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Everything posted by clangerman

  1. I carry a air arms s510 carbine in the land rover most days two years on still dropping everything like a lazer never lets me down proper quality tool can’t fault it
  2. children don’t ask to be born so once they come along you don’t have the right to take of in my house if your not there for the tears you will not be there for the laughter be you prince or pauper everyone is born with their word intact i’m not breaking mine for anyone and if my children give me any i’m with the wrong person rubbish or i can’t go the distance they will feel the full weight of my wrath you gave your word your keeping it end of story
  3. i gave the ex wife every chance to keep her knickers on she didn’t listen so i took the kids house cars the lot left her with a tv and bag of clothes she now starts her day with a black eye thanks to mr wonderful i would pity her but i’m to busy enjoying a wonderful grand child she will never be allowed to see i love karma
  4. i know the feeling left some to build up on the rape since last sunday jogged out yesterday beaters wagon pulled up next door ended my day before i started had to laugh as i thought i covered all the bases
  5. I always used the same method find the pigeons knock dressed to go politely ask if the farmer would like you to keep them of for the day as you have the kit on board full permission quickly follows a good job done if he does say no offer to leave a card and move on knock any and every place you can think of they can only say no and remember to knock the ones who do say no once a year or if you see pigeons hitting something good luck and don’t give up let us know if you find a permission
  6. taking my money and missing out the most important part i needed to hear that their teeth only consist of a stern letter is old news but no way am i going to forget i gave them money for nothing but hot air
  7. are basc going to comment on their rep trying to charge £400 for a days pigeon shooting or just pretend they have not seen it
  8. guides are a curse on shooting they give the antis nothing but ammunition anyone can get permission i had to give up thousands of acres for illness two years ago in a fresh area through blood sweat and tears i started again now have nine farms up to 1500 acres there is no excuse for failing to get permissions when a old duffer like me can get them
  9. all i can say about the reply’s mate is there will now definitely be a record of their concerns with your name all over it yet again someone’s good name smeared and the guilty escape being held accountable now that is sick
  10. my sister inlaw is a social worker i know exactly how their minds work that’s why we have this sort of rubbish happening
  11. i would definitely be asking the head very loudly and in front of people why he thinks like that i didn’t raise both of mine on my own to take anyone questioning my parenting it’s not on complain mate very loudly
  12. the real concern should be how do these people’s mind work to come up with the sort of thought you would do anything wrong it’s very suspicious people have minds like that like any proper parent your only taking care of his hygiene i would rip the school a new one for questioning me like that
  13. no wonder you are proud my own daughter is a senior benefits officer for the council she encounters this sort of thing all to often some of the things she deals with would make you weep lots of young mums struggle half the time first thing she does is buy them a meal out of her own pocket
  14. talk about double standards we get all the talk of we must encourage as many as possible to enter field sports and then their own rep try’s to sting you for £400 i can’t wait to hear the explanation on this one
  15. at last one or two people are finally admitting the truth all basc can do to any threat is a stern letter and finger wagging had basc been honest enough to admit they had no teeth my own stance would not have been needed all private ownership of firearms will be banned unless you stop giving your hard earned money to a toothless yorkie i had my shooting career and will be gone when your left with nothing but a catapult this is about you wake up thank you
  16. full marks for trying I came up with a system as i got older chuck ten birds out watch from the land rover if they don’t start coming in grab the birds and move on saves time and dragging all the kit out wish i come up with it sooner
  17. pigeon shooting is like sex beg steal or borrow for it but never pay for it
  18. as the full extent of the so called royal support for field sports was slipping a gong into packhams back pocket the whole family should leave their a disgrace to shooting and the country
  19. finding they are really keen on sitting about at the moment myself i’m out for the next three days so hoping it’s changed well done for getting some top job
  20. same old hot air so as there is none so blind as them that refuse to see from now on certain people will longer receive invitations to any of my permissions on the grounds of safety especially mine should they see the light please let me know look forward to seeing everyone else as normal thank you
  21. i rubbed my hands finding two farms had a single field of rape but one field is the usual two bangs and gone and not a bird on the other one as of yesterday but on another farm they have gone mad for the seeds from the buckwheat sown as cover for the rape so i’m getting a few of that so not all bad think they have to much food for the rape seen them on ivy berries maize wheat stubbles yesterday
  22. put yourself in the farmers shoes the only man he wants to hear from that 300 pigeons are mowing his rape is the one dressed to go who then politely asks if you would like him to keep them of for the day as he has the kit with him because anyone else is wasting your time pigeon shooters don’t quit so get your kit on be that man and knock them doors until one opens
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