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Everything posted by johnny

  1. johnny


    Iam on my 3rd lpg car now jeep disco then back to jeep not had any problems with them first 2 were single point. next car will be diesel though as the figures dont stack up anymore, although the car will be much cheaper to buy than a diesel. cheers john
  2. what will you be claiming for, have you lost out in some way does your thumb not work anymore? cheers john
  3. perhaps I should be in for a long service award coming up 9years for me on hear, seen plenty come and go the best ones are the ones who make a big thing of leaving the forum then come back abit later on. cheers john
  4. like already said will be to do with alternator
  5. I will take the bottom one if you still have it. pm sent
  6. Anyone got a spare magpie near cambridge. Cheers John
  7. nice photo's seeing loads now the seasons over, all on the pull I think.
  8. johnny


    didnt take long Loz. cheers john
  9. how did you get on rich? Iam looking foward to are day on the 24th hope thiers a few left. cheers john
  10. mines a 53 plate so not got a common rail system. thanks for the reply also interested in bio diesel anyone on that?
  11. got a ranger which has really bad fuel economy, thinking of mixing in some cooking oil. will it work and what mix should I use? cheers john
  12. deker when your game shooting do you shoot the low birds to have more of a chance of a clean kill or take a more sporting high bird a risk pricking it or do you shoot at everything?
  13. I think its been a good debate make a change for one not to get derailed by the idiots or turn into a slagging match. I ask the question earlier do deer shooters who shoot pheasants with rifles shoot muntjac with shotguns if they get the chance or is that a no no? cheers john
  14. dekers I hope know one from the shoot also reads this forum or I think the chance of you shooting there again are slim!
  15. With your views on game shooting why would you want to go? was it the lure of a big day?
  16. njc when your in the pigeon hide and not much is happening if a muntjac walked by say 10yds away would you shot that or leave it till you had your rifle? just curious. cheers john
  17. sorry njc if Ive offended you but reading your first post you said you had got nothing for dinner. also if I find something weird or pointless I dont tend to do it. ok its not illegle but is it right. As for me shooting big paid for days that does not happen I work on a farm not in the city. I do pick up on a big shoot and get a good beaters day for that other than that just small shoots, also your right if you shoot game you should take a brace just out of respect but thats another topic. cheers john
  18. do you think this video is the norm I would say not, I think the trouble is some people have to keep pulling the trigger and need big bags which they cant get rid off same as some go out to shoot rabbits, deer etc but if not getting many shots off will shoot anything. If I had anyone on my ground who shot a game bird when here vermin shooting that would be the last time they would be here.
  19. I cant belive some of the stuff on here. people worry about pheasants craping on golf course's or pecking at sports fields, people go stalking deer because there is nothing in the fridge for lunch but if no deer about shoot phesants with a deer rifle. I shoot pigeons and rabbits for part of my job on the farm they are shot purely for crop protection and because i enjoy it but I treat them the same as I would a rat. and I shoot game for sport and I will do my upmost to find any wounded birds, I eat game but all vermin get chucked unless someone asks me for the odd one or two.
  20. dekers what do you find game birds do to be a pest? I can see the damage geese can do to a field so would have to be controled cheers john
  21. seems to me we are heading the same way as are friends across the channel. just have to keep pulling the trigger no matter what! A sad day I reckon.
  22. Been a few posts on here latley about shooting game birds sitting at night or with a rifle. Ive only been shooting for twenty years and have never done or met anyone who has. Is it normal or right to do so? as I pefer my game birds with some sky round them. Interested to see what other peoples views are. cheers john
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