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  1. Received all good - great thanks
  2. Or even read the rules Quite some time ago I asked a question about interpretation of the rules on a specific point and had a comment from a site admin to the effect that it was a surprise that someone had read the rules! D
  3. Handy to have an appropriately sized child to illustrate size. Do you take a selection of kids so you have an appropriately sized one for whatever you catch? D
  4. BSA Super Meteor Mk4 Break Barrel / Springer Air Rifle .22 calibre (sub 12 ft/lb) With Simmons Scope Purchased used last year to deal with a few cheeky rats and it has done it’s job so can exit stage right Shoots straight kills rats dead Reasonable all over condition but could be improved with a light cosmetic refinish but equally could be used as is As a used piece this rifle comes with some marks and wear on the woodwork but just what you would expect from use rather than abuse Just looking to get roughly what I paid back for the rifle £100 or very near offer Collection North Herts / (or Hampshire 21/22 Feb / Suffolk 26 Feb) or RFD available Happy to send close up high res photos via WhatsApp if you DM me your number Please note that the Wulf scope in the photo is not the Simmons scope that’s included with the rifle but is available separately (and zeroed)
  5. Hi presumably it’s 2+1 section 2 not FAC its difficult to tell from the picture but it appears to be a wooden stock - are there any splits or cracks in the wood? thanks D
  6. Hi id take this one please pm me your payment details D
  7. During all the talk about the terrible events in Blackpool (the murders and the riots), Nazir Afzal was interviewed by the BBC and advocated knife control and in the process of doing so referred the gun control legislation to be introduced after Dunblane as an example of how effective legislation could be. D
  8. Prompts the obvious question why was it basically "okay" before Covid and not since Covid? If the argument is that there's not enough money to supply and operate an effective service service and that's why the fees need to go up, irrespective of the amount of increase, there should be two key things happening 1) If more money is needed to fund firearms licensing then the money raised should only be used for firearms licensing (so there needs to be a process/accountability change there too) so effectively its ringfenced 2) Some forces publish their FL Department performance statistics quite happily - others don't. How can the Home Office assess how effective the service provided is without transparent statistics being available? Each issuing authority should be forced to publish quarterly stats (e.g. at the end of each quarter not 6 years after the fact). IMHO these two things should be front and centre of the thrust to get something back for the increase
  9. Even though there is a comment about 4 months being typical for a renewal most force areas have seen renewals take lots longer so I would suggest if you have a renewal coming up in the next 6-8 months I would be submitting it before 5 March
  10. What no public consultation? So will the concept of covering the cost of the extra FEOs and Firearms Licensing Department result in a service where you know how long its going to take to get a variation or renewal ? Possibly because theres fewer people that can afford it but I would like to think that all the extra money would go to that purpose and be ringfenced with SLAs and SLGs to the applicant! In fact if there was a standard £75 renewal and a fast track option that cost twice the amount of £150 but it had a service level guarantee of 4 weeks or something - I would personally pay the extra to get the service as long as it wasnt negative to those that took the standard route. D
  11. I actually looked up a few things about RAC after making that post and on their website they have a timeline that shows how the focus was on innovation and customer service talking about how they improved services by doing this and that until in 1999 it was acquired by Lex then the key milestones are focused on changing ownership revenue and customer acquisition and retention if you also look at the annual accounts it’s all focused on saying how financially secure and growing they are - I guess that’s the explanation RAC timeline: 1897: Founded as the Automobile Club of Great Britain 1901: Introduced uniformed patrols 1907: Given royal approval by Edward VII becoming the Royal Automobile Club 1912: Introduced roadside emergency telephone boxes 1987: Advanced Computer Aided Rescue System introduced 1998: RAC de-mutualised to become RAC Motoring Services Ltd 1999: Acquired by Lex Group 2002: Lex Group changes name to RAC Ltd 2005: Acquired by Aviva plc 2011: Acquired by Carlyle Group 2013: Launched new and used car buying website RACcars.co.uk 2014: Provided patrols with universal spare wheels 2014: GIC, Singapore’s sovereign wealth fund, becomes a co-shareholder with Carlyle Group 2015: Carlyle Group exited and CVC Capital Partners became co-shareholder with GIC 2016: Equipped patrols with state-of-the-art battery tester 2019: Developed RAC EV Boost – the first van-mounted unit to charge ‘flat’ electric cars – and the All-Wheels-Up recovery system which gave ‘flatbed’ capability to patrol vans 2021: Silver Lake, the global leader in technology investing, became a co-shareholder alongside RAC’s longstanding shareholders, GIC and CVC
  12. In the 80s & 90s RAC were the pinnacle of rescue/recovery services Our family used to operate several garages and worked on behalf of AA RAC Britannia Green Flag Mondial Police Council etc and did everything from bikes to HGVs It was always AA that left families stranded in car parks with no facilities with their “Relay” service I swore I would never join AA and yet as a direct result of RAC just jacking up the price year on year I went from being a member of about 27years to joining the AA Also if anyone thinks that an RAC used vehicle warranty is worth the paper it’s written on (IMHO) is in for a shock if they ever try to make a claim I just don’t know how a company that was so good has just become the frequent target for such attacks from so many members that claim to have been left in the lurch Clearly the focus is on money not service
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