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  1. That's some bit of kit , you can dress a fine tudor gentleman... while wearing it and sport a fine cod piece....
  2. For info 4 of the puppies have been found, one has been sold ... Whereabouts unknown The 4 are at Bishop Auckland police station were a man and woman ate helping police with enquiries... Word went out all around the North East, also on the police Facebook sites ... so alls well
  3. From local facebook page Distinctive colours be on the look out ... 7 weeks old no mother to be seen will be the warning sign to any potential buyer
  4. If you turn the spacer in the stock it will become a Right hander ..... Do you have the full box of shims for adjusting cast and drop? And what length is the barral..
  5. The ultimate air rifle when I was young.... My mate said his brothers friend had one and he could light a match sticking in the ground using the open sights at 100 yards and that is how good they are...
  6. Sold and picked up by Verminator89 Thankyou
  7. Provisionally Sold to Verminator89. Thankyou..
  8. For Sale Mossberg 500 Hushpower in .410 bore Pump action silenced shotgun holds 3 cartridges (1 +2) Comes with the hushpower barral and the normal barral all in good condition, so you can swop from silenced to normal. Wooden stock version .. see photos Also comes with around 10 boxes of cartridges So all ready to go All for £580... Will NOT RFD ...do not ask pick up only ... Durham.
  9. Nice set up and a bargain for someone
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