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Everything posted by clubb699

  1. Fantiastic pic I would say the wood will be hard to swallow though the meat looks great though
  2. Hi all, Cant beleive my luck here for some reson ive been watching this tree since the last time, unfortunatly for this guy below he landed 2 feet from the last guy this afternoon so i took my shot and missed the first time (funny really i could see the pellet mm from his head) anyway he stayed still and bingo got him second time round
  3. Wow i would be jumping for joy with that bag excellent bag
  4. Hi, Nice shooting unuasally nice looking gun
  5. Hi ya Have you acidentaly clicked the Lo-Fi Version at the bottom of the forums page. If so click on the click here link of this writing This is a "lo-fi" version of our main content. To view the full version with more information, formatting and images, please click here.<<<<<<<<<<<<<
  6. Excellent morning you have had there superb shooting
  7. Outstanding photgraphy :blink:
  8. Wow nice shooting leave us some lol :blink:
  9. supose im wishing i had a M82 Sniper rifle Cheers all
  10. Hi all well its been a while since i got anything, but this as been a 2 month battle at the bottom of my garden in the tree as been this pigeon, i must own up and have missed his head 4 maybe 5 times aiming sligtly above so not to make them suffer as i beilve if its not a head shot dont attempt Anyway this morning i glanced out the window and he had returned after a few weeks or so, so i loaded up my baby opened the door very slowly raised the scorpian got my friend just in the cross hair and Booooooooom Head shot Im one happy chappy this is my first pigeon with this Air gun Till next time
  11. Fantastic looks like some nice shots there :blink:
  12. What a great selection you got there, i would be over the moon with that bag :blink:
  13. Tell me about it i had a new Mountain bike rust and corrode on the aluminium chains and gear cables, because i used WD40 on it all :blink:
  14. Ok thanks just ordered some Abbey Gun & Rifle Oil should do the trick
  15. Hi all, Was given a oily rag to wipe down gun after using the gun, i could do with re-oiling my rag and was wondering what oil you lads are using to oil down the outside of the gun is it special gun oil or something else will be fine. Cheers in advance Ps Gun is BSA Scorpion
  16. Congrats matey, know how u feeling got a 5 month one myself clubb699
  17. Thanks for the tips, yes i have heard the breathing and stance is a big key to the success its something i was luckly told about Target shooting is something i would like to get into i have found some local clubs and will be paying them a visit. Went to the field but the pigeons beat me today dam branch Next time hey
  18. Its a mix of Deer hunter jacket and trousers and Real Tree gloves and mask well worth every penny IMO
  19. Hi ya nice shot May i ask what lamp is on the top of the rifle thats something i will be looking into buy next. Great picture Clubb699
  20. Thanks lads i cant believe it but went for an hour again today and got another one so will add these two, this was about 32 yards headshot Addicted is not the word
  21. Lovely gun, and a great shot there loads of blood
  22. wow thats some great shooting the bullet seem to rip them apart good and propper
  23. Thanks guys I must thank my other half for being patient and for giving in and taking my crazy pics *Clubb699 gets a nudge in his right rib cage *
  24. Hi all, Went out this morning tried my new full camo gear, wow what a diffrence it made i seemed to blend away within 10 mins and the rats came out to play, this dude came with 10 meters of me bad mistake for him hey. The Tree Rat Assasin Till next time
  25. Hi all Well me and Nitro have had a great morning its took about 4 days of scouting the field and trying to get a kill over my mates small woodland, we have learnt alot and watched the behaviour of the qarry. We went in darkness and waited for the light and wow it did come alive I hit the tree rat at just under 40yards and Nitro hit the pigeon at just under 35 yards To say we are happy is an understatment we are over the moon and both very addicted now
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