stay up beat.


    We lost my dad nearly six years ago they said cancer, could well have been down to asbestos related, but we got a long good bye with nothing left unsaid make the most of your days and family.

  3. I'm also living along a small river, we've all been in it at some point in wellies only so far, there will be some sort of boat at some point, don't tell the wife☺

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