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I would take it on every drive,but just keep it on the lead most of the time and just let it take in what is going on around it.Let it have a few retrieves, but mostly let it watch the days events.Has it been introduced to live game yet ?Thee will be lot's about on a 250 bird day and yung dogs can get carried away easily with so many birds(and suddenly become deaf <_< )

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she has seen live game, and has retrieved cold game, I put her three pheasants this morning and she sat on the whistle, realyl looking forward to it, first spaniel I have had, been working through the joe Irvin book, just doing four ttraining tasks a month. thanks for the replies so far

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hi paul71pc


At 12months old I wouldn’t personally take her out till next season or even maybe show her a couple near the end of the season, the less they see when young the better dog you’ll have, you could undo all your hard work if you show her too much.


Good luck with it though




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you can spoil a dog buy takeing it out to soon and especially if your training isnt 100% at teh end of the day its not a competition so take your time i wouldnt take her out all day fro a start but as said do a couple of drives , if you know there are a few drives with game crop then thats probable best as it slows the dog down and you can consontrat on them better and catch them if they step out of line , its a lot to ask of a 12 month dog to go straight out a do a day , how long do you train for a day most do 10-20 mins max so thers a hugh difference between that and a who day so work up to a day gradually and build the dogs confidence and fitnes up as well :good:

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if you know there are a few drives with game crop then thats probable best as it slows the dog down and you can consontrat on them better and catch them if they step out of line ,


Don't know what sort of game cover you've got on your place, but a game crop would be the LAST place I'd let a young dog off. You can't see what they're up to (especially in high maize etc) and the rows encourage the dogs to keep going in straight lines rather than quartering close in.


My gut feeling would be 12 mth springer - leave it till next season if you want a solid and reliable dog for many years to come :hmm:

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unless the dog is spot on I'd be tempted to wait a bit as well, I first took mine out at 18 months and she was on the lead to start with, theres nothing like a serious number of birds running about to blow a dogs mind. Mine just went to get the idea last season and will be out propper this one but she'll be getting a good walk before hand to steady her up a bit and even then I'll be more inclined to let her off in light cover where I can keep an eye on her than the thick stuff where blink and they can be at the far end of the cover and your ear drums are receiving a lashing off an irate keeper :hmm:

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i wouldnt take your dog yet let it get used to warm game at home first.on the shoots i go on if you have to have your dog on a lead all the time you wouldnt be asked back again.a dog on a lead is no good to a shoot but you have to be able to control it.if you want some beating have a look on www.pubs.myfunforum.org.they may be able to help

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paul as a trainer be very carefull taking her on a lead on a 250 bird day your going to see thousands of birds this could boil the dog and course her to yap with excitement id leave her at home and ask keep if he has anywere u could take her not on shoot days just doging in so she sees game and u can stop her if she chases

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