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lisnasharragh leprechauns


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So anyway after a couple of ph calls to our dearly beloved Firearms dept at Lisnasharragh

Where I was fobbed off/ sold a load of bull about my applic

( as in given quite different/contradictory information to what my local firearms officer had told me)

I finally in disgust phoned my firearms officer yesterday

Yes she had got a referral from dem leprehauns at Lishnasharragh

Wanting to know why I was looking for a second .22 for Virmin control / sporting use

When I had one already???

But says I my origional/existing .22 is for TARGET use only, per the detail on my FAC, and unsuitable for any other use

Quite right you are too she says

I will get back to them to that effect


Variation made in mid June

& it will be a month or two yet

Edited by dieseldogg
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No it is apparently merely symptomatic of the firearms staff being more knowledgable about & inmterested in Jimmy Choo shoes than actual GUNS.

Either that or they only employ illiterates/severe dyslexslicks( since they were apparently unable to even read the conditions in my origional FAC )

Hmmm jat

maybe I should apply for a start there

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Hi dieseldog could you not have taken one off and put one on, then apply to get the other back, I done this with a new shotgun I was buying, plus got my cartridge allowance increased and renewed by licence at the same time all done within six weeks, even received a phone call from the nice people at Lisnasharragh, although I do believe the civil service have taken more of the admin work since that so you are going to have to wait another few years.... sorry weeeeeeks good luck with it anyway

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whats happening in this countryis crazy would it happen in mainland uk i think not . lisnasharragh seems to be a law onto themselves. why some variations take 3 weeks and some take 12 months needs answered.myself waited 7 months for a one off one on after numerous phone calls to lisnasharragh and being told my appication was upstairs awaiting grant i contacted my local mla within 2 weeks i received my fac . anybody waiting more than 8 weeks should contact there local mla or mp . everybody needs to do this. and hopefully our firearms department will return to normal good luck.

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can anyone give an actual answer as to why theyve got this bad again? a couple of years back it took them 14 weeks to do a simple swap between one 22lr for another for me, after that they seemed to have bucked up their ideas (i know a guy who was granted a licence for a glock 17 before the gun was even in the country), now it seems theyre back to their old ways. i heard it was something to do with a new guy that took over, but you never know :good:

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you see in my opinion since firearms licesing changed to civilvilan support staff around 2004 things have never been really that great. i think there is a few reasons for this. 1 a total lack of understanding ie my local feo has been in the job for around 3 years now in which time she has met quite a few rf dealers who all have assisted her in her duty by way of information on different calibers types of firearms and ammo ect. yet a rfd informed myself recently that the feo asked him for assitance she wanted himself to id a weapon which she believed to be a .22 air rifle. it turned out to be a .223 caliber bolt action rifle. to his shock she then asked was there much difference in the 2 since both were of .22 caliber. 2 the staff in lisnasharragh have no interest whatsoever in whether a regrant variation ect takes 14 days or 14 months . is it really any wonder things are so bad.

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I believe there was some reference to a .17 Reminton

in respect of my .17 HMR application

Well , hey its the same caliber

Aint it :hmm:


Der MLA sounds to be the way to go

Since I cannot figgure which questions to ask under FoI

Anticipating a "Tony" type weasel non-answer reply

Perhaps we could start a concerted campaign under FoI though

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  • 3 weeks later...
was reading on another forum yesterday a lad from londonderry sent away to get a .222 rifle added on , he sent it away on the 3rd of jan. and he is still waiting thats nearly coming up to 11months :good: its a disgrace


They're mental altogether. There's probably only one (untrained) person manning the whole office...

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Stuff it

I am currently composing a letter to my MLA

It is however, taking some little time to eliminate the "rant"

(as I wish to, at least, appear reasonable)

I am also putting in an FOI request


I phoned yesterday to enquire very civilly, yet again as to the progress

"we are waiting for the Serial Nos Sir"

I was first told, they having brought my details up on the screen

Thats strange,

I replied, seeing as my RFD Faxxed them to you the same day he received your letter, dated 7th Oct,

I know this as I phoned him that evening.

Immediately changed tack, "its being dealt with now Sir" whatever that means when translated from Lishnasharragh speak

Really I dont care what pile of pooh I stir up

That shower need redding up

I commented to the wife that it was always a classic "bored Civil servant" response

Not that of someone under pressure

I have worked in local Government long enough to discern the difference :lol:

Back to work



More than one person, as far as I am aware I have not spoken to the same person twice

Not that they volunteer names ( or even a work number if security is a concern) or anything

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