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Found 9 results

  1. Hello Everybody. I joined this forum end of last year I believe it was but have only just had a proper look through this fantastic forum. I think it's time I introduce myself! My name is James, I am 27 and from Derby. I have been shooting for a few years but only got my own license and gun (a Browning B525 sporter but I have recently changed it for a B525 Game One, the sporter was fantastic but I liked the less weight the game had) at the start of this year. Previously I had been shooting while under supervision. Before September last year I had only been shooting clays and didn't get into the game shooting side until I got my Fox Red working lab pup who I have been gundog training for about a year now. Gundog training has introduced me to the fantastic world of game shooting and working my now 1 year old lab (hopefully be introducing him to his first shoot soon but I don't want to rush him even though he is doing fantastic) I recently bought my first air gun, a BSA Ultra SE .22 and have gained my first permission at a small farm/horse yard. I bought this especially for this permission as a shotgun wasn't an option as the farm is small, close to residential houses and the noise could potentially spook the horses and cause an injury. I was offered the permission from the land owner as we keep our horse there and over a conversation about hobbies he said I could help myself to the rabbits as they are causing issues. He doesn't know much about guns and I didn't want to say 'oh sorry I've only got a shotgun so I can't' but then I also didn't want to rock up with my shotgun and start blasting away only for him to realise this is bad news lol so I thought it through and got my first air rifle. Before I let myself loose on the bunnies I spent a few weeks gaining confidence and knowledge by shooting in my back garden. I've been at the yard on the bunnies a few times now but have only managed to shoot one :-(. Because the yard also has other people who keep their horses there I have to wait until all the horses are in. There is also a lady there who is a vegetarian and is anti shooting so I wait until she has gone until I start. Unlucky that she is also the last to leave at around 8pm which lately has meant I have to lamp. I believe my misfortune is down to my own inexperience regarding stalking/ambushing the rabbits and I need to stop moving from field to field as there are only two fields. I've decided to stick to one field at a time and wait in ambush no matter how long it takes. But I'm taking all of this as a lesson and everyday is a school day. I'd love to get out with the shotgun and hopefully one day I will but as we all know that is easier said than done and I'd like to gain some experience before I start knocking on farmers doors asking if they want pest control and expecting me to deliver. I'm looking forward to spending time in this forum and gaining some knowledge and help from you all. Cheers James
  2. Hi I am looking for some help. I have a Armasite Drone pro x10 And I have had a kevgun mount fitted and he has permently Fixed a longer rail on top , but I am thinking of attaching a Le-032 range finder on it, my question is does anyone know would it work with this scope ( size get in the way of anything ?) would it fit and if so would it be better on the top or on the side. ? I do realise if fitted on the side it would be better to change to horizontal view.( seen it on YouTube with Russ Douglas) Would really appreciate some Advice..
  3. Hi folks. I have recently been given 5 shotguns. One of which happens to be a BSA 410 I am trying to find out its chamber length. I haven't disassembled it yet as the two screws are very tight , I have put WD40 on them and waiting for it to soak in. When I get it off, any ideas where and what to look for. It has proof marks on the action block but I am assuming the barrel has proof marks on under the forend. Advice and help always welcome. I cant seem to upload photo I have resized it several times but it wont have it . I can email or txt pic to interested parties if required, thanks in advance guys.
  4. I will be getting my first rifle caliber rifle soon (.223 straight pull AR15, 18" 1 in 8 barrel) and a friend of mine was saying I should spend a day shooting in the new barrel. His advice was to shoot 1 round and clean the barrel then repeat this for 10 shots allowing it to cool between each shot, then shoot a group of 5 then clean, allow to cool and repeat 5 times then shoot a couple of groups of 10 cleaning after 10 shots and allowing to cool before repeating. Is this good advice, a bad Idea or is he just taking the ****? I have rifles but one is a second hand .357 and the others are .22s so never done this before.
  5. Gents Im after a little bit of advice regarding watches. My parents bought me a large gold bracelet for my eighteenth which weighs about 6oz (don't ask why I wanted such a large bracelet but it was something that all of us lads had when we was eighteen). I should be able to get about £1800 for the bracelet but my old dear doesn't like the idea of me selling it just to fritter the money away, especially because it was a special birthday present. Therefore as a way round this, due to me never wearing the bracelet, I think I can convince her to let me sell it in order to buy a nice watch which I'll keep and ultimately use. I know very little about watches so basically I'm looking for a decent watch for under the 2k mark. I've always like the tag watches so can anyone recommend them or know if I should stay away as they are cack? Thanks in advance Dan
  6. I suspect that my graphics card in my PC has given up the ghost and I am going to ask a bit of a stupid question and I hope your replys will be kind. I see from the various retail outlets that I can buy indivdual graphics cards. Are they all plug and play or will I have to purchase a specific card for my own PC type. We dont use the PC for games, mostly for emails & surfing and storing photos and documents so I dont think it will be a top of the range card. I cannot tell you the model type as I am at offshore and at this time and my wife has told me she cant use the PC at all. It is a compack thats all I can remember. We have had the PC a good number of years so I am not sure if the whole package is due for an upgrade. Any advice? Cheers, BBL
  7. Have recently bought a new Browning B525 very pleased with the gun apart from the stock is to long for me as am only small 5'7" so short arms. I have compared the length of stock to a cheap knock about gun I got that feels perfect and have good results shooting with and my new guns stock is well over one inch longer. Will ring gunsmith I bought the gun off and see if he has a facility for taking an inch off it for me if he does what price do gunsmiths normally charge it's a basic model I got so no fancy wood what should I expect to pay and can they normally fit original but plate on any advice on matter would be a help.
  8. Hi all, after a recent promotion at work (and pay rise) I've decided to get a new motor. I have a few mates who have started going to 'the ring' recently and would like to join them on their trips. I was thinking of getting a Subaru impreza, I know not most people's cup of tea but something I've fancied for a while now. I started to look at insurance knowing it would not be cheap but after using the main comparison sites and a few specialist they all seem to be around the £4500 mark. Now as im 29 with 5 years NCD i feel it is very high. Then a mate tells me he's got a traders policy for mobile mechanics he does outside of his main job. So do any PW'ers have any similar experience or advice regarding performance insurance or traders policy's. Many thanks in advance for any advice given. ATB 425
  9. After a successful selling spree on that well known internet auction site, I have an unexpected windfall and have decided to treat myself to a new digital camera (budget £150 approx). I used to do a lot of photography with an old Pentax SLR, when I upgrade my mobile I expect to have a semi-decent point and shoot of about 5-8Mp. I am not sure what to get for a main camera though, are 'bridge' cameras any good? Your advice/input as ever always welcome. (Quick update on the 'situation': Kids fine, settled well, seem to love living with me; Dad, a bit fraught, love having the kids here, new g/f (early days), 3st weight loss!!)
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