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Everything posted by clangerman

  1. it’s a thinly disguised pr stunt for large scale game shooting and you need to stop slating members who see through it!
  2. only defence in these cases is “recall” you had the gun loaded to hand for a fox suddenly attacked by vicious burglars you no choice but to grab it and fire otherwise police will ask how you had time to retrieve a firearm from locked cabinet and load it but not take other measures don’t shoot scumbags they ain’t worth it!
  3. it’s also corrupt as part of the “gang” child gets one of the higher paying count roles she will draw £375 for today!
  4. and what if the witness is correct on the chap ranting about god or do we now blow someones brains out for suffering a mental issue which is not the same as just being guilty
  5. they will be bothered when grass root boys chuck them under the bus nobody supports something if they can no longer afford to do it their self cost of the 20b leaves a nasty taste now
  6. clangerman

    Voter ID?

    made a stand over this with the dvla idiots informed them as courts accept tickets for id if they keep refusing I will take it further and they can explain to the court they are wrong suddenly my ticket is enough id surprise surprise!
  7. try one of your so called straight answers because claims of policy up dates for starting lead threads non stop won’t last two secs on closer examination and you know it!
  8. the many I only see two and they have ignored the fact YOU start all the shot threads not konor so try taking your own advise!
  9. save the diversion we are talking here about your double standards of complaining then making personal remarks yourself now dodge that one!
  10. remind us again how YOU complained about other people being personal lol
  11. thats because unlike basc everyone else’s priority in a pcc is safety and cutting crime rather than ownership of a mere firearm!
  12. while I would like to disbelieve gov figures we grow less in number by the year my shotgun and those of more than one friend gathering dust say on this occasion they are true hardly rosy grounds for a next generation
  13. how can you expect a next generation when we have basc on here screaming toxic toxic to the public every day you reap what you sow!
  14. he couldn’t give straight answers with a level we should rename general shooting matters the basc lead pr section a voluntary move of coarse lol
  15. yet another round of argument and division the solution is simple connor Gorman has to GO!
  16. the bolt rules it out for me as side lever is faster and smoother so a must have imo
  17. as the last shared a private conversation within mins I wouldn’t give pcc the time of day let alone vote for one!
  18. if you keep crying all your past insults and personal remarks are going to reappear quick time!
  19. if there’s a better air rifle than a s510 I would be using it!
  20. clangerman


    war talk from a fool who can’t even stop unarmed dinghies! lol
  21. nobody can say they don’t know the lock means leave it and he’s now back flogging the same lead dream hrs later! lol
  22. with an air rifle I would count using real birds almost essential they give far bigger success rate
  23. nothing personal about it anyone who can’t prove their case is full of cobblers you can always produce the nonexistent corpses and prove me wrong!
  24. never get how when even using air rifle and dead birds they can still twig all is not well far smarter than we give them credit for
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