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Guardian Hunting Poll


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My g/friend hunts,along with lots of her friends and i can assure you..She aint no snob....It's not about the "hunting"...It's about appresion and freedom.And the right to hunt...If they had there way,They'd ban the lot..Shooting,fishing even horse and dog racing on the grounds of animal welfare.....They forced it through to gain the votes of the urban voters.And tree huggers.......Now its all backfired on them with the economy falling through...People arent so gullable now...More fox's have been killed since the ban....Think on MC...It's nothing to do with class....I invite you to spend a day with the Four Burrow hunt here in Cornwall...Not a snob or Bigot in site...Just normal everyday people in the community....Doing what they've always done...Meeting up,Having a social..With a bit of hunting thrown in....You've got it so wrong MC...


I may be wrong, but I suspect MC is extracting the urine :sick:

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That maybe so....The master of the four burrow hunt..A Mr hancock is the man that drives around Cornwall Picking up fallen stock and getting paid £2 or £3 per animal to feed the hounds...Hardly the actions of a snob.....He was on the documentry "The lie of the land"...If he is indeed taking the ****,Then he should think on...Its that attitude that got the ban in the first place.... :sick:

Edited by smig4373
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I don't know how you can suggest that? The hunting ban is surely the finest piece of work that the labour party has achieved. It succeeded in sticking one up the snobs in red jackets and winning the class war.


I trust (and hope) that's MCs classy sense of humour coming to the fore! :blink:

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I don't know how you can suggest that? The hunting ban is surely the finest piece of work that the labour party has achieved. It succeeded in sticking one up the snobs in red jackets and winning the class war.


*** the two nearest hunts to me dont even use horses because of the terrain and they definitely are not posh. Class war Wow more like jealously for people who have money. so what if you don't like certain people there's no point ruining a sport for everyone else is there? you Are just as bad as the people who got it banned

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